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package google
import (
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
func resourceStorageBucketAcl() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceStorageBucketAclCreate,
Read: resourceStorageBucketAclRead,
Update: resourceStorageBucketAclUpdate,
Delete: resourceStorageBucketAclDelete,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"bucket": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"default_acl": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
"predefined_acl": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
ConflictsWith: []string{"role_entity"},
"role_entity": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
ConflictsWith: []string{"predefined_acl"},
type RoleEntity struct {
Role string
Entity string
func getBucketAclId(bucket string) string {
return bucket + "-acl"
func getRoleEntityPair(role_entity string) (*RoleEntity, error) {
split := strings.Split(role_entity, ":")
if len(split) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error, each role entity pair must be " +
"formatted as ROLE:entity")
return &RoleEntity{Role: split[0], Entity: split[1]}, nil
func resourceStorageBucketAclCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
bucket := d.Get("bucket").(string)
predefined_acl := ""
default_acl := ""
role_entity := make([]interface{}, 0)
if v, ok := d.GetOk("predefined_acl"); ok {
predefined_acl = v.(string)
if v, ok := d.GetOk("role_entity"); ok {
role_entity = v.([]interface{})
if v, ok := d.GetOk("default_acl"); ok {
default_acl = v.(string)
if len(predefined_acl) > 0 {
res, err := config.clientStorage.Buckets.Get(bucket).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
res, err = config.clientStorage.Buckets.Update(bucket,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
if len(role_entity) > 0 {
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
current, err := config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.List(bucket).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving current ACLs: %s", err)
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
for _, v := range role_entity {
pair, err := getRoleEntityPair(v.(string))
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
if err != nil {
return err
var alreadyInserted bool
for _, cur := range current.Items {
if cur.Entity == pair.Entity && cur.Role == pair.Role {
alreadyInserted = true
if alreadyInserted {
log.Printf("[DEBUG]: pair %s-%s already exists, not trying to insert again\n", pair.Role, pair.Entity)
bucketAccessControl := &storage.BucketAccessControl{
Role: pair.Role,
Entity: pair.Entity,
log.Printf("[DEBUG]: storing re %s-%s", pair.Role, pair.Entity)
_, err = config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.Insert(bucket, bucketAccessControl).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating ACL for bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
if len(default_acl) > 0 {
res, err := config.clientStorage.Buckets.Get(bucket).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
res, err = config.clientStorage.Buckets.Update(bucket,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
return resourceStorageBucketAclRead(d, meta)
func resourceStorageBucketAclRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
bucket := d.Get("bucket").(string)
// The API offers no way to retrieve predefined ACLs,
// and we can't tell which access controls were created
// by the predefined roles, so...
// This is, needless to say, a bad state of affairs and
// should be fixed.
if _, ok := d.GetOk("role_entity"); ok {
res, err := config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.List(bucket).Do()
if err != nil {
return handleNotFoundError(err, d, fmt.Sprintf("Storage Bucket ACL for bucket %q", d.Get("bucket").(string)))
entities := make([]string, 0, len(res.Items))
for _, item := range res.Items {
entities = append(entities, item.Role+":"+item.Entity)
d.Set("role_entity", entities)
return nil
func resourceStorageBucketAclUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
bucket := d.Get("bucket").(string)
if d.HasChange("role_entity") {
bkt, err := config.clientStorage.Buckets.Get(bucket).Do()
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading bucket %q: %v", bucket, err)
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
project := strconv.FormatUint(bkt.ProjectNumber, 10)
o, n := d.GetChange("role_entity")
old_re, new_re := o.([]interface{}), n.([]interface{})
old_re_map := make(map[string]string)
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
for _, v := range old_re {
res, err := getRoleEntityPair(v.(string))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Old state has malformed Role/Entity pair: %v", err)
old_re_map[res.Entity] = res.Role
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
for _, v := range new_re {
pair, err := getRoleEntityPair(v.(string))
bucketAccessControl := &storage.BucketAccessControl{
Role: pair.Role,
Entity: pair.Entity,
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
// If the old state is missing this entity, it needs to be inserted
if _, ok := old_re_map[pair.Entity]; !ok {
_, err = config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.Insert(
bucket, bucketAccessControl).Do()
// Now we only store the keys that have to be removed
delete(old_re_map, pair.Entity)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating ACL for bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
for entity, role := range old_re_map {
if entity == fmt.Sprintf("project-owners-%s", project) && role == "OWNER" {
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
log.Printf("Skipping %s-%s; not deleting owner ACL.", role, entity)
log.Printf("[DEBUG]: removing entity %s", entity)
err := config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.Delete(bucket, entity).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating ACL for bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
return resourceStorageBucketAclRead(d, meta)
if d.HasChange("default_acl") {
default_acl := d.Get("default_acl").(string)
res, err := config.clientStorage.Buckets.Get(bucket).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
res, err = config.clientStorage.Buckets.Update(bucket,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating bucket %s: %v", bucket, err)
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
return resourceStorageBucketAclRead(d, meta)
return nil
func resourceStorageBucketAclDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
bucket := d.Get("bucket").(string)
bkt, err := config.clientStorage.Buckets.Get(bucket).Do()
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving bucket %q: %v", bucket, err)
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
project := strconv.FormatUint(bkt.ProjectNumber, 10)
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
re_local := d.Get("role_entity").([]interface{})
2015-10-07 20:35:06 +00:00
for _, v := range re_local {
res, err := getRoleEntityPair(v.(string))
if err != nil {
return err
if res.Entity == fmt.Sprintf("project-owners-%s", project) && res.Role == "OWNER" {
Deal with undeleatable bucket ACLs in storage. When GCS buckets are created, they're created with a set of default ACLs: * `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` * `OWNER:project-editors-{project_number}` * `READER:project-viewers-{project_number}` Normally, this would be fine, or a minor inconvenience. Terraform could either delete them itself, or the first apply of a user would overwrite them. However, trying to remove the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL yields an API error that the bucket owner must maintain OWNER access to the bucket. This breaks things like `terraform destroy`, but also means any config without that line in it will fail to apply, not just overwrite the value. To make matters worse, trying to *add* the `OWNER:project-owners-{project_number}` ACL to any bucket that already has it _also_ yields the same error about not being able to remove it. To get around this, the storage_bucket_acl resource has been updated to largely ignore _just this_ ACL. It will not try to add it if it already exists, will not try to remove it at all. This does mean that Terraform is incapable of removing this ACL from a bucket, but I'm not sure it's possible to do that with the API, anyways. Tests were also updated to keep the default ACLs as part of the config, and to change the email addresses to addresses we actually own. I tried changing to non-existant hashicorp.com email addresses, but was rejected; only email addresses that are backed by actual Google accounts can be used, sadly.
2017-09-15 19:03:03 +00:00
log.Printf("Skipping %s-%s; not deleting owner ACL.", res.Role, res.Entity)
log.Printf("[DEBUG]: removing entity %s", res.Entity)
err = config.clientStorage.BucketAccessControls.Delete(bucket, res.Entity).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting entity %s ACL: %s", res.Entity, err)
return nil