--- layout: "google" page_title: "google provider reference" sidebar_current: "docs-google-provider-reference" description: |- The Google provider is used to configure your GCP project, location, and creds --- # `google` provider reference -> We recently introduced the `google-beta` provider. See [Provider Versions](https://terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_versions.html) for more details on how to use `google-beta`. The `google` and `google-beta` provider blocks are used to configure default values for your GCP project and location (`zone` and `region`), and add your credentials. -> You can avoid using a provider block by using environment variables. Every field of `google` and `google-beta` is inferred from your environment when it has not been explicitly set. Even better - the GA and beta providers will both share the same values. ## Example Usage - Basic provider blocks ```hcl provider "google" { credentials = "${file("account.json")}" project = "my-project-id" region = "us-central1" zone = "us-central1-c" } ``` ```hcl provider "google-beta" { credentials = "${file("account.json")}" project = "my-project-id" region = "us-central1" zone = "us-central1-c" } ``` ## Example Usage - Using beta features with `google-beta` To use Google Cloud Platform features that are in beta, explicitly set the provider for your resource to `google-beta`. See [Provider Versions](https://terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_versions.html) for a full reference on how to use different GCP versions with the Google provider. ```hcl resource "google_compute_instance" "ga-instance" { provider = "google" # ... } resource "google_compute_instance" "beta-instance" { provider = "google-beta" # ... } ``` ## Configuration Reference The following keys can be used to configure the provider. Both `google` and `google-beta` share the same configuration. * `credentials` - (Optional) The path or contents of a file that contains your service account private key in JSON format. You can download your existing [Google Cloud service account file] from the Google Cloud Console, or you can create a new one from the same page. Credentials can also be specified using any of the following environment variables (listed in order of precedence): * `GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS` * `GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON` * `GCLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON` The [`GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`][adc] environment variable can also contain the path of a file to obtain credentials from. If no credentials are specified, the provider will fall back to using the [Google Application Default Credentials][adc]. If you are running Terraform from a GCE instance, see [Creating and Enabling Service Accounts for Instances][gce-service-account] for details. On your computer, if you have made your identity available as the Application Default Credentials by running [`gcloud auth application-default login`][gcloud adc], the provider will use your identity. -> [Service accounts][service accounts] are the recommended way to manage GCP credentials. [GCE metadata] is also acceptable, although it can only be used when running Terraform from within [certain GCP resources](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#obtaining_credentials_on_compute_engine_kubernetes_engine_app_engine_flexible_environment_and_cloud_functions). Credentials obtained through `gcloud` are not guaranteed to work for all APIs. * `access_token` - (Optional) An temporary [OAuth 2.0 access token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2) obtained from the Google Authorization server, i.e. the `Authorization: Bearer` token used to authenticate Google API HTTP requests. Access tokens can also be specified using any of the following environment variables (listed in order of precedence): * `GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN` -> These access tokens cannot be renewed by Terraform and thus will only work for at most 1 hour. If you anticipate Terraform needing access for more than one hour per run, please use `credentials` instead. Credentials are used to complete a two-legged OAuth 2.0 flow on your behalf to obtain access tokens and can be used renew or reauthenticate for tokens as needed. * `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project to apply any resources to. This can also be specified using any of the following environment variables (listed in order of precedence): * `GOOGLE_PROJECT` * `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT` * `GCLOUD_PROJECT` * `CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT` -> `GOOGLE_PROJECT` is the recommended environment variable to use if you choose to add your project using environment variables. * `region` - (Optional) The region to operate under, if not specified by a given resource. This can also be specified using any of the following environment variables (listed in order of precedence): * `GOOGLE_REGION` * `GCLOUD_REGION` * `CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION` * `zone` - (Optional) The zone to operate under, if not specified by a given resource. This can also be specified using any of the following environment variables (listed in order of precedence): * `GOOGLE_ZONE` * `GCLOUD_ZONE` * `CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE` [Google Cloud service account file]: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/serviceaccountkey [adc]: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production [gce-service-account]: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/authentication [gcloud adc]: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/auth/application-default/login [service accounts]: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started [GCE metadata]: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#obtaining_credentials_on_compute_engine_kubernetes_engine_app_engine_flexible_environment_and_cloud_functions