SVN+SSH-path-based-authorisation, version 1

Anthony Callegaro 2012-05-25 15:19:02 +00:00
parent 9bd1fe132b
commit 8129749aa9

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
SVN+SSH path-based authorisation
This is an article about using SVN as a secure replacement for FTP to
facilitate partners collaborations. If you are not interested in the
rationale/testing part you ca go straight to the
path-based authorisation How-to](SVN+SSH-path-based-authorisation\#\#4-Implementation).
1. Problem
### 1.1. Rationale
As we are hosting plenty of websites, we have to work with different
partners (web designer, integrators, website developers etc.). All using
different operating systems and browsers and all demanding a plain old
FTP access to upload their work. We tried to get them to use chrooted
SFTP access but it seems they couldnt get their head around it.
Internally we were using SVN for all our projects. Its running on a
webdav enabled Apache with SSL linked with a password based LDAP
authentication. This server was only accessible through our VPN (yes we
are a bit paranoid).
The idea was to allow our partners/customers to have read/write access
to our web servers without the need for an insecure password based FTP
access (yes even if it is running through SSL). A solution we are
contemplating is to give a secure access to our SVN server. Our web
servers would then have working copies of the part of the repository
they are concerned. Auto-update can be done through a cron jobs that
calls a simple svn update. Partners would then be able to work on same
files instead of having lengthy discussion of whose turns it is to
upload to the FTP.
In short the goal was :
- non-password authentication
- encrypted
- path-based authorisation (to avoid to have to create a SSH
repository per-project)
- if possible try to avoid another Apache instance (all our servers
are openVZ containers and I dont want to add yet another Apache
### 1.2. Existing methods
There is 3 way of running a SVN server :
- On a Webdav share. It is only available for Apache with
mod\_dav\_svn. Lighttpds webdav does not support SVNs specifics.
Nginx and lighttpd advise to only use them as caching/proxy
mechanism for an Apache webdav server.
- svnserve as a daemon. There is no encryption available for svnserve
which means that all data are transiting in clear except the
authentication that can be through SASL. SASL provides lots of
authentication methods and notably LDAP.
- svnserve ran standalone from a SSH connection.
According to the [SVN book]( it is only
possible to do path based authorisation with Apache and svnserve daemon
(See [Table
>svnserve over SSH : Read/write access only grant-able over the
whole repository
### 1.3. Requirements
Path base authorisation is necessary if we want to provide access to
partners on website devs. The best solution would be to keep the current
repository structure :
- Websites
and give only access to the customers website folder. Else we would
have to completely re-structure the SVN and do some script magic to
create/delete/link lots of separate SVN to redmine.
### 1.4. Choice
- We cannot use webdav as only Apache has a webdav SVN module and we
do not want to waste resources on it.
- svnserve is not an option as data wont be crypted (even if login
can be)
- SSH is a great option except that when connecting to the SVN server
through SSH, it spawns a svnserve standalone process which doesnt
support path based authorisation, according to the documentation.
2. Testing
### 2.1. Initialise a SVN repository :
mkdir /var/lib/svn
cd /var/lib/svn/
svnadmin create test
### 2.2. Set up basic authorisation
vi /var/lib/svn/test/conf/svnserve.conf
-> [general]
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
vi /var/lib/svn/test/conf/authz
-> [groups]
testwrite = user1
testread = svn
@testwrite = rw
@testread = r
@testread = rw
# passwd is only required for the svnserve daemon
vi /var/lib/svn/test/conf/passwd
-> [users]
user1 = test
svn = test
svnserve -d -r /var/lib/svn
svn co --no-auth-cache svn://
Committing things with user svn only works in the public folder.
whereas user1 can commit everywhere.
### 2.3. SVN+SSH configuration :
adduser svn --disabled-password
cp -ax /root/.ssh/ /home/svn/
chown -R svn:svn /home/svn/
chown -R svn:svn /var/lib/svn/
vi /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys
-> command="svnserve -t -r /var/lib/svn --config-file=/var/lib/svn/haven/conf/svnserve.conf --log-file=/tmp/svnserver.log --tunnel-user=USERNAME",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty USERKEY
# On Client
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/test
According to the [SVN books SSH
This configuration is very secure but does not respect above
configuration regarding path based authorisation.
As said in the [SSHauth
of the SVN book :
>When running over a tunnel, authorization is primarily controlled
by operating system permissions to the repositorys database files; its
very much the same as if Harry were accessing the repository directly
via a file:// URL. If multiple system users are going to be accessing
the repository directly, you may want to place them into a common group,
and youll need to be careful about umasks (be sure to read the section
called “Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods” later in this
chapter). But even in the case of tunneling, you can still use the
svnserve.conf file to block access, by simply setting auth-access = read
or auth-access = none.
3. Solution
After some testing/debugging I manage to come up with 2 solutions that
should work with our set goals :
### 3.1. svnserve daemon
We can simply override SVN+SSH behaviour by using netcat in the
commands= section of the authorized\_keys file. So for example we can do
the following :
vi /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys
-> command="netcat localhost 3690"
svnserve -d -r /var/lib/svn/
# On the client
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/test
This will use 2 authentications process. First it will use the SSH keys,
then it will ask for a regular username/password. Thats where you could
use SASL to link this with your authentication of choice (LDAP or
others). This isnt ideal but according to the SVN documentation this is
the only way of having path based authorisation with SSH, which as you
will see below is NOT TRUE.
### 3.2. svnserve tunnel
- From the start of my debugging I found out that svnserve.conf, authz
and passwd ARE indeed loaded by svnserve (even in tunnel mode -t).
So I was pretty sure that path based authorisation should work with
little tinkering.
- After debugging the whole application I found that path based
authorisation SHOULD work by modifying the configuration. Simply
revoking all authorisation in the authz file before allowing them
works like a charm !
vi /var/lib/svn/test/conf/authz
-> [groups]
testwrite = user1
testread = svn
#Revoke all rights to the SVN folder
* =
@testwrite = rw
@testread = rw
In that case svn cant check out /test but has full permissions in
/test/public !
<!-- -->
- Beware of the default permissions in the svnserve.conf that cannot
be overridden. Setting auth-access to read will prevent EVERY user
from writing despite anything that can be written in the authz file,
as stated above :
>But even in the case of tunneling, you can still use the
svnserve.conf file to block access, by simply setting auth-access =
read or auth-access = none.\_
4. Implementation
Now that we found out that the SVN documentation is misleading (probably
from lack of update), here is a simple procedure to setup path based
authorisation with SVN+SSH.
### 4.1. Give all permissions to svn users :
chown -R svn:svn /var/lib/svn/
### 4.2. Add public SVN user keys to its authorized\_keys following the below format :
vi /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys
-> command="svnserve -t -r /var/lib/svn --log-file=/tmp/svnserver.log --tunnel-user=USERNAME",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty ssh-dss USERKEY
### 4.3. Configure a generic svnserve.conf
-> [general]
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
# password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
rm */conf/svnserve.conf .
# Our example repository for all websites :
ln -s /var/lib/svn/svnserve.conf websites/conf/
# All you other projects
ln -s /var/lib/svn/svnserve.conf project2/conf/
ln -s /var/lib/svn/svnserve.conf projectn/conf/
### 4.4. Per repository permissions :
vi /var/lib/svn/websites/conf/authz
-> [aliases]
# Could be used with LDAP i.e. :
# joe = /C=XZ/ST=Dessert/L=Snake City/O=Snake Oil, Ltd./OU=Research Institute/CN=Joe Average
websitesread = webserver1, webserver2
websiteswrite = adminuser
customer1site1read = customer1
customer1site1write = designer1, webdeveloper1
* =
@websitesread = r
@websiteswrite = rw
@customer1site1read = r
@customer1site1write = rw
### 4.5. User checkouts
SVN+SSH makes it very easy to test permissions of your repository. You
just have to change your USERNAME in SVNs authorized\_keys.
As customer1 :
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/websites
svn: Authorization failed
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/websites/trunk/html/customer1/
At revision 5.
As adminuser :
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/websites
At revision 5.
### 4.6. Deploy website on web server
- Generate ssh key for webserver1
su - www-data
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
<!-- -->
- On the SVN server add webserver1s public key to svns
authorized\_keys and give it the username webserver1
- Back on webserver1
cd /var/www/customer1/site1/web/
svn co svn+ssh://svn@svnserver/websites/trunk/html/customer1/
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/svn --non-interactive update /var/www/customer1/ 2>&1 > /dev/null
5. Related topics
### 5.1. SVN migration
See [Migration-trac-redmine\#6-SVN-migration](Migration-trac-redmine\#6-SVN-migration).
### 5.2. Clean up a SVN repository from bogus commits
While migrating our SVN to a new server we jump on the occasion to clean
up some bogus commits. Here is an example on how to modify the author
property, that can be used for any revision properties.
- List all committer
svn log --quiet file:///var/lib/svn/project1/ | awk '/^r/ {print $3}' | sort -u
- Change bogus committer (requires the
for rev in `svn log --quiet file:///var/lib/svn/project1/ | awk '/bogususer/ {print substr($1,2)}'`; do
svn propset --revprop -r $rev svn:author correctuser file:///var/lib/svn/project1/ ;
# If done after the import in redmine we need to modify this in Redmine's DB as well :
sqlite3 /var/lib/dbconfig-common/sqlite3/redmine/instances/default/redmine_default
-> update changesets set user_id = X where committer="bogususer" and user_id is null;
update changesets set committer="correctuser" where committer = "bogususer";
### 5.3. Reference for Debugging
Here are some links to tools and documentation that were useful for my
debugging :
- The [SVN daemon
- If you require to sniff the full SVN protocol you can use the
following :
aptitude install simpleproxy
simpleproxy -L 3333 -R -t trace
# Locally do
svn co svn://
- For svnserve step by step debugging, I compiled from source and used
gdb, nemiver and netbeans.
See Also
- The [migration from trac to Redmine](Migration-trac-redmine)
that was performed in conjunction with the above.