package google import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" ) func TestAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() topic := fmt.Sprintf("tf-test-topic-%s", acctest.RandString(10)) subscription := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/tf-test-sub-%s", getTestProjectFromEnv(), acctest.RandString(10)) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckPubsubSubscriptionDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(topic, subscription, "bar", 20), }, { ResourceName: "", ImportStateId: subscription, ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, }, }, }) } func TestAccPubsubSubscription_update(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() topic := fmt.Sprintf("tf-test-topic-%s", acctest.RandString(10)) subscriptionShort := fmt.Sprintf("tf-test-sub-%s", acctest.RandString(10)) subscriptionLong := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/%s", getTestProjectFromEnv(), subscriptionShort) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckPubsubSubscriptionDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: testAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(topic, subscriptionLong, "bar", 20), }, { ResourceName: "", ImportStateId: subscriptionLong, ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, }, { Config: testAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(topic, subscriptionLong, "baz", 30), Check: resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "path", subscriptionLong, ), }, { ResourceName: "", ImportStateId: subscriptionLong, ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, }, { Config: testAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(topic, subscriptionShort, "baz", 30), Check: resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "path", subscriptionLong, ), }, { ResourceName: "", ImportStateId: subscriptionShort, ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, }, }, }) } // TODO: Add acceptance test for push delivery. // // Testing push endpoints is tricky for the following reason: // - You need a publicly accessible HTTPS server to handle POST requests in order to receive push messages. // - The server must present a valid SSL certificate signed by a certificate authority // - The server must be routable by DNS. // - You also need to validate that you own the domain (or have equivalent access to the endpoint). // - Finally, you must register the endpoint domain with the GCP project. // // An easy way to test this would be to create an App Engine Hello World app. With AppEngine, SSL certificate, DNS and domain registry is handled for us. // App Engine is not yet supported by Terraform but once it is, it will provide an easy path to testing push configs. // Another option would be to use Cloud Functions once Terraform support is added. func testAccPubsubSubscription_fullName(topic, subscription, label string, deadline int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "google_pubsub_topic" "foo" { name = "%s" } resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "foo" { name = "%s" topic = "${}" labels = { foo = "%s" } ack_deadline_seconds = %d }`, topic, subscription, label, deadline) } func TestGetComputedTopicName(t *testing.T) { type testData struct { project string topic string expected string } var testCases = []testData{ { project: "my-project", topic: "my-topic", expected: "projects/my-project/topics/my-topic", }, { project: "my-project", topic: "projects/another-project/topics/my-topic", expected: "projects/another-project/topics/my-topic", }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { computedTopicName := getComputedTopicName(testCase.project, testCase.topic) if computedTopicName != testCase.expected { t.Fatalf("bad computed topic name: %s' => expected %s", computedTopicName, testCase.expected) } } }