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layout: "google"
page_title: "Google: google_monitoring_alert_policy"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-monitoring-alert-policy"
description: |-
A description of the conditions under which some aspect of your system is
considered to be "unhealthy" and the ways to notify people or services
about this state.
# google\_monitoring\_alert\_policy
A description of the conditions under which some aspect of your system is
considered to be "unhealthy" and the ways to notify people or services
about this state.
To get more information about AlertPolicy, see:
* [API documentation](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/ref_v3/rest/v3/projects.alertPolicies)
* How-to Guides
* [Official Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/alerts/)
## Example Usage
### Basic Usage
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "basic" {
display_name = "Test Policy Basic"
combiner = "OR"
conditions = [
display_name = "test condition"
condition_threshold {
filter = "metric.type=\"compute.googleapis.com/instance/disk/write_bytes_count\" AND resource.type=\"gce_instance\""
duration = "60s"
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
aggregations = [
alignment_period = "60s"
per_series_aligner = "ALIGN_RATE"
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `display_name` -
A short name or phrase used to identify the policy in
dashboards, notifications, and incidents. To avoid confusion, don't use
the same display name for multiple policies in the same project. The
name is limited to 512 Unicode characters.
* `combiner` -
How to combine the results of multiple conditions to
determine if an incident should be opened.
* `conditions` -
A list of conditions for the policy. The conditions are combined by
AND or OR according to the combiner field. If the combined conditions
evaluate to true, then an incident is created. A policy can have from
one to six conditions. Structure is documented below.
The `conditions` block supports:
* `condition_absent` -
A condition that checks that a time series
continues to receive new data points. Structure is documented below.
* `name` -
The unique resource name for this condition.
Its syntax is:
[CONDITION_ID] is assigned by Stackdriver Monitoring when
the condition is created as part of a new or updated alerting
* `condition_threshold` -
A condition that compares a time series against a
threshold. Structure is documented below.
* `display_name` -
A short name or phrase used to identify the
condition in dashboards, notifications, and
incidents. To avoid confusion, don't use the same
display name for multiple conditions in the same
The `condition_absent` block supports:
* `aggregations` -
Specifies the alignment of data points in
individual time series as well as how to
combine the retrieved time series together
(such as when aggregating multiple streams
on each resource to a single stream for each
resource or when aggregating streams across
all members of a group of resrouces).
Multiple aggregations are applied in the
order specified. Structure is documented below.
* `trigger` -
The number/percent of time series for which
the comparison must hold in order for the
condition to trigger. If unspecified, then
the condition will trigger if the comparison
is true for any of the time series that have
been identified by filter and aggregations. Structure is documented below.
* `duration` -
The amount of time that a time series must
fail to report new data to be considered
failing. Currently, only values that are a
multiple of a minute--e.g. 60s, 120s, or 300s
--are supported.
* `filter` -
A filter that identifies which time series
should be compared with the threshold.The
filter is similar to the one that is
specified in the
MetricService.ListTimeSeries request (that
call is useful to verify the time series
that will be retrieved / processed) and must
specify the metric type and optionally may
contain restrictions on resource type,
resource labels, and metric labels. This
field may not exceed 2048 Unicode characters
in length.
The `aggregations` block supports:
* `per_series_aligner` -
The approach to be used to align
individual time series. Not all
alignment functions may be applied
to all time series, depending on
the metric type and value type of
the original time series.
Alignment may change the metric
type or the value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
* `group_by_fields` -
The set of fields to preserve when
crossSeriesReducer is specified.
The groupByFields determine how
the time series are partitioned
into subsets prior to applying the
aggregation function. Each subset
contains time series that have the
same value for each of the
grouping fields. Each individual
time series is a member of exactly
one subset. The crossSeriesReducer
is applied to each subset of time
series. It is not possible to
reduce across different resource
types, so this field implicitly
contains resource.type. Fields not
specified in groupByFields are
aggregated away. If groupByFields
is not specified and all the time
series have the same resource
type, then the time series are
aggregated into a single output
time series. If crossSeriesReducer
is not defined, this field is
* `alignment_period` -
The alignment period for per-time
series alignment. If present,
alignmentPeriod must be at least
60 seconds. After per-time series
alignment, each time series will
contain data points only on the
period boundaries. If
perSeriesAligner is not specified
or equals ALIGN_NONE, then this
field is ignored. If
perSeriesAligner is specified and
does not equal ALIGN_NONE, then
this field must be defined;
otherwise an error is returned.
* `cross_series_reducer` -
The approach to be used to combine
time series. Not all reducer
functions may be applied to all
time series, depending on the
metric type and the value type of
the original time series.
Reduction may change the metric
type of value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
The `trigger` block supports:
* `percent` -
The percentage of time series that
must fail the predicate for the
condition to be triggered.
* `count` -
The absolute number of time series
that must fail the predicate for the
condition to be triggered.
The `condition_threshold` block supports:
* `threshold_value` -
A value against which to compare the time
* `denominator_filter` -
A filter that identifies a time series that
should be used as the denominator of a ratio
that will be compared with the threshold. If
a denominator_filter is specified, the time
series specified by the filter field will be
used as the numerator.The filter is similar
to the one that is specified in the
MetricService.ListTimeSeries request (that
call is useful to verify the time series
that will be retrieved / processed) and must
specify the metric type and optionally may
contain restrictions on resource type,
resource labels, and metric labels. This
field may not exceed 2048 Unicode characters
in length.
* `denominator_aggregations` -
Specifies the alignment of data points in
individual time series selected by
denominatorFilter as well as how to combine
the retrieved time series together (such as
when aggregating multiple streams on each
resource to a single stream for each
resource or when aggregating streams across
all members of a group of resources).When
computing ratios, the aggregations and
denominator_aggregations fields must use the
same alignment period and produce time
series that have the same periodicity and
labels.This field is similar to the one in
the MetricService.ListTimeSeries request. It
is advisable to use the ListTimeSeries
method when debugging this field. Structure is documented below.
* `duration` -
The amount of time that a time series must
violate the threshold to be considered
failing. Currently, only values that are a
multiple of a minute--e.g., 0, 60, 120, or
300 seconds--are supported. If an invalid
value is given, an error will be returned.
When choosing a duration, it is useful to
keep in mind the frequency of the underlying
time series data (which may also be affected
by any alignments specified in the
aggregations field); a good duration is long
enough so that a single outlier does not
generate spurious alerts, but short enough
that unhealthy states are detected and
alerted on quickly.
* `comparison` -
The comparison to apply between the time
series (indicated by filter and aggregation)
and the threshold (indicated by
threshold_value). The comparison is applied
on each time series, with the time series on
the left-hand side and the threshold on the
right-hand side. Only COMPARISON_LT and
COMPARISON_GT are supported currently.
* `trigger` -
The number/percent of time series for which
the comparison must hold in order for the
condition to trigger. If unspecified, then
the condition will trigger if the comparison
is true for any of the time series that have
been identified by filter and aggregations,
or by the ratio, if denominator_filter and
denominator_aggregations are specified. Structure is documented below.
* `aggregations` -
Specifies the alignment of data points in
individual time series as well as how to
combine the retrieved time series together
(such as when aggregating multiple streams
on each resource to a single stream for each
resource or when aggregating streams across
all members of a group of resrouces).
Multiple aggregations are applied in the
order specified.This field is similar to the
one in the MetricService.ListTimeSeries
request. It is advisable to use the
ListTimeSeries method when debugging this
field. Structure is documented below.
* `filter` -
A filter that identifies which time series
should be compared with the threshold.The
filter is similar to the one that is
specified in the
MetricService.ListTimeSeries request (that
call is useful to verify the time series
that will be retrieved / processed) and must
specify the metric type and optionally may
contain restrictions on resource type,
resource labels, and metric labels. This
field may not exceed 2048 Unicode characters
in length.
The `denominator_aggregations` block supports:
* `per_series_aligner` -
The approach to be used to align
individual time series. Not all
alignment functions may be applied
to all time series, depending on
the metric type and value type of
the original time series.
Alignment may change the metric
type or the value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
* `group_by_fields` -
The set of fields to preserve when
crossSeriesReducer is specified.
The groupByFields determine how
the time series are partitioned
into subsets prior to applying the
aggregation function. Each subset
contains time series that have the
same value for each of the
grouping fields. Each individual
time series is a member of exactly
one subset. The crossSeriesReducer
is applied to each subset of time
series. It is not possible to
reduce across different resource
types, so this field implicitly
contains resource.type. Fields not
specified in groupByFields are
aggregated away. If groupByFields
is not specified and all the time
series have the same resource
type, then the time series are
aggregated into a single output
time series. If crossSeriesReducer
is not defined, this field is
* `alignment_period` -
The alignment period for per-time
series alignment. If present,
alignmentPeriod must be at least
60 seconds. After per-time series
alignment, each time series will
contain data points only on the
period boundaries. If
perSeriesAligner is not specified
or equals ALIGN_NONE, then this
field is ignored. If
perSeriesAligner is specified and
does not equal ALIGN_NONE, then
this field must be defined;
otherwise an error is returned.
* `cross_series_reducer` -
The approach to be used to combine
time series. Not all reducer
functions may be applied to all
time series, depending on the
metric type and the value type of
the original time series.
Reduction may change the metric
type of value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
The `trigger` block supports:
* `percent` -
The percentage of time series that
must fail the predicate for the
condition to be triggered.
* `count` -
The absolute number of time series
that must fail the predicate for the
condition to be triggered.
The `aggregations` block supports:
* `per_series_aligner` -
The approach to be used to align
individual time series. Not all
alignment functions may be applied
to all time series, depending on
the metric type and value type of
the original time series.
Alignment may change the metric
type or the value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
* `group_by_fields` -
The set of fields to preserve when
crossSeriesReducer is specified.
The groupByFields determine how
the time series are partitioned
into subsets prior to applying the
aggregation function. Each subset
contains time series that have the
same value for each of the
grouping fields. Each individual
time series is a member of exactly
one subset. The crossSeriesReducer
is applied to each subset of time
series. It is not possible to
reduce across different resource
types, so this field implicitly
contains resource.type. Fields not
specified in groupByFields are
aggregated away. If groupByFields
is not specified and all the time
series have the same resource
type, then the time series are
aggregated into a single output
time series. If crossSeriesReducer
is not defined, this field is
* `alignment_period` -
The alignment period for per-time
series alignment. If present,
alignmentPeriod must be at least
60 seconds. After per-time series
alignment, each time series will
contain data points only on the
period boundaries. If
perSeriesAligner is not specified
or equals ALIGN_NONE, then this
field is ignored. If
perSeriesAligner is specified and
does not equal ALIGN_NONE, then
this field must be defined;
otherwise an error is returned.
* `cross_series_reducer` -
The approach to be used to combine
time series. Not all reducer
functions may be applied to all
time series, depending on the
metric type and the value type of
the original time series.
Reduction may change the metric
type of value type of the time
series.Time series data must be
aligned in order to perform cross-
time series reduction. If
crossSeriesReducer is specified,
then perSeriesAligner must be
specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE
and alignmentPeriod must be
specified; otherwise, an error is
- - -
* `enabled` -
Whether or not the policy is enabled. The default is true.
* `notification_channels` -
Identifies the notification channels to which notifications should be
sent when incidents are opened or closed or when new violations occur
on an already opened incident. Each element of this array corresponds
to the name field in each of the NotificationChannel objects that are
returned from the notificationChannels.list method. The syntax of the
entries in this field is
* `labels` -
User-supplied key/value data to be used for organizing AlertPolicy objects.
* `documentation` -
A short name or phrase used to identify the policy in dashboards,
notifications, and incidents. To avoid confusion, don't use the same
display name for multiple policies in the same project. The name is
limited to 512 Unicode characters. Structure is documented below.
* `project` - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs.
If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
The `documentation` block supports:
* `content` -
The text of the documentation, interpreted according to mimeType.
The content may not exceed 8,192 Unicode characters and may not
exceed more than 10,240 bytes when encoded in UTF-8 format,
whichever is smaller.
* `mime_type` -
The format of the content field. Presently, only the value
"text/markdown" is supported.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:
* `name` -
The unique resource name for this policy.
Its syntax is: projects/[PROJECT_ID]/alertPolicies/[ALERT_POLICY_ID]
* `creation_record` -
A read-only record of the creation of the alerting policy.
If provided in a call to create or update, this field will
be ignored. Structure is documented below.
The `creation_record` block contains:
* `mutate_time` -
When the change occurred.
* `mutated_by` -
The email address of the user making the change.
## Timeouts
This resource provides the following
[Timeouts](/docs/configuration/resources.html#timeouts) configuration options:
- `create` - Default is 4 minutes.
- `update` - Default is 4 minutes.
- `delete` - Default is 4 minutes.
## Import
AlertPolicy can be imported using any of these accepted formats:
$ terraform import google_monitoring_alert_policy.default {{name}}
-> If you're importing a resource with beta features, make sure to include `provider=google-beta"
as an argument so that Terraform uses the correct provider to import your resource.