core: avoid diff mismatch on NewRemoved fields during -/+

fixes #1508

In a DESTROY/CREATE scenario, the plan diff will be run against the
state of the old instance, while the apply diff will be run against an
empty state (because the state is cleared when the destroy node does its

For complex attributes, this can result in keys that seem to disappear
between the two diffs, when in reality everything is working just fine.

Same() needs to take into account this scenario by analyzing NewRemoved
and treating as "Same" a diff that does indeed have that key removed.
This commit is contained in:
Paul Hinze 2015-04-13 18:56:48 -05:00 committed by Paul Hinze
parent f1e26ba5de
commit 29c83231ce

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@ -168,6 +168,34 @@ func TestAccComputeInstance_update_deprecated_network(t *testing.T) {
func TestAccComputeInstance_forceNewAndChangeMetadata(t *testing.T) {
var instance compute.Instance
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckComputeInstanceDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccComputeInstance_basic,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"google_compute_instance.foobar", &instance),
Config: testAccComputeInstance_forceNewAndChangeMetadata,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"google_compute_instance.foobar", &instance),
&instance, "qux", "true"),
func TestAccComputeInstance_update(t *testing.T) {
var instance compute.Instance
@ -432,6 +460,30 @@ resource "google_compute_instance" "foobar" {
// Update zone to ForceNew, and change metadata k/v entirely
// Generates diff mismatch
const testAccComputeInstance_forceNewAndChangeMetadata = `
resource "google_compute_instance" "foobar" {
name = "terraform-test"
machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
zone = "us-central1-a"
zone = "us-central1-b"
tags = ["baz"]
disk {
image = "debian-7-wheezy-v20140814"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config { }
metadata {
qux = "true"
// Update metadata, tags, and network_interface
const testAccComputeInstance_update = `
resource "google_compute_instance" "foobar" {