Updates container_cluster to set enable_legacy_abac to false by default (#1281)

* Updates the default GKE legacy ABAC setting to false

* Updates docs for container_cluster

* Update test comments

* Format fix

* Adds ImportState test step to default legacy ABAC test
This commit is contained in:
Michael Parker 2018-04-04 12:58:08 -05:00 committed by Dana Hoffman
parent f8efd6376b
commit b8adcc28fe
3 changed files with 40 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ func resourceContainerCluster() *schema.Resource {
"enable_legacy_abac": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: true,
Default: false,
"initial_node_count": {

View File

@ -374,6 +374,35 @@ func TestAccContainerCluster_withLegacyAbac(t *testing.T) {
Since GKE disables legacy ABAC by default in Kubernetes version 1.8+, and the default Kubernetes
version for GKE is also 1.8+, this test will ensure that legacy ABAC is disabled by default to be
more consistent with default settings in the Cloud Console
func TestAccContainerCluster_withDefaultLegacyAbac(t *testing.T) {
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckContainerClusterDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccContainerCluster_defaultLegacyAbac(acctest.RandString(10)),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("google_container_cluster.default_legacy_abac", "enable_legacy_abac", "false"),
ResourceName: "google_container_cluster.default_legacy_abac",
ImportStateIdPrefix: "us-central1-a/",
ImportState: true,
ImportStateVerify: true,
func TestAccContainerCluster_withVersion(t *testing.T) {
@ -1320,6 +1349,15 @@ resource "google_container_cluster" "with_kubernetes_alpha" {
}`, clusterName)
func testAccContainerCluster_defaultLegacyAbac(clusterName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "google_container_cluster" "default_legacy_abac" {
name = "cluster-test-%s"
zone = "us-central1-a"
initial_node_count = 1
}`, clusterName)
func testAccContainerCluster_withLegacyAbac(clusterName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "google_container_cluster" "with_legacy_abac" {

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ output "cluster_ca_certificate" {
* `enable_legacy_abac` - (Optional) Whether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for this cluster.
When enabled, identities in the system, including service accounts, nodes, and controllers,
will have statically granted permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC configuration or IAM.
Defaults to `true`
Defaults to `false`
* `initial_node_count` - (Optional) The number of nodes to create in this
cluster (not including the Kubernetes master). Must be set if `node_pool` is not set.