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layout: "google"
page_title: "Google Provider Versions"
sidebar_current: "docs-google-provider-versions"
description: |-
How to use the different Google Provider versions
# Google Provider Versions
Starting with version `1.19.0`, there are two versions of the Google provider:
* `google`
* `google-beta`
All GA (generally available) products and features are available in both
versions of the provider.
From version `2.0.0` onwards, beta GCP features are only available in the `google-beta` provider.
Beta GCP features have no deprecation policy and no SLA, but are otherwise considered to be feature-complete
with only minor outstanding issues after their Alpha period. Beta is when GCP
features are publicly announced, and is when they generally become publicly
available. For more information see [the official documentation on GCP launch stages](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages).
The beta provider sends all requests to the beta endpoint for GCP if one exists
for that product, regardless of whether the request contains any beta features.
-> Using `google-beta` over `google` is similar to using `gcloud beta` over `gcloud`.
Features that are exclusively available in `google-beta` are GCP features that
are not yet GA, and they will be made available in `google` after their GA launch.
## Using the `google-beta` provider
To use the `google-beta` provider, explicitly define a `google-beta` provider
block, and state on the resource which provider you wish to use.
provider "google-beta" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project-id"
region = "us-central1"
resource "google_compute_instance" "beta-instance" {
provider = "google-beta"
# ...
~> If the `provider` field is omitted, Terraform will implicitly use the `google`
provider by default even if you have only defined a `google-beta` provider block.
## Using both provider versions together
To have resources at different API versions, set up provider blocks for each version:
provider "google" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project-id"
region = "us-central1"
provider "google-beta" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project-id"
region = "us-central1"
In each resource, state which provider that resource should be used with:
resource "google_compute_instance" "ga-instance" {
provider = "google"
# ...
resource "google_compute_instance" "beta-instance" {
provider = "google-beta"
# ...
## Converting resources between versions
Resources can safely be converted from one version to the other without needing to rebuild infrastructure.
To go from GA to beta, change the `provider` field from `"google"` to `"google-beta"`.
To go from beta to GA, do the reverse. If you were previously using beta fields that you no longer wish to use:
2018-10-04 02:28:20 +00:00
1. (Optional) Explicitly set the fields back to their default values in your Terraform config file, and run `terraform apply`.
2018-10-04 02:34:05 +00:00
1. Change the `provider` field to `"google"`.
1. Remove any beta fields from your Terraform config.
2018-10-04 02:28:20 +00:00
1. Run `terraform plan` or `terraform refresh`+`terraform show` to see that the beta fields are no longer in state.