layout: "google" page_title: "Google: google_composer_environment" sidebar_current: "docs-google-composer-environment" description: |- An environment for running orchestration tasks. --- # google\_composer\_environment An environment for running orchestration tasks. Environments run Apache Airflow software on Google infrastructure. To get more information about Environments, see: * [API documentation]( * How-to Guides * [Official Documentation]( * [Configuring Shared VPC for Composer Environments]( * [Apache Airflow Documentation]( ~> **Warning:** We **STRONGLY** recommend you read the [GCP guides]( as the Environment resource requires a long deployment process and involves several layers of GCP infrastructure, including a Kubernetes Engine cluster, Cloud Storage, and Compute networking resources. Due to limitations of the API, Terraform will not be able to automatically find or manage many of these underlying resources. In particular: * It can take up to one hour to create or update an environment resource. In addition, GCP may only detect some errors in configuration when they are used (e.g. ~40-50 minutes into the creation process), and is prone to limited error reporting. If you encounter confusing or uninformative errors, please verify your configuration is valid against GCP Cloud Composer before filing bugs against the Terraform provider. * **Environments create Google Cloud Storage buckets that do not get cleaned up automatically** on environment deletion. [More about Composer's use of Cloud Storage]( ## Example Usage ### Basic Usage ```hcl resource "google_composer_environment" "test" { name = "my-composer-env" region = "us-central1" } ``` ### With GKE and Compute Resource Dependencies **NOTE** To use service accounts, you need to give `role/composer.worker` to the service account on any resources that may be created for the environment (i.e. at a project level). This will probably require an explicit dependency on the IAM policy binding (see `google_project_iam_member` below). ```hcl resource "google_composer_environment" "test" { name = "%s" region = "us-central1" config { node_count = 4 node_config { zone = "us-central1-a" machine_type = "n1-standard-1" network = "${google_compute_network.test.self_link}" subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.test.self_link}" service_account = "${}" } } depends_on = ["google_project_iam_member.composer-worker"] } resource "google_compute_network" "test" { name = "composer-test-network" auto_create_subnetworks = false } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "test" { name = "composer-test-subnetwork" ip_cidr_range = "" region = "us-central1" network = "${google_compute_network.test.self_link}" } resource "google_service_account" "test" { account_id = "composer-env-account" display_name = "Test Service Account for Composer Environment" } resource "google_project_iam_member" "composer-worker" { role = "roles/composer.worker" member = "serviceAccount:${}" } ``` ### With Software (Airflow) Config ```hcl resource "google_composer_environment" "test" { name = "%s" region = "us-central1" config { software_config { airflow_config_overrides { core-load_example = "True" } pypi_packages { numpy = "" scipy = "==1.1.0" } env_variables { FOO = "bar" } } } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) Name of the environment - - - * `config` - (Optional) Configuration parameters for this environment Structure is documented below. * `labels` - (Optional) User-defined labels for this environment. The labels map can contain no more than 64 entries. Entries of the labels map are UTF8 strings that comply with the following restrictions: Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following regular expression: `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`. Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular expression `([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)?`. No more than 64 labels can be associated with a given environment. Both keys and values must be <= 128 bytes in size. * `region` - (Optional) The location or Compute Engine region for the environment. * `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used. The `config` block supports: * `node_count` - (Optional) The number of nodes in the Kubernetes Engine cluster that will be used to run this environment. * `node_config` - (Optional) The configuration used for the Kubernetes Engine cluster. Structure is documented below. * `software_config` - (Optional) The configuration settings for software inside the environment. Structure is documented below. The `node_config` block supports: * `zone` - (Optional) The Compute Engine zone in which to deploy the VMs running the Apache Airflow software, specified as the zone name or relative resource name (e.g. "projects/{project}/zones/{zone}"). Must belong to the enclosing environment's project and region. If both zone and machineType are specified, machineType must belong to this zone. If neither is specified, the service will pick default values in the specified resource's region. If only one of zone or machineType is specified, the location information from the specified field will be used for the location-unspecified field. * `machine_type` - (Optional) The Compute Engine machine type used for cluster instances, specified as a name or relative resource name. For example: "projects/{project}/zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{machineType}". Must belong to the enclosing environment's project and region/zone. If both zone and machineType are specified, machineType must belong to this zone. If neither is specified, the service will pick default values in the specified resource's region. If only one of zone or machineType is specified, the location information from the specified field will be used for the location-unspecified field. * `network` - (Optional) The Compute Engine network to be used for machine communications, specified as a self-link, relative resource name (e.g. "projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}"), by name. The network must belong to the environment's project. If unspecified, the "default" network ID in the environment's project is used. If a Custom Subnet Network is provided, subnetwork must also be provided. * `subnetwork` - (Optional) The Compute Engine subnetwork to be used for machine communications, , specified as a self-link, relative resource name (e.g. "projects/{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}"), or by name. If subnetwork is provided, network must also be provided and the subnetwork must belong to the enclosing environment's project and region. * `disk_size_gb` - (Optional) The disk size in GB used for node VMs. Minimum size is 20GB. If unspecified, defaults to 100GB. Cannot be updated. * `oauth_scopes` - (Optional) The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all node VMs. Cannot be updated. If empty, defaults to `[""]` * `service_account` - (Optional) The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If a service account is not specified, the "default" Compute Engine service account is used. Cannot be updated. If given, note that the service account must have `roles/composer.worker` for any GCP resources created under the Cloud Composer Environment. * `tags` - (Optional) The list of instance tags applied to all node VMs. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Cannot be updated. The `software_config` block supports: * `airflow_config_overrides` - (Optional) Apache Airflow configuration properties to override. Property keys contain the section and property names, separated by a hyphen, for example "core-dags_are_paused_at_creation". Section names must not contain hyphens ("-"), opening square brackets ("["), or closing square brackets ("]"). The property name must not be empty and cannot contain "=" or ";". Section and property names cannot contain characters: "." Apache Airflow configuration property names must be written in snake_case. Property values can contain any character, and can be written in any lower/upper case format. Certain Apache Airflow configuration property values are [blacklisted](, and cannot be overridden. * `pypi_packages` - (Optional) Custom Python Package Index (PyPI) packages to be installed in the environment. Keys refer to the lowercase package name (e.g. "numpy"). Values are the lowercase extras and version specifier (e.g. "==1.12.0", "[devel,gcp_api]", "[devel]>=1.8.2, <1.9.2"). To specify a package without pinning it to a version specifier, use the empty string as the value. * `env_variables` - (Optional) Additional environment variables to provide to the Apache Airflow scheduler, worker, and webserver processes. Environment variable names must match the regular expression `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`. They cannot specify Apache Airflow software configuration overrides (they cannot match the regular expression `AIRFLOW__[A-Z0-9_]+__[A-Z0-9_]+`), and they cannot match any of the following reserved names: ``` AIRFLOW_HOME C_FORCE_ROOT CONTAINER_NAME DAGS_FOLDER GCP_PROJECT GCS_BUCKET GKE_CLUSTER_NAME SQL_DATABASE SQL_INSTANCE SQL_PASSWORD SQL_PROJECT SQL_REGION SQL_USER ``` ## Attributes Reference In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported: * `config.gke_cluster` - The Kubernetes Engine cluster used to run this environment. * `config.dag_gcs_prefix` - The Cloud Storage prefix of the DAGs for this environment. Although Cloud Storage objects reside in a flat namespace, a hierarchical file tree can be simulated using '/'-delimited object name prefixes. DAG objects for this environment reside in a simulated directory with this prefix. * `config.airflow_uri` - The URI of the Apache Airflow Web UI hosted within this environment. * `config.software_config.image_version` - The version of the software running in the environment. This encapsulates both the version of Cloud Composer functionality and the version of Apache Airflow. It must match the regular expression `composer-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?-airflow-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+.*)?`. The Cloud Composer portion of the version is a semantic version. The portion of the image version following 'airflow-' is an official Apache Airflow repository release name. ## Timeouts This resource provides the following [Timeouts](/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts) configuration options: - `create` - Default is 60 minutes. - `update` - Default is 60 minutes. - `delete` - Default is 6 minutes. ## Import Environment can be imported using any of these accepted formats: ``` $ terraform import google_composer_environment.default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/environments/{{name}} $ terraform import google_composer_environment.default {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}} $ terraform import google_composer_environment.default {{name}} ```