This repository has been archived on 2021-04-26. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var select_url = "<?= url::site("admin/themes/choose") ?>";
select = function(type, id) {
$.post(select_url, {"type": type, "id": id, "csrf": '<?= $csrf ?>'},
function() { load(type) });
<div class="g-block ui-helper-clearfix">
<h1> <?= t("Theme choice") ?> </h1>
<?= t("Make your Gallery beautiful <a href=\"%url\">with a new theme</a>! There are separate themes for the regular site and for the administration interface. Click a theme below to preview and activate it.", array("url" => "")) ?>
<div class="g-block-content">
<div id="g-site-theme">
<h2> <?= t("Gallery theme") ?> </h2>
<div class="g-block g-selected ui-helper-clearfix">
<img src="<?= url::file("themes/{$site}/thumbnail.png") ?>"
alt="<?= html::clean_attribute($themes[$site]->name) ?>" />
<h3> <?= $themes[$site]->name ?> </h3>
<?= $themes[$site]->description ?>
<? $v = new View("admin_themes_buttonset.html"); $v->info = $themes[$site]; print $v; ?>
<h2> <?= t("Available Gallery themes") ?> </h2>
<div class="g-available">
<? $count = 0 ?>
<? foreach ($themes as $id => $info): ?>
<? if (!$info->site) continue ?>
<? if ($id == $site) continue ?>
<div class="g-block ui-helper-clearfix">
<a href="<?= url::site("admin/themes/preview/site/$id") ?>" class="g-dialog-link" title="<?= t("Theme Preview: %theme_name", array("theme_name" => $info->name))->for_html_attr() ?>">
<img src="<?= url::file("themes/{$id}/thumbnail.png") ?>"
alt="<?= html::clean_attribute($info->name) ?>" />
<h3> <?= $info->name ?> </h3>
<?= $info->description ?>
<? $v = new View("admin_themes_buttonset.html"); $v->info = $info; print $v; ?>
<? $count++ ?>
<? endforeach ?>
<? if (!$count): ?>
<?= t("There are no other site themes available. <a href=\"%url\">Download one now!</a>", array("url" => "")) ?>
<? endif ?>
<div id="g-admin-theme">
<h2> <?= t("Admin theme") ?> </h2>
<div class="g-block g-selected ui-helper-clearfix">
<img src="<?= url::file("themes/{$admin}/thumbnail.png") ?>"
alt="<?= html::clean_attribute($themes[$admin]->name) ?>" />
<h3> <?= $themes[$admin]->name ?> </h3>
<?= $themes[$admin]->description ?>
<? $v = new View("admin_themes_buttonset.html"); $v->info = $themes[$admin]; print $v; ?>
<h2> <?= t("Available admin themes") ?> </h2>
<div class="g-available">
<? $count = 0 ?>
<? foreach ($themes as $id => $info): ?>
<? if (!$info->admin) continue ?>
<? if ($id == $admin) continue ?>
<div class="g-block ui-helper-clearfix">
<a href="<?= url::site("admin/themes/preview/admin/$id") ?>" class="g-dialog-link" title="<?= t("Theme Preview: %theme_name", array("theme_name" => $info->name))->for_html_attr() ?>">
<img src="<?= url::file("themes/{$id}/thumbnail.png") ?>"
alt="<?= html::clean_attribute($info->name) ?>" />
<h3> <?= $info->name ?> </h3>
<?= $info->description ?>
<? $v = new View("admin_themes_buttonset.html"); $v->info = $info; print $v; ?>
<? $count++ ?>
<? endforeach ?>
<? if (!$count): ?>
<?= t("There are no other admin themes available. <a href=\"%url\">Download one now!</a>", array("url" => "")) ?>
<? endif ?>