package deque // minCapacity is the smallest capacity that deque may have. // Must be power of 2 for bitwise modulus: x % n == x & (n - 1). const minCapacity = 16 // Deque represents a single instance of the deque data structure. type Deque struct { buf []interface{} head int tail int count int } // Len returns the number of elements currently stored in the queue. func (q *Deque) Len() int { return q.count } // PushBack appends an element to the back of the queue. Implements FIFO when // elements are removed with PopFront(), and LIFO when elements are removed // with PopBack(). func (q *Deque) PushBack(elem interface{}) { q.growIfFull() q.buf[q.tail] = elem // Calculate new tail position. q.tail = q.count++ } // PushFront prepends an element to the front of the queue. func (q *Deque) PushFront(elem interface{}) { q.growIfFull() // Calculate new head position. q.head = q.prev(q.head) q.buf[q.head] = elem q.count++ } // PopFront removes and returns the element from the front of the queue. // Implements FIFO when used with PushBack(). If the queue is empty, the call // panics. func (q *Deque) PopFront() interface{} { if q.count <= 0 { panic("deque: PopFront() called on empty queue") } ret := q.buf[q.head] q.buf[q.head] = nil // Calculate new head position. q.head = q.count-- q.shrinkIfExcess() return ret } // PopBack removes and returns the element from the back of the queue. // Implements LIFO when used with PushBack(). If the queue is empty, the call // panics. func (q *Deque) PopBack() interface{} { if q.count <= 0 { panic("deque: PopBack() called on empty queue") } // Calculate new tail position q.tail = q.prev(q.tail) // Remove value at tail. ret := q.buf[q.tail] q.buf[q.tail] = nil q.count-- q.shrinkIfExcess() return ret } // Front returns the element at the front of the queue. This is the element // that would be returned by PopFront(). This call panics if the queue is // empty. func (q *Deque) Front() interface{} { if q.count <= 0 { panic("deque: Front() called when empty") } return q.buf[q.head] } // Back returns the element at the back of the queue. This is the element // that would be returned by PopBack(). This call panics if the queue is // empty. func (q *Deque) Back() interface{} { if q.count <= 0 { panic("deque: Back() called when empty") } return q.buf[q.prev(q.tail)] } // At returns the element at index i in the queue without removing the element // from the queue. This method accepts only non-negative index values. At(0) // refers to the first element and is the same as Front(). At(Len()-1) refers // to the last element and is the same as Back(). If the index is invalid, the // call panics. // // The purpose of At is to allow Deque to serve as a more general purpose // circular buffer, where items are only added to and removed from the the ends // of the deque, but may be read from any place within the deque. Consider the // case of a fixed-size circular log buffer: A new entry is pushed onto one end // and when full the oldest is popped from the other end. All the log entries // in the buffer must be readable without altering the buffer contents. func (q *Deque) At(i int) interface{} { if i < 0 || i >= q.count { panic("deque: At() called with index out of range") } // bitwise modulus return q.buf[(q.head+i)&(len(q.buf)-1)] } // Clear removes all elements from the queue, but retains the current capacity. // This is useful when repeatedly reusing the queue at high frequency to avoid // GC during reuse. The queue will not be resized smaller as long as items are // only added. Only when items are removed is the queue subject to getting // resized smaller. func (q *Deque) Clear() { // bitwise modulus modBits := len(q.buf) - 1 for h := q.head; h != q.tail; h = (h + 1) & modBits { q.buf[h] = nil } q.head = 0 q.tail = 0 q.count = 0 } // Rotate rotates the deque n steps front-to-back. If n is negative, rotates // back-to-front. Having Deque provide Rotate() avoids resizing that could // happen if implementing rotation using only Pop and Push methods. func (q *Deque) Rotate(n int) { if q.count <= 1 { return } // Rotating a multiple of q.count is same as no rotation. n %= q.count if n == 0 { return } modBits := len(q.buf) - 1 // If no empty space in buffer, only move head and tail indexes. if q.head == q.tail { // Calculate new head and tail using bitwise modulus. q.head = (q.head + n) & modBits q.tail = (q.tail + n) & modBits return } if n < 0 { // Rotate back to front. for ; n < 0; n++ { // Calculate new head and tail using bitwise modulus. q.head = (q.head - 1) & modBits q.tail = (q.tail - 1) & modBits // Put tail value at head and remove value at tail. q.buf[q.head] = q.buf[q.tail] q.buf[q.tail] = nil } return } // Rotate front to back. for ; n > 0; n-- { // Put head value at tail and remove value at head. q.buf[q.tail] = q.buf[q.head] q.buf[q.head] = nil // Calculate new head and tail using bitwise modulus. q.head = (q.head + 1) & modBits q.tail = (q.tail + 1) & modBits } } // prev returns the previous buffer position wrapping around buffer. func (q *Deque) prev(i int) int { return (i - 1) & (len(q.buf) - 1) // bitwise modulus } // next returns the next buffer position wrapping around buffer. func (q *Deque) next(i int) int { return (i + 1) & (len(q.buf) - 1) // bitwise modulus } // growIfFull resizes up if the buffer is full. func (q *Deque) growIfFull() { if len(q.buf) == 0 { q.buf = make([]interface{}, minCapacity) return } if q.count == len(q.buf) { q.resize() } } // shrinkIfExcess resize down if the buffer 1/4 full. func (q *Deque) shrinkIfExcess() { if len(q.buf) > minCapacity && (q.count<<2) == len(q.buf) { q.resize() } } // resize resizes the deque to fit exactly twice its current contents. This is // used to grow the queue when it is full, and also to shrink it when it is // only a quarter full. func (q *Deque) resize() { newBuf := make([]interface{}, q.count<<1) if q.tail > q.head { copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:q.tail]) } else { n := copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:]) copy(newBuf[n:], q.buf[:q.tail]) } q.head = 0 q.tail = q.count q.buf = newBuf }