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package google
import (
containerBeta "google.golang.org/api/container/v1beta1"
func resourceContainerNodePool() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceContainerNodePoolCreate,
Read: resourceContainerNodePoolRead,
Update: resourceContainerNodePoolUpdate,
Delete: resourceContainerNodePoolDelete,
Exists: resourceContainerNodePoolExists,
Timeouts: &schema.ResourceTimeout{
Create: schema.DefaultTimeout(30 * time.Minute),
Update: schema.DefaultTimeout(10 * time.Minute),
Delete: schema.DefaultTimeout(10 * time.Minute),
SchemaVersion: 1,
MigrateState: resourceContainerNodePoolMigrateState,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
State: resourceContainerNodePoolStateImporter,
Schema: mergeSchemas(
"project": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
ForceNew: true,
"zone": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
ForceNew: true,
"cluster": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
"region": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
var schemaNodePool = map[string]*schema.Schema{
"autoscaling": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"min_node_count": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0),
"max_node_count": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(1),
"max_pods_per_node": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"initial_node_count": &schema.Schema{
2018-03-13 18:45:01 +00:00
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Computed: true,
"instance_group_urls": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Computed: true,
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
"management": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"auto_repair": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
"auto_upgrade": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
"name": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
ForceNew: true,
"name_prefix": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
ForceNew: true,
Deprecated: "Use the random provider instead. See migration instructions at " +
"node_config": schemaNodeConfig,
"node_count": {
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
2017-11-17 01:38:42 +00:00
ValidateFunc: validation.IntAtLeast(0),
"version": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
type NodePoolInformation struct {
project string
location string
cluster string
func (nodePoolInformation *NodePoolInformation) fullyQualifiedName(nodeName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
func (nodePoolInformation *NodePoolInformation) parent() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
func (nodePoolInformation *NodePoolInformation) lockKey() string {
return containerClusterMutexKey(nodePoolInformation.project,
nodePoolInformation.location, nodePoolInformation.cluster)
func extractNodePoolInformation(d *schema.ResourceData, config *Config) (*NodePoolInformation, error) {
project, err := getProject(d, config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
location, err := getLocation(d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &NodePoolInformation{
project: project,
location: location,
cluster: d.Get("cluster").(string),
}, nil
func resourceContainerNodePoolCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
nodePoolInfo, err := extractNodePoolInformation(d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
nodePool, err := expandNodePool(d, "")
if err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
defer mutexKV.Unlock(nodePoolInfo.lockKey())
req := &containerBeta.CreateNodePoolRequest{
NodePool: nodePool,
timeout := d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutCreate)
startTime := time.Now()
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
var operation *containerBeta.Operation
err = resource.Retry(timeout, func() *resource.RetryError {
operation, err = config.clientContainerBeta.
Projects.Locations.Clusters.NodePools.Create(nodePoolInfo.parent(), req).Do()
if err != nil {
if isFailedPreconditionError(err) {
// We get failed precondition errors if the cluster is updating
// while we try to add the node pool.
return resource.RetryableError(err)
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
return nil
if err != nil {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return fmt.Errorf("error creating NodePool: %s", err)
timeout -= time.Since(startTime)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", nodePoolInfo.location, nodePoolInfo.cluster, nodePool.Name))
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
waitErr := containerBetaOperationWait(config,
operation, nodePoolInfo.project,
nodePoolInfo.location, "creating GKE NodePool", int(timeout.Minutes()), 3)
if waitErr != nil {
// The resource didn't actually create
return waitErr
log.Printf("[INFO] GKE NodePool %s has been created", nodePool.Name)
return resourceContainerNodePoolRead(d, meta)
func resourceContainerNodePoolRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
nodePoolInfo, err := extractNodePoolInformation(d, config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
name := getNodePoolName(d.Id())
if err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
var nodePool = &containerBeta.NodePool{}
err = resource.Retry(2*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError {
nodePool, err = config.clientContainerBeta.
if err != nil {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
if nodePool.Status != "RUNNING" {
return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("Nodepool %q has status %q with message %q", d.Get("name"), nodePool.Status, nodePool.StatusMessage))
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return nil
if err != nil {
return handleNotFoundError(err, d, fmt.Sprintf("NodePool %q from cluster %q", name, nodePoolInfo.cluster))
npMap, err := flattenNodePool(d, config, nodePool, "")
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range npMap {
d.Set(k, v)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
if isZone(nodePoolInfo.location) {
d.Set("zone", nodePoolInfo.location)
} else {
d.Set("region", nodePoolInfo.location)
d.Set("project", nodePoolInfo.project)
return nil
func resourceContainerNodePoolUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
config := meta.(*Config)
timeoutInMinutes := int(d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutUpdate).Minutes())
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
nodePoolInfo, err := extractNodePoolInformation(d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
if err := nodePoolUpdate(d, meta, nodePoolInfo, "", timeoutInMinutes); err != nil {
return err
return resourceContainerNodePoolRead(d, meta)
func resourceContainerNodePoolDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
nodePoolInfo, err := extractNodePoolInformation(d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
name := getNodePoolName(d.Id())
timeoutInMinutes := int(d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutDelete).Minutes())
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
defer mutexKV.Unlock(nodePoolInfo.lockKey())
var op = &containerBeta.Operation{}
var count = 0
err = resource.Retry(30*time.Second, func() *resource.RetryError {
op, err = config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.
if err != nil {
return resource.RetryableError(err)
if count == 15 {
return resource.NonRetryableError(fmt.Errorf("Error retrying to delete node pool %s", name))
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting NodePool: %s", err)
// Wait until it's deleted
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
waitErr := containerBetaOperationWait(config, op, nodePoolInfo.project, nodePoolInfo.location, "deleting GKE NodePool", timeoutInMinutes, 2)
if waitErr != nil {
return waitErr
log.Printf("[INFO] GKE NodePool %s has been deleted", d.Id())
return nil
func resourceContainerNodePoolExists(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (bool, error) {
config := meta.(*Config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
nodePoolInfo, err := extractNodePoolInformation(d, config)
if err != nil {
return false, err
name := getNodePoolName(d.Id())
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
_, err = config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.Clusters.NodePools.Get(nodePoolInfo.fullyQualifiedName(name)).Do()
if err != nil {
if err = handleNotFoundError(err, d, fmt.Sprintf("Container NodePool %s", name)); err == nil {
return false, nil
// There was some other error in reading the resource
return true, err
return true, nil
func resourceContainerNodePoolStateImporter(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) ([]*schema.ResourceData, error) {
parts := strings.Split(d.Id(), "/")
switch len(parts) {
case 3:
location := parts[0]
if isZone(location) {
d.Set("zone", location)
} else {
d.Set("region", location)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
d.Set("cluster", parts[1])
d.Set("name", parts[2])
case 4:
d.Set("project", parts[0])
location := parts[1]
if isZone(location) {
d.Set("zone", location)
} else {
d.Set("region", location)
d.Set("cluster", parts[2])
d.Set("name", parts[3])
// override the inputted ID with the <location>/<cluster>/<name> format
d.SetId(strings.Join(parts[1:], "/"))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid container cluster specifier. Expecting {zone}/{cluster}/{name} or {project}/{zone}/{cluster}/{name}")
return []*schema.ResourceData{d}, nil
func expandNodePool(d *schema.ResourceData, prefix string) (*containerBeta.NodePool, error) {
var name string
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "name"); ok {
if _, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "name_prefix"); ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot specify both name and name_prefix for a node_pool")
name = v.(string)
} else if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "name_prefix"); ok {
name = resource.PrefixedUniqueId(v.(string))
} else {
name = resource.UniqueId()
nodeCount := 0
if initialNodeCount, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "initial_node_count"); ok {
nodeCount = initialNodeCount.(int)
if nc, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "node_count"); ok {
if nodeCount != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot set both initial_node_count and node_count on node pool %s", name)
nodeCount = nc.(int)
np := &containerBeta.NodePool{
Name: name,
InitialNodeCount: int64(nodeCount),
Config: expandNodeConfig(d.Get(prefix + "node_config")),
2018-03-30 17:59:33 +00:00
Version: d.Get(prefix + "version").(string),
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "autoscaling"); ok {
autoscaling := v.([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})
np.Autoscaling = &containerBeta.NodePoolAutoscaling{
Enabled: true,
MinNodeCount: int64(autoscaling["min_node_count"].(int)),
MaxNodeCount: int64(autoscaling["max_node_count"].(int)),
ForceSendFields: []string{"MinNodeCount"},
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "max_pods_per_node"); ok {
np.MaxPodsConstraint = &containerBeta.MaxPodsConstraint{
MaxPodsPerNode: int64(v.(int)),
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "management"); ok {
managementConfig := v.([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})
np.Management = &containerBeta.NodeManagement{}
if v, ok := managementConfig["auto_repair"]; ok {
np.Management.AutoRepair = v.(bool)
if v, ok := managementConfig["auto_upgrade"]; ok {
np.Management.AutoUpgrade = v.(bool)
return np, nil
func flattenNodePool(d *schema.ResourceData, config *Config, np *containerBeta.NodePool, prefix string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// Node pools don't expose the current node count in their API, so read the
// instance groups instead. They should all have the same size, but in case a resize
// failed or something else strange happened, we'll just use the average size.
size := 0
for _, url := range np.InstanceGroupUrls {
// retrieve instance group manager (InstanceGroupUrls are actually URLs for InstanceGroupManagers)
matches := instanceGroupManagerURL.FindStringSubmatch(url)
if len(matches) < 4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading instance group manage URL '%q'", url)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
igm, err := config.clientComputeBeta.InstanceGroupManagers.Get(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading instance group manager returned as an instance group URL: %q", err)
size += int(igm.TargetSize)
nodePool := map[string]interface{}{
"name": np.Name,
"name_prefix": d.Get(prefix + "name_prefix"),
"initial_node_count": np.InitialNodeCount,
"node_count": size / len(np.InstanceGroupUrls),
"node_config": flattenNodeConfig(np.Config),
"instance_group_urls": np.InstanceGroupUrls,
"version": np.Version,
if np.Autoscaling != nil && np.Autoscaling.Enabled {
nodePool["autoscaling"] = []map[string]interface{}{
"min_node_count": np.Autoscaling.MinNodeCount,
"max_node_count": np.Autoscaling.MaxNodeCount,
if np.MaxPodsConstraint != nil {
nodePool["max_pods_per_node"] = np.MaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNode
nodePool["management"] = []map[string]interface{}{
"auto_repair": np.Management.AutoRepair,
"auto_upgrade": np.Management.AutoUpgrade,
return nodePool, nil
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
func nodePoolUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, nodePoolInfo *NodePoolInformation, prefix string, timeoutInMinutes int) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
name := d.Get(prefix + "name").(string)
2018-01-18 17:51:55 +00:00
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
lockKey := nodePoolInfo.lockKey()
if d.HasChange(prefix + "autoscaling") {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
update := &containerBeta.ClusterUpdate{
DesiredNodePoolId: name,
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "autoscaling"); ok {
autoscaling := v.([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
update.DesiredNodePoolAutoscaling = &containerBeta.NodePoolAutoscaling{
Enabled: true,
MinNodeCount: int64(autoscaling["min_node_count"].(int)),
MaxNodeCount: int64(autoscaling["max_node_count"].(int)),
ForceSendFields: []string{"MinNodeCount"},
} else {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
update.DesiredNodePoolAutoscaling = &containerBeta.NodePoolAutoscaling{
Enabled: false,
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
req := &containerBeta.UpdateClusterRequest{
Update: update,
updateF := func() error {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
op, err := config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.Clusters.Update(nodePoolInfo.parent(), req).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until it's updated
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return containerBetaOperationWait(config, op,
nodePoolInfo.location, "updating GKE node pool",
timeoutInMinutes, 2)
// Call update serially.
if err := lockedCall(lockKey, updateF); err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[INFO] Updated autoscaling in Node Pool %s", d.Id())
if prefix == "" {
if d.HasChange(prefix + "node_config") {
if d.HasChange(prefix + "node_config.0.image_type") {
req := &containerBeta.UpdateClusterRequest{
Update: &containerBeta.ClusterUpdate{
DesiredNodePoolId: name,
DesiredImageType: d.Get(prefix + "node_config.0.image_type").(string),
updateF := func() error {
op, err := config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.Clusters.Update(nodePoolInfo.parent(), req).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until it's updated
return containerBetaOperationWait(config, op,
nodePoolInfo.location, "updating GKE node pool",
timeoutInMinutes, 2)
// Call update serially.
if err := lockedCall(lockKey, updateF); err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[INFO] Updated image type in Node Pool %s", d.Id())
if prefix == "" {
if d.HasChange(prefix + "node_count") {
newSize := int64(d.Get(prefix + "node_count").(int))
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
req := &containerBeta.SetNodePoolSizeRequest{
NodeCount: newSize,
updateF := func() error {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
op, err := config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.Clusters.NodePools.SetSize(nodePoolInfo.fullyQualifiedName(name), req).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until it's updated
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return containerBetaOperationWait(config, op,
nodePoolInfo.location, "updating GKE node pool size",
timeoutInMinutes, 2)
// Call update serially.
if err := lockedCall(lockKey, updateF); err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
log.Printf("[INFO] GKE node pool %s size has been updated to %d", name, newSize)
if prefix == "" {
if d.HasChange(prefix + "management") {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
management := &containerBeta.NodeManagement{}
if v, ok := d.GetOk(prefix + "management"); ok {
managementConfig := v.([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})
management.AutoRepair = managementConfig["auto_repair"].(bool)
management.AutoUpgrade = managementConfig["auto_upgrade"].(bool)
management.ForceSendFields = []string{"AutoRepair", "AutoUpgrade"}
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
req := &containerBeta.SetNodePoolManagementRequest{
Management: management,
updateF := func() error {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
op, err := config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.Locations.
Clusters.NodePools.SetManagement(nodePoolInfo.fullyQualifiedName(name), req).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until it's updated
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return containerBetaOperationWait(config, op,
nodePoolInfo.location, "updating GKE node pool management", timeoutInMinutes, 2)
// Call update serially.
if err := lockedCall(lockKey, updateF); err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
log.Printf("[INFO] Updated management in Node Pool %s", name)
if prefix == "" {
if d.HasChange(prefix + "version") {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
req := &containerBeta.UpdateNodePoolRequest{
NodePoolId: name,
NodeVersion: d.Get("version").(string),
updateF := func() error {
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
op, err := config.clientContainerBeta.Projects.
Locations.Clusters.NodePools.Update(nodePoolInfo.fullyQualifiedName(name), req).Do()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until it's updated
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
return containerBetaOperationWait(config, op,
nodePoolInfo.location, "updating GKE node pool version", timeoutInMinutes, 2)
// Call update serially.
if err := lockedCall(lockKey, updateF); err != nil {
return err
#1300 Supporting regional clusters for node pools (#1320) This PR also switched us to using the beta API in all cases, and that had a side effect which is worth noting, note included here for posterity. ===== The problem is, we add a GPU, and as per the docs, GKE adds a taint to the node pool saying "don't schedule here unless you tolerate GPUs", which is pretty sensible. Terraform doesn't know about that, because it didn't ask for the taint to be added. So after apply, on refresh, it sees the state of the world (1 taint) and the state of the config (0 taints) and wants to set the world equal to the config. This introduces a diff, which makes the test fail - tests fail if there's a diff after they run. Taints are a beta feature, though. :) And since the config doesn't contain any taints, terraform didn't see any beta features in that node pool ... so it used to send the request to the v1 API. And since the v1 API didn't return anything about taints (since they're a beta feature), terraform happily checked the state of the world (0 taints I know about) vs the config (0 taints), and all was well. This PR makes every node pool refresh request hit the beta API. So now terraform finds out about the taints (which were always there) and the test fails (which it always should have done). The solution is probably to write a little bit of code which suppresses the report of the diff of any taint with value 'nvidia.com/gpu', but only if GPUs are enabled. I think that's something that can be done.
2018-04-25 00:55:21 +00:00
log.Printf("[INFO] Updated version in Node Pool %s", name)
if prefix == "" {
return nil
func getNodePoolName(id string) string {
// name can be specified with name, name_prefix, or neither, so read it from the id.
return strings.Split(id, "/")[2]