package google import ( "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) func TestAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() folder := acctest.RandomWithPrefix("tf-test") org := getTestOrgFromEnv(t) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { // Test creation of an enforced boolean policy Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(org, folder, true), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationBooleanPolicy("bool", true), }, { // Test update from enforced to not Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(org, folder, false), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationBooleanPolicy("bool", false), }, { Config: " ", Destroy: true, }, { // Test creation of a not enforced boolean policy Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(org, folder, false), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationBooleanPolicy("bool", false), }, { // Test update from not enforced to enforced Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(org, folder, true), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationBooleanPolicy("bool", true), }, }, }) } func TestAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowAll(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() folder := acctest.RandomWithPrefix("tf-test") org := getTestOrgFromEnv(t) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowAll(org, folder), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyAll("list", "ALLOW"), }, }, }) } func TestAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowSome(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() folder := acctest.RandomWithPrefix("tf-test") org := getTestOrgFromEnv(t) project := getTestProjectFromEnv() resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowSome(org, folder, project), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyAllowedValues("list", []string{project}), }, }, }) } func TestAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_denySome(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() folder := acctest.RandomWithPrefix("tf-test") org := getTestOrgFromEnv(t) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_denySome(org, folder), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyDeniedValues("list", DENIED_ORG_POLICIES), }, }, }) } func TestAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_update(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() folder := acctest.RandomWithPrefix("tf-test") org := getTestOrgFromEnv(t) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowAll(org, folder), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyAll("list", "ALLOW"), }, { Config: testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_denySome(org, folder), Check: testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyDeniedValues("list", DENIED_ORG_POLICIES), }, }, }) } func testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { config := testAccProvider.Meta().(*Config) for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources { if rs.Type != "google_folder_organization_policy" { continue } folder := canonicalFolderId(rs.Primary.Attributes["folder"]) constraint := canonicalOrgPolicyConstraint(rs.Primary.Attributes["constraint"]) policy, err := config.clientResourceManager.Folders.GetOrgPolicy(folder, &cloudresourcemanager.GetOrgPolicyRequest{ Constraint: constraint, }).Do() if err != nil { return err } if policy.ListPolicy != nil || policy.BooleanPolicy != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Org policy with constraint '%s' hasn't been cleared", constraint) } } return nil } func testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationBooleanPolicy(n string, enforced bool) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { policy, err := getGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyTestResource(s, n) if err != nil { return err } if policy.BooleanPolicy.Enforced != enforced { return fmt.Errorf("Expected boolean policy enforcement to be '%t', got '%t'", enforced, policy.BooleanPolicy.Enforced) } return nil } } func testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyAll(n, policyType string) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { policy, err := getGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyTestResource(s, n) if err != nil { return err } if len(policy.ListPolicy.AllowedValues) > 0 || len(policy.ListPolicy.DeniedValues) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("The `values` field shouldn't be set") } if policy.ListPolicy.AllValues != policyType { return fmt.Errorf("The list policy should %s all values", policyType) } return nil } } func testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyAllowedValues(n string, values []string) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { policy, err := getGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyTestResource(s, n) if err != nil { return err } if !reflect.DeepEqual(policy.ListPolicy.AllowedValues, values) { return fmt.Errorf("Expected the list policy to allow '%s', instead allowed '%s'", values, policy.ListPolicy.AllowedValues) } return nil } } func testAccCheckGoogleFolderOrganizationListPolicyDeniedValues(n string, values []string) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { policy, err := getGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyTestResource(s, n) if err != nil { return err } if !reflect.DeepEqual(policy.ListPolicy.DeniedValues, values) { return fmt.Errorf("Expected the list policy to deny '%s', instead denied '%s'", values, policy.ListPolicy.DeniedValues) } return nil } } func getGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicyTestResource(s *terraform.State, n string) (*cloudresourcemanager.OrgPolicy, error) { rn := "google_folder_organization_policy." + n rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[rn] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", rn) } if rs.Primary.ID == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("No ID is set") } config := testAccProvider.Meta().(*Config) folder := canonicalFolderId(rs.Primary.Attributes["folder"]) return config.clientResourceManager.Folders.GetOrgPolicy(folder, &cloudresourcemanager.GetOrgPolicyRequest{ Constraint: rs.Primary.Attributes["constraint"], }).Do() } func testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_boolean(org, folder string, enforced bool) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "google_folder" "orgpolicy" { display_name = "%s" parent = "%s" } resource "google_folder_organization_policy" "bool" { # Test numeric folder ID. folder = "${replace(, "folders/", "")}" constraint = "constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess" boolean_policy { enforced = %t } } `, folder, "organizations/"+org, enforced) } func testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowAll(org, folder string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "google_folder" "orgpolicy" { display_name = "%s" parent = "%s" } resource "google_folder_organization_policy" "list" { folder = "${}" constraint = "constraints/" list_policy { allow { all = true } } } `, folder, "organizations/"+org) } func testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_allowSome(org, folder, project string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "google_folder" "orgpolicy" { display_name = "%s" parent = "%s" } resource "google_folder_organization_policy" "list" { folder = "${}" constraint = "constraints/compute.trustedImageProjects" list_policy { allow { values = ["%s"] } } } `, folder, "organizations/"+org, project) } func testAccGoogleFolderOrganizationPolicy_list_denySome(org, folder string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "google_folder" "orgpolicy" { display_name = "%s" parent = "%s" } resource "google_folder_organization_policy" "list" { folder = "${}" constraint = "" list_policy { deny { values = [ "", "", ] } } } `, folder, "organizations/"+org) }