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package cty
import (
2019-05-20 17:29:42 +00:00
// setRules provides a Rules implementation for the ./set package that
// respects the equality rules for cty values of the given type.
// This implementation expects that values added to the set will be
// valid internal values for the given Type, which is to say that wrapping
// the given value in a Value struct along with the ruleset's type should
// produce a valid, working Value.
type setRules struct {
Type Type
2019-05-20 17:29:42 +00:00
var _ set.OrderedRules = setRules{}
// Hash returns a hash value for the receiver that can be used for equality
// checks where some inaccuracy is tolerable.
// The hash function is value-type-specific, so it is not meaningful to compare
// hash results for values of different types.
// This function is not safe to use for security-related applications, since
// the hash used is not strong enough.
func (val Value) Hash() int {
hashBytes := makeSetHashBytes(val)
return int(crc32.ChecksumIEEE(hashBytes))
func (r setRules) Hash(v interface{}) int {
return Value{
ty: r.Type,
v: v,
func (r setRules) Equivalent(v1 interface{}, v2 interface{}) bool {
v1v := Value{
ty: r.Type,
v: v1,
v2v := Value{
ty: r.Type,
v: v2,
eqv := v1v.Equals(v2v)
// By comparing the result to true we ensure that an Unknown result,
// which will result if either value is unknown, will be considered
// as non-equivalent. Two unknown values are not equivalent for the
// sake of set membership.
return eqv.v == true
2019-05-20 17:29:42 +00:00
// Less is an implementation of set.OrderedRules so that we can iterate over
// set elements in a consistent order, where such an order is possible.
func (r setRules) Less(v1, v2 interface{}) bool {
v1v := Value{
ty: r.Type,
v: v1,
v2v := Value{
ty: r.Type,
v: v2,
if v1v.RawEquals(v2v) { // Easy case: if they are equal then v1 can't be less
return false
// Null values always sort after non-null values
if v2v.IsNull() && !v1v.IsNull() {
return true
} else if v1v.IsNull() {
return false
// Unknown values always sort after known values
if v1v.IsKnown() && !v2v.IsKnown() {
return true
} else if !v1v.IsKnown() {
return false
switch r.Type {
case String:
// String values sort lexicographically
return v1v.AsString() < v2v.AsString()
case Bool:
// Weird to have a set of bools, but if we do then false sorts before true.
if v2v.True() || !v1v.True() {
return true
return false
case Number:
v1f := v1v.AsBigFloat()
v2f := v2v.AsBigFloat()
return v1f.Cmp(v2f) < 0
// No other types have a well-defined ordering, so we just produce a
// default consistent-but-undefined ordering then. This situation is
// not considered a compatibility constraint; callers should rely only
// on the ordering rules for primitive values.
v1h := makeSetHashBytes(v1v)
v2h := makeSetHashBytes(v2v)
return bytes.Compare(v1h, v2h) < 0
func makeSetHashBytes(val Value) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
appendSetHashBytes(val, &buf)
return buf.Bytes()
func appendSetHashBytes(val Value, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
// Exactly what bytes we generate here don't matter as long as the following
// constraints hold:
// - Unknown and null values all generate distinct strings from
// each other and from any normal value of the given type.
// - The delimiter used to separate items in a compound structure can
// never appear literally in any of its elements.
// Since we don't support hetrogenous lists we don't need to worry about
// collisions between values of different types, apart from
// PseudoTypeDynamic.
// If in practice we *do* get a collision then it's not a big deal because
// the Equivalent function will still distinguish values, but set
// performance will be best if we are able to produce a distinct string
// for each distinct value, unknown values notwithstanding.
if !val.IsKnown() {
if val.IsNull() {
switch val.ty {
case Number:
case Bool:
if val.v.(bool) {
} else {
case String:
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q", val.v.(string)))
if val.ty.IsMapType() {
val.ForEachElement(func(keyVal, elementVal Value) bool {
appendSetHashBytes(keyVal, buf)
appendSetHashBytes(elementVal, buf)
return false
if val.ty.IsListType() || val.ty.IsSetType() {
val.ForEachElement(func(keyVal, elementVal Value) bool {
appendSetHashBytes(elementVal, buf)
return false
if val.ty.IsObjectType() {
attrNames := make([]string, 0, len(val.ty.AttributeTypes()))
for attrName := range val.ty.AttributeTypes() {
attrNames = append(attrNames, attrName)
for _, attrName := range attrNames {
appendSetHashBytes(val.GetAttr(attrName), buf)
if val.ty.IsTupleType() {
val.ForEachElement(func(keyVal, elementVal Value) bool {
appendSetHashBytes(elementVal, buf)
return false
// should never get down here
panic("unsupported type in set hash")