## 0.1.0 (Unreleased) BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITIES / NOTES: * `compute_disk.image`: shorhand for disk images is no longer supported, and will display a diff if used [GH-1] IMPROVEMENTS: * Add an additional delay when checking for sql operations [GH-15170](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/15170) * Add support for importing `compute_backend_service` [GH-40] * Wait for disk resizes to complete [GH-1] * Support `connection_draining_timeout_sec` in `google_compute_region_backend_service` [GH-101] * Add support for labels and tags on GKE node_config [GH-7] BUG FIXES: * Changed `google_compute_instance_group_manager` `target_size` default to 0 [GH-65] * Represent GCS Bucket locations as uppercase in state. [GH-117]