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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Item_Model_Core extends ORM_MPTT {
protected $children = "items";
protected $sorting = array();
public $data_file = null;
private $data_file_error = null;
public function __construct($id=null) {
if (!$this->loaded()) {
// Set reasonable defaults
$this->created = time();
$this->rand_key = random::percent();
$this->thumb_dirty = 1;
$this->resize_dirty = 1;
$this->sort_column = "created";
$this->sort_order = "ASC";
$this->owner_id = identity::active_user()->id;
* Add a set of restrictions to any following queries to restrict access only to items
* viewable by the active user.
* @chainable
public function viewable() {
return item::viewable($this);
* Is this item an album?
* @return true if it's an album
public function is_album() {
return $this->type == 'album';
* Is this item a photo?
* @return true if it's a photo
public function is_photo() {
return $this->type == 'photo';
* Is this item a movie?
* @return true if it's a movie
public function is_movie() {
return $this->type == 'movie';
public function delete($ignored_id=null) {
if (!$this->loaded()) {
// Concurrent deletes may result in this item already being gone. Ignore it.
if ($this->id == 1) {
$v = new Validation(array("id"));
$v->add_error("id", "cant_delete_root_album");
ORM_Validation_Exception::handle_validation($this->table_name, $v);
$old = clone $this;
module::event("item_before_delete", $this);
$parent = $this->parent();
if ($parent->album_cover_item_id == $this->id) {
$path = $this->file_path();
$resize_path = $this->resize_path();
$thumb_path = $this->thumb_path();
if (is_dir($path)) {
// Take some precautions against accidentally deleting way too much
$delete_resize_path = dirname($resize_path);
$delete_thumb_path = dirname($thumb_path);
if ($delete_resize_path == VARPATH . "resizes" ||
$delete_thumb_path == VARPATH . "thumbs" ||
$path == VARPATH . "albums") {
throw new Exception(
"@todo DELETING_TOO_MUCH ($delete_resize_path, $delete_thumb_path, $path)");
} else {
module::event("item_deleted", $old);
* Specify the path to the data file associated with this item. To actually associate it,
* you still have to call save().
* @chainable
public function set_data_file($data_file) {
$this->data_file = $data_file;
return $this;
* Return the server-relative url to this item, eg:
* album: /gallery3/index.php/Bobs%20Wedding?page=2
* photo: /gallery3/index.php/Bobs%20Wedding/Eating-Cake
* movie: /gallery3/index.php/Bobs%20Wedding/First-Dance
* @param string $query the query string (eg "page=2")
public function url($query=null) {
$url = url::site($this->relative_url());
if ($query) {
$url .= "?$query";
return $url;
* Return the full url to this item, eg:
* album:
* photo:
* movie:
* @param string $query the query string (eg "page=2")
public function abs_url($query=null) {
$url = url::abs_site($this->relative_url());
if ($query) {
$url .= "?$query";
return $url;
* Return the full path to this item's file, eg:
* album: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/albums/Bobs Wedding
* photo: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/albums/Bobs Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg
* movie: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/albums/Bobs Wedding/First-Dance.mp4
public function file_path() {
return VARPATH . "albums/" . urldecode($this->relative_path());
* Return the relative url to this item's file, with cache buster, eg:
* album: var/albums/Bobs%20Wedding?m=1234567890
* photo: var/albums/Bobs%20Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg?m=1234567890
* movie: var/albums/Bobs%20Wedding/First-Dance.mp4?m=1234567890
* If $full_uri==true, return the full url to this item's file, with cache buster, eg:
* album:
* photo:
* movie:
public function file_url($full_uri=false) {
$relative_path = "var/albums/" . $this->relative_path();
$cache_buster = $this->_cache_buster($this->file_path());
return ($full_uri ? url::abs_file($relative_path) : url::file($relative_path))
. $cache_buster;
* Return the full path to this item's thumb, eg:
* album: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/thumbs/Bobs Wedding/.album.jpg
* photo: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/thumbs/Bobs Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg
* movie: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/thumbs/Bobs Wedding/First-Dance.jpg
public function thumb_path() {
$base = VARPATH . "thumbs/" . urldecode($this->relative_path());
if ($this->is_photo()) {
return $base;
} else if ($this->is_album()) {
return $base . "/.album.jpg";
} else if ($this->is_movie()) {
// Replace the extension with jpg
return legal_file::change_extension($base, "jpg");
* Return true if there is a thumbnail for this item.
public function has_thumb() {
return $this->thumb_width && $this->thumb_height;
* Return the relative url to this item's thumb, with cache buster, eg:
* album: var/thumbs/Bobs%20Wedding/.album.jpg?m=1234567890
* photo: var/thumbs/Bobs%20Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg?m=1234567890
* movie: var/thumbs/Bobs%20Wedding/First-Dance.mp4?m=1234567890
* If $full_uri==true, return the full url to this item's file, with cache buster, eg:
* album:
* photo:
* movie:
public function thumb_url($full_uri=false) {
$cache_buster = $this->_cache_buster($this->thumb_path());
$relative_path = "var/thumbs/" . $this->relative_path();
$base = ($full_uri ? url::abs_file($relative_path) : url::file($relative_path));
if ($this->is_photo()) {
return $base . $cache_buster;
} else if ($this->is_album()) {
return $base . "/.album.jpg" . $cache_buster;
} else if ($this->is_movie()) {
// Replace the extension with jpg
$base = legal_file::change_extension($base, "jpg");
return $base . $cache_buster;
* Return the full path to this item's resize, eg:
* album: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/resizes/Bobs Wedding/.album.jpg (*)
* photo: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/resizes/Bobs Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg
* movie: /usr/home/www/gallery3/var/resizes/Bobs Wedding/First-Dance.mp4 (*)
* (*) Since only photos have resizes, album and movie paths are fictitious.
public function resize_path() {
return VARPATH . "resizes/" . urldecode($this->relative_path()) .
($this->is_album() ? "/.album.jpg" : "");
* Return the relative url to this item's resize, with cache buster, eg:
* album: var/resizes/Bobs%20Wedding/.album.jpg?m=1234567890 (*)
* photo: var/resizes/Bobs%20Wedding/Eating-Cake.jpg?m=1234567890
* movie: var/resizes/Bobs%20Wedding/First-Dance.mp4?m=1234567890 (*)
* If $full_uri==true, return the full url to this item's file, with cache buster, eg:
* album: (*)
* photo:
* movie: (*)
* (*) Since only photos have resizes, album and movie urls are fictitious.
public function resize_url($full_uri=false) {
$relative_path = "var/resizes/" . $this->relative_path();
$cache_buster = $this->_cache_buster($this->resize_path());
return ($full_uri ? url::abs_file($relative_path) : url::file($relative_path)) .
($this->is_album() ? "/.album.jpg" : "") . $cache_buster;
* Rebuild the relative_path_cache and relative_url_cache.
private function _build_relative_caches() {
$names = array();
$slugs = array();
foreach (db::build()
->select(array("name", "slug"))
->where("left_ptr", "<=", $this->left_ptr)
->where("right_ptr", ">=", $this->right_ptr)
->where("id", "<>", 1)
->order_by("left_ptr", "ASC")
->execute() as $row) {
// Don't encode the names segment
$names[] = rawurlencode($row->name);
$slugs[] = rawurlencode($row->slug);
$this->relative_path_cache = implode($names, "/");
$this->relative_url_cache = implode($slugs, "/");
return $this;
* Return the relative path to this item's file. Note that the components of the path are
* urlencoded so if you want to use this as a filesystem path, you need to call urldecode
* on it.
* @return string
public function relative_path() {
if (!$this->loaded()) {
if (!isset($this->relative_path_cache)) {
return $this->relative_path_cache;
* Return the relative url to this item's file.
* @return string
public function relative_url() {
if (!$this->loaded()) {
if (!isset($this->relative_url_cache)) {
return $this->relative_url_cache;
* @see ORM::__get()
public function __get($column) {
if ($column == "owner") {
// This relationship depends on an outside module, which may not be present so handle
// failures gracefully.
try {
return identity::lookup_user($this->owner_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
} else {
return parent::__get($column);
* Handle any business logic necessary to create or modify an item.
* @see ORM::save()
* @return ORM Item_Model
public function save() {
$significant_changes = $this->changed;
foreach (array("view_count", "relative_url_cache", "relative_path_cache",
"resize_width", "resize_height", "resize_dirty",
"thumb_width", "thumb_height", "thumb_dirty") as $key) {
if ((!empty($this->changed) && $significant_changes) || isset($this->data_file)) {
$this->updated = time();
if (!$this->loaded()) {
// Create a new item.
module::event("item_before_create", $this);
// Set a weight if it's missing. We don't do this in the constructor because it's not a
// simple assignment.
if (empty($this->weight)) {
$this->weight = item::get_max_weight();
// Process the data file info.
if (isset($this->data_file)) {
} else if (!$this->is_album()) {
// Unless it's an album, new items must have a data file.
$this->data_file_error = true;
// Make an url friendly slug from the name, if necessary
if (empty($this->slug)) {
$this->slug = item::convert_filename_to_slug(pathinfo($this->name, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
// If the filename is all invalid characters, then the slug may be empty here. We set a
// generic name ("photo", "movie", or "album") based on its type, then rely on
// check_and_fix_conflicts to ensure it doesn't conflict with another name.
if (empty($this->slug)) {
$this->slug = $this->type;
// Build our url caches, then save again. We have to do this after it's already been
// saved once because we use only information from the database to build the paths. If we
// could depend on a save happening later we could defer this 2nd save.
// Take any actions that we can only do once all our paths are set correctly after saving.
switch ($this->type) {
case "album":
case "photo":
case "movie":
copy($this->data_file, $this->file_path());
// This will almost definitely trigger another save, so put it at the end so that we're
// tail recursive. Null out the data file variable first, otherwise the next save will
// trigger an item_updated_data_file event.
$this->data_file = null;
module::event("item_created", $this);
} else {
// Update an existing item
module::event("item_before_update", $this);
// If any significant fields have changed, load up a copy of the original item and
// keep it around.
$original = ORM::factory("item", $this->id);
// If we have a new data file, process its info. This will get its metadata and
// preserve the extension of the data file. Many helpers, (e.g. ImageMagick), assume
// the MIME type from the extension. So when we adopt the new data file, it's important
// to adopt the new extension. That ensures that the item's extension is always
// appropriate for its data. We don't try to preserve the name of the data file, though,
// because the name is typically a temporary randomly-generated name.
if (isset($this->data_file)) {
} else if (!$this->is_album() && array_key_exists("name", $this->changed)) {
// There's no new data file, but the name changed. If it's a photo or movie,
// make sure the new name still agrees with the file type.
$this->name = legal_file::sanitize_filename($this->name,
pathinfo($original->name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $this->type);
// If an album's cover has changed (or been removed), delete any existing album cover,
// reset the thumb metadata, and mark the thumb as dirty.
if (array_key_exists("album_cover_item_id", $this->changed) && $this->is_album()) {
$this->thumb_dirty = 1;
$this->thumb_height = 0;
$this->thumb_width = 0;
if (array_intersect($this->changed, array("parent_id", "name", "slug"))) {
$this->relative_path_cache = null;
$this->relative_url_cache = null;
// Now update the filesystem and any database caches if there were significant value
// changes. If anything past this point fails, then we'll have an inconsistent database
// so this code should be as robust as we can make it.
// Update the MPTT pointers, if necessary. We have to do this before we generate any
// cached paths!
if ($original->parent_id != $this->parent_id) {
if ($original->parent_id != $this->parent_id || $original->name != $this->name) {
// If there is a data file, then we want to preserve both the old data and the new data.
// (Third-party event handlers would like access to both). The old data file will be
// accessible via the $original item, and the new one via $this item. But in that case,
// we don't want to rename the original as below, because the old data would end up being
// clobbered by the new data file. Also, the rename isn't necessary, because the new item
// data is coming from the data file anyway. So we only perform the rename if there isn't
// a data file. Another way to solve this would be to copy the original file rather than
// conditionally rename it, but a copy would cost far more than the rename.
if (!isset($this->data_file)) {
@rename($original->file_path(), $this->file_path());
// Move all of the items associated data files
if ($this->is_album()) {
@rename(dirname($original->resize_path()), dirname($this->resize_path()));
@rename(dirname($original->thumb_path()), dirname($this->thumb_path()));
} else {
@rename($original->resize_path(), $this->resize_path());
@rename($original->thumb_path(), $this->thumb_path());
if ($original->parent_id != $this->parent_id) {
// This will result in 2 events since we'll still fire the item_updated event below
module::event("item_moved", $this, $original->parent());
// Changing the name, slug or parent ripples downwards
if ($this->is_album() &&
($original->name != $this->name ||
$original->slug != $this->slug ||
$original->parent_id != $this->parent_id)) {
->set("relative_url_cache", null)
->set("relative_path_cache", null)
->where("left_ptr", ">", $this->left_ptr)
->where("right_ptr", "<", $this->right_ptr)
// Replace the data file, if requested.
if ($this->data_file && ($this->is_photo() || $this->is_movie())) {
copy($this->data_file, $this->file_path());
$this->thumb_dirty = 1;
$this->resize_dirty = 1;
module::event("item_updated", $original, $this);
if ($this->data_file) {
// Null out the data file variable here, otherwise this event will trigger another
// save() which will think that we're doing another file move.
$this->data_file = null;
if ($original->file_path() != $this->file_path()) {
module::event("item_updated_data_file", $this);
} else if (!empty($this->changed)) {
// Insignificant changes only. Don't fire events or do any special checking to try to keep
// this lightweight.
return $this;
* Check to see if there's another item that occupies the same name or slug that this item
* intends to use, and if so choose a new name/slug while preserving the extension. Since this
* checks the name without its extension, it covers possible collisions with thumbs and resizes
* as well (e.g. between the thumbs of movie "foo.flv" and photo "foo.jpg").
private function _check_and_fix_conflicts() {
$suffix_num = 1;
$suffix = "";
if ($this->is_album()) {
while (db::build()
->where("parent_id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("id", $this->id ? "<>" : "IS NOT", $this->id)
->where("name", "=", "{$this->name}{$suffix}")
->or_where("slug", "=", "{$this->slug}{$suffix}")
->count_records()) {
$suffix = "-" . (($suffix_num <= 99) ? sprintf("%02d", $suffix_num++) : random::int());
if ($suffix) {
$this->name = "{$this->name}{$suffix}";
$this->slug = "{$this->slug}{$suffix}";
$this->relative_path_cache = null;
$this->relative_url_cache = null;
} else {
// Split the filename into its base and extension. This uses a regexp similar to
// legal_file::change_extension (which isn't always the same as pathinfo).
if (preg_match("/^(.*)(\.[^\.\/]*?)$/", $this->name, $matches)) {
$base_name = $matches[1];
$extension = $matches[2]; // includes a leading dot
} else {
$base_name = $this->name;
$extension = "";
$base_name_escaped = Database::escape_for_like($base_name);
// Note: below query uses LIKE with wildcard % at end, which is still sargable (i.e. quick)
while (db::build()
->where("parent_id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("id", $this->id ? "<>" : "IS NOT", $this->id)
->where("name", "LIKE", "{$base_name_escaped}{$suffix}.%")
->or_where("slug", "=", "{$this->slug}{$suffix}")
->count_records()) {
$suffix = "-" . (($suffix_num <= 99) ? sprintf("%02d", $suffix_num++) : random::int());
if ($suffix) {
$this->name = "{$base_name}{$suffix}{$extension}";
$this->slug = "{$this->slug}{$suffix}";
$this->relative_path_cache = null;
$this->relative_url_cache = null;
* Process the data file info. Get its metadata and extension.
* If valid, use it to sanitize the item name and update the
* width, height, and mime type.
private function _process_data_file_info() {
try {
if ($this->is_photo()) {
list ($this->width, $this->height, $this->mime_type, $extension) =
} else if ($this->is_movie()) {
list ($this->width, $this->height, $this->mime_type, $extension) =
} else {
// Albums don't have data files.
$this->data_file = null;
// Sanitize the name based on the idenified extension, but only set $this->name if different
// to ensure it isn't unnecessarily marked as "changed"
$name = legal_file::sanitize_filename($this->name, $extension, $this->type);
if ($this->name != $name) {
$this->name = $name;
// Data file valid - make sure the flag is reset to false.
$this->data_file_error = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Data file invalid - set the flag so it's reported during item validation.
$this->data_file_error = true;
* Return the Item_Model representing the cover for this album.
* @return Item_Model or null if there's no cover
public function album_cover() {
if (!$this->is_album()) {
return null;
if (empty($this->album_cover_item_id)) {
return null;
try {
return model_cache::get("item", $this->album_cover_item_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// It's possible (unlikely) that the item was deleted, if so keep going.
return null;
* Find the position of the given child id in this album. The resulting value is 1-indexed, so
* the first child in the album is at position 1.
* This method stands as a backward compatibility for gallery 3.0, and will
* be deprecated in version 3.1.
public function get_position($child, $where=array()) {
return item::get_position($child, $where);
* Return an <img> tag for the thumbnail.
* @param array $extra_attrs Extra attributes to add to the img tag
* @param int (optional) $max Maximum size of the thumbnail (default: null)
* @param boolean (optional) $center_vertically Center vertically (default: false)
* @return string
public function thumb_img($extra_attrs=array(), $max=null, $center_vertically=false) {
list ($height, $width) = $this->scale_dimensions($max);
if ($center_vertically && $max) {
// The constant is divide by 2 to calculate the file and 10 to convert to em
$margin_top = (int)(($max - $height) / 20);
$extra_attrs["style"] = "margin-top: {$margin_top}em";
$extra_attrs["title"] = $this->title;
$attrs = array_merge($extra_attrs,
"src" => $this->thumb_url(),
"alt" => $this->title,
"width" => $width,
"height" => $height)
// html::image forces an absolute url which we don't want
return "<img" . html::attributes($attrs) . "/>";
* Calculate the largest width/height that fits inside the given maximum, while preserving the
* aspect ratio. Don't upscale.
* @param int $max Maximum size of the largest dimension
* @return array
public function scale_dimensions($max) {
$width = $this->thumb_width;
$height = $this->thumb_height;
if ($width <= $max && $height <= $max) {
return array($height, $width);
if ($height) {
if (isset($max)) {
if ($width > $height) {
$height = (int)($max * $height / $width);
$width = $max;
} else {
$width = (int)($max * $width / $height);
$height = $max;
} else {
// Missing thumbnail, can happen on albums with no photos yet.
// @todo we should enforce a placeholder for those albums.
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
return array($height, $width);
* Return an <img> tag for the resize.
* @param array $extra_attrs Extra attributes to add to the img tag
* @return string
public function resize_img($extra_attrs) {
$attrs = array_merge($extra_attrs,
array("src" => $this->resize_url(),
"alt" => $this->title,
"width" => $this->resize_width,
"height" => $this->resize_height)
// html::image forces an absolute url which we don't want
return "<img" . html::attributes($attrs) . "/>";
* Return a view for movies. By default this is a Flowplayer v3 <script> tag, but
* movie_img events can override this and provide their own player/view. If no player/view
* is found and the movie is unsupported by Flowplayer v3, this returns a simple download link.
* @param array $extra_attrs
* @return string
public function movie_img($extra_attrs) {
$max_size = module::get_var("gallery", "resize_size", 640);
$width = $this->width;
$height = $this->height;
if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
// Not set correctly, likely because ffmpeg isn't available. Making the window 0x0 causes the
// video to be effectively unviewable. So, let's guess: set width to max_size and guess a
// height (using 4:3 aspect ratio). Once the video metadata is loaded, js in
// movieplayer.html.php will correct these values.
$width = $max_size;
$height = ceil($width * 3/4);
$attrs = array_merge(array("id" => "g-item-id-{$this->id}"), $extra_attrs,
array("class" => "g-movie"));
// Run movie_img events, which can either:
// - generate a view, which is used in place of the standard Flowplayer v3 player
// (use view variable)
// - alter the arguments sent to the standard player
// (use fp_params and fp_config variables)
$movie_img = new stdClass();
$movie_img->max_size = $max_size;
$movie_img->width = $width;
$movie_img->height = $height;
$movie_img->attrs = $attrs;
$movie_img->url = $this->file_url(true);
$movie_img->filename = $this->name;
$movie_img->fp_params = array(); // additional Flowplayer params values (will be json encoded)
$movie_img->fp_config = array(); // additional Flowplayer config values (will be json encoded)
$movie_img->view = array();
module::event("movie_img", $movie_img, $this);
if (count($movie_img->view) > 0) {
// View generated - use it
$view = implode("\n", $movie_img->view);
} else {
// View NOT generated - see if filetype supported by Flowplayer v3
// Note that the extension list below is hard-coded and doesn't use the legal_file helper
// since anything else will not work in Flowplayer v3.
if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($movie_img->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),
array("flv", "mp4", "m4v", "mov", "f4v"))) {
// Filetype supported by Flowplayer v3 - use it (default)
$view = new View("movieplayer.html");
$view->max_size = $movie_img->max_size;
$view->width = $movie_img->width;
$view->height = $movie_img->height;
$view->attrs = $movie_img->attrs;
$view->url = $movie_img->url;
$view->fp_params = $movie_img->fp_params;
$view->fp_config = $movie_img->fp_config;
} else {
// Filetype NOT supported by Flowplayer v3 - display download link
$attrs = array_merge($attrs, array("style" => "width: {$max_size}px;",
"download" => $this->name, // forces download (HTML5 only)
"class" => "g-movie g-movie-download-link"));
$view = html::anchor($this->file_url(true), t("Click here to download item."), $attrs);
return $view;
* Return all of the children of this album. Unless you specify a specific sort order, the
* results will be ordered by this album's sort order.
* @chainable
* @param integer SQL limit
* @param integer SQL offset
* @param array additional where clauses
* @param array order_by
* @return array ORM
function children($limit=null, $offset=null, $where=array(), $order_by=null) {
if (empty($order_by)) {
$order_by = array($this->sort_column => $this->sort_order);
// Use id as a tie breaker
if ($this->sort_column != "id") {
$order_by["id"] = "ASC";
return parent::children($limit, $offset, $where, $order_by);
* Return the children of this album, and all of it's sub-albums. Unless you specify a specific
* sort order, the results will be ordered by this album's sort order. Note that this
* album's sort order is imposed on all sub-albums, regardless of their sort order.
* @chainable
* @param integer SQL limit
* @param integer SQL offset
* @param array additional where clauses
* @return object ORM_Iterator
function descendants($limit=null, $offset=null, $where=array(), $order_by=null) {
if (empty($order_by)) {
$order_by = array($this->sort_column => $this->sort_order);
// Use id as a tie breaker
if ($this->sort_column != "id") {
$order_by["id"] = "ASC";
return parent::descendants($limit, $offset, $where, $order_by);
* Specify our rules here so that we have access to the instance of this model.
public function validate(Validation $array=null) {
if (!$array) {
$this->rules = array(
"album_cover_item_id" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_album_cover"))),
"description" => array("rules" => array("length[0,65535]")),
"mime_type" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_field"))),
"name" => array("rules" => array("length[0,255]", "required"),
"callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_name"))),
"parent_id" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_parent"))),
"rand_key" => array("rule" => array("decimal")),
"slug" => array("rules" => array("length[0,255]", "required"),
"callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_slug"))),
"sort_column" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_field"))),
"sort_order" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_field"))),
"title" => array("rules" => array("length[0,255]", "required")),
"type" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "read_only"),
array($this, "valid_field"))),
// Conditional rules
if ($this->id == 1) {
// We don't care about the name and slug for the root album.
$this->rules["name"] = array();
$this->rules["slug"] = array();
// Movies and photos must have data files. Verify the data file on new items, or if it has
// been replaced.
if (($this->is_photo() || $this->is_movie()) && $this->data_file) {
$this->rules["name"]["callbacks"][] = array($this, "valid_data_file");
* Validate that the desired slug does not conflict.
public function valid_slug(Validation $v, $field) {
if (preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/", $this->slug)) {
$v->add_error("slug", "not_url_safe");
} else if (db::build()
->where("parent_id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("id", "<>", $this->id)
->where("slug", "=", $this->slug)
->count_records()) {
$v->add_error("slug", "conflict");
* Validate the item name. It can't conflict with other names, can't contain slashes or
* trailing periods.
public function valid_name(Validation $v, $field) {
if (strpos($this->name, "/") !== false) {
$v->add_error("name", "no_slashes");
if (rtrim($this->name, ".") !== $this->name) {
$v->add_error("name", "no_trailing_period");
// Do not accept files with double extensions, they can cause problems on some
// versions of Apache.
if (!$this->is_album() && substr_count($this->name, ".") > 1) {
$v->add_error("name", "illegal_data_file_extension");
if ($this->is_movie() || $this->is_photo()) {
$ext = pathinfo($this->name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!$this->loaded() && !$ext) {
// New items must have an extension
$v->add_error("name", "illegal_data_file_extension");
if ($this->is_photo() && !legal_file::get_photo_extensions($ext) ||
$this->is_movie() && !legal_file::get_movie_extensions($ext)) {
$v->add_error("name", "illegal_data_file_extension");
if ($this->is_album()) {
if (db::build()
->where("parent_id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("name", "=", $this->name)
->merge_where($this->id ? array(array("id", "<>", $this->id)) : null)
->count_records()) {
$v->add_error("name", "conflict");
} else {
if (preg_match("/^(.*)(\.[^\.\/]*?)$/", $this->name, $matches)) {
$base_name = $matches[1];
} else {
$base_name = $this->name;
$base_name_escaped = Database::escape_for_like($base_name);
if (db::build()
->where("parent_id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("name", "LIKE", "{$base_name_escaped}.%")
->merge_where($this->id ? array(array("id", "<>", $this->id)) : null)
->count_records()) {
$v->add_error("name", "conflict");
if ($this->parent_id == 1 && Kohana::auto_load("{$this->slug}_Controller")) {
$v->add_error("slug", "reserved");
* Make sure that the data file is well formed (it exists and isn't empty).
public function valid_data_file(Validation $v, $field) {
if (!is_file($this->data_file)) {
$v->add_error("name", "bad_data_file_path");
} else if (filesize($this->data_file) == 0) {
$v->add_error("name", "empty_data_file");
} else if ($this->data_file_error) {
$v->add_error("name", "invalid_data_file");
* Make sure that the parent id refers to an album.
public function valid_parent(Validation $v, $field) {
if ($this->id == 1) {
if ($this->parent_id != 0) {
$v->add_error("parent_id", "invalid");
} else {
$query = db::build()
->where("id", "=", $this->parent_id)
->where("type", "=", "album");
// If this is an existing item, make sure the new parent is not part of our hierarchy
if ($this->loaded()) {
->where("left_ptr", "<", $this->left_ptr)
->or_where("right_ptr", ">", $this->right_ptr)
if ($query->count_records() != 1) {
$v->add_error("parent_id", "invalid");
* Make sure the album cover item id refers to a valid item, or is null.
public function valid_album_cover(Validation $v, $field) {
if ($this->id == 1) {
if ($this->album_cover_item_id && ($this->is_photo() || $this->is_movie() ||
->where("id", "=", $this->album_cover_item_id)
->where("type", "<>", "album")
->count_records() != 1)) {
$v->add_error("album_cover_item_id", "invalid_item");
* Make sure that the type is valid.
public function valid_field(Validation $v, $field) {
switch($field) {
case "mime_type":
if ($this->is_movie()) {
$legal_values = legal_file::get_movie_types();
} else if ($this->is_photo()) {
$legal_values = legal_file::get_photo_types();
case "sort_column":
if (!array_key_exists($this->sort_column, $this->object)) {
$v->add_error($field, "invalid");
case "sort_order":
$legal_values = array("ASC", "DESC", "asc", "desc");
case "type":
$legal_values = array("album", "photo", "movie");
$v->add_error($field, "unvalidated_field");
if (isset($legal_values) && !in_array($this->$field, $legal_values)) {
$v->add_error($field, "invalid");
* This field cannot be changed after it's been set.
public function read_only(Validation $v, $field) {
if ($this->loaded() && isset($this->changed[$field])) {
$v->add_error($field, "read_only");
* Same as ORM::as_array() but convert id fields into their RESTful form.
* @param array if specified, only return the named fields
public function as_restful_array($fields=array()) {
if ($fields) {
$data = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($this->object[$field])) {
$data[$field] = $this->__get($field);
$fields = array_flip($fields);
} else {
$data = $this->as_array();
// Convert item ids to rest URLs for consistency
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["parent"])) {
if ($tmp = $this->parent()) {
$data["parent"] = rest::url("item", $tmp);
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["album_cover"])) {
if ($tmp = $this->album_cover()) {
$data["album_cover"] = rest::url("item", $tmp);
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["web_url"])) {
$data["web_url"] = $this->abs_url();
if (!$this->is_album()) {
if (access::can("view_full", $this)) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_url"])) {
$data["file_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "full");
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_size"])) {
$data["file_size"] = filesize($this->file_path());
if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view_full", $this)) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_url_public"])) {
$data["file_url_public"] = $this->file_url(true);
if ($this->is_photo()) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_url"])) {
$data["resize_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "resize");
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_size"])) {
$data["resize_size"] = filesize($this->resize_path());
if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $this)) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_url_public"])) {
$data["resize_url_public"] = $this->resize_url(true);
if ($this->has_thumb()) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_url"])) {
$data["thumb_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "thumb");
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_size"])) {
$data["thumb_size"] = filesize($this->thumb_path());
if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $this)) {
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_url_public"])) {
$data["thumb_url_public"] = $this->thumb_url(true);
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["can_edit"])) {
$data["can_edit"] = access::can("edit", $this);
if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["can_add"])) {
$data["can_add"] = access::can("add", $this);
// Elide some internal-only data that is going to cause confusion in the client.
foreach (array("relative_path_cache", "relative_url_cache", "left_ptr", "right_ptr",
"thumb_dirty", "resize_dirty", "weight") as $key) {
return $data;
* Increments the view counter of this item
* We can't use math in ORM or the query builder, so do this by hand. It's important
* that we do this with math, otherwise concurrent accesses will damage accuracy.
public function increment_view_count() {
db::query("UPDATE {items} SET `view_count` = `view_count` + 1 WHERE `id` = $this->id")
private function _cache_buster($path) {
return "?m=" . (string)(file_exists($path) ? filemtime($path) : 0);