--- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual # changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated. # # Please read more about how to change this file in # .github/CONTRIBUTING.md. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- layout: "google" page_title: "Google: google_redis_instance" sidebar_current: "docs-google-redis-instance" description: |- A Google Cloud Redis instance. --- # google\_redis\_instance A Google Cloud Redis instance. To get more information about Instance, see: * [API documentation](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/redis/reference/rest/) * How-to Guides * [Official Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/redis/)
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## Example Usage - Redis Instance Basic ```hcl resource "google_redis_instance" "cache" { name = "memory-cache" memory_size_gb = 1 } ```
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## Example Usage - Redis Instance Full ```hcl resource "google_redis_instance" "cache" { name = "ha-memory-cache" tier = "STANDARD_HA" memory_size_gb = 1 location_id = "us-central1-a" alternative_location_id = "us-central1-f" authorized_network = "${google_compute_network.auto-network.self_link}" redis_version = "REDIS_3_2" display_name = "Terraform Test Instance" reserved_ip_range = "" labels = { my_key = "my_val" other_key = "other_val" } } resource "google_compute_network" "auto-network" { name = "authorized-network" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance. * `memory_size_gb` - (Required) Redis memory size in GiB. - - - * `alternative_location_id` - (Optional) Only applicable to STANDARD_HA tier which protects the instance against zonal failures by provisioning it across two zones. If provided, it must be a different zone from the one provided in [locationId]. * `authorized_network` - (Optional) The full name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the instance is connected. If left unspecified, the default network will be used. * `display_name` - (Optional) An arbitrary and optional user-provided name for the instance. * `labels` - (Optional) Resource labels to represent user provided metadata. * `redis_configs` - (Optional) Redis configuration parameters, according to http://redis.io/topics/config. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/redis/reference/rest/v1/projects.locations.instances#Instance.FIELDS.redis_configs * `location_id` - (Optional) The zone where the instance will be provisioned. If not provided, the service will choose a zone for the instance. For STANDARD_HA tier, instances will be created across two zones for protection against zonal failures. If [alternativeLocationId] is also provided, it must be different from [locationId]. * `redis_version` - (Optional) The version of Redis software. If not provided, latest supported version will be used. Updating the version will perform an upgrade/downgrade to the new version. Currently, the supported values are REDIS_3_2 for Redis 3.2. * `reserved_ip_range` - (Optional) The CIDR range of internal addresses that are reserved for this instance. If not provided, the service will choose an unused /29 block, for example, or Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping with existing subnets in an authorized network. * `tier` - (Optional) The service tier of the instance. Must be one of these values: - BASIC: standalone instance - STANDARD_HA: highly available primary/replica instances * `region` - (Optional) The name of the Redis region of the instance. * `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used. ## Attributes Reference In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported: * `create_time` - The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds. * `current_location_id` - The current zone where the Redis endpoint is placed. For Basic Tier instances, this will always be the same as the [locationId] provided by the user at creation time. For Standard Tier instances, this can be either [locationId] or [alternativeLocationId] and can change after a failover event. * `host` - Hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service. * `port` - The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint. ## Timeouts This resource provides the following [Timeouts](/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts) configuration options: - `create` - Default is 6 minutes. - `update` - Default is 6 minutes. - `delete` - Default is 6 minutes. ## Import Instance can be imported using any of these accepted formats: ``` $ terraform import google_redis_instance.default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/instances/{{name}} $ terraform import google_redis_instance.default {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}} $ terraform import google_redis_instance.default {{name}} ``` -> If you're importing a resource with beta features, make sure to include `-provider=google-beta` as an argument so that Terraform uses the correct provider to import your resource.