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<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
* Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor
* Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Bharat Mediratta
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class graphics_Core {
private static $init;
private static $_rules_cache = array();
* Add a new graphics rule.
* Rules are applied to targets (thumbnails and resizes) in priority order. Rules are functions
* in the graphics class. So for example, the following rule:
* graphics::add_rule("gallery", "thumb", "gallery_graphics::resize",
* array("width" => 200, "height" => 200, "master" => Image::AUTO), 100);
* Specifies that "gallery" is adding a rule to resize thumbnails down to a max of 200px on
* the longest side. The gallery module adds default rules at a priority of 100. You can set
* higher and lower priorities to perform operations before or after this fires.
* @param string $module_name the module that added the rule
* @param string $target the target for this operation ("thumb" or "resize")
* @param string $operation the name of the operation (<defining class>::method)
* @param array $args arguments to the operation
* @param integer $priority the priority for this rule (lower priorities are run first)
static function add_rule($module_name, $target, $operation, $args, $priority) {
$rule = ORM::factory("graphics_rule");
$rule->module_name = $module_name;
$rule->target = $target;
$rule->operation = $operation;
$rule->priority = $priority;
$rule->args = serialize($args);
$rule->active = true;
graphics::mark_dirty($target == "thumb", $target == "resize");
* Remove any matching graphics rules
* @param string $module_name the module that added the rule
* @param string $target the target for this operation ("thumb" or "resize")
* @param string $operation the name of the operation(<defining class>::method)
static function remove_rule($module_name, $target, $operation) {
->where("module_name", "=", $module_name)
->where("target", "=", $target)
->where("operation", "=", $operation)
graphics::mark_dirty($target == "thumb", $target == "resize");
* Remove all rules for this module
* @param string $module_name
static function remove_rules($module_name) {
$status = db::build()
->where("module_name", "=", $module_name)
if (count($status)) {
graphics::mark_dirty(true, true);
* Activate the rules for this module, typically done when the module itself is deactivated.
* Note that this does not mark images as dirty so that if you deactivate and reactivate a
* module it won't cause all of your images to suddenly require a rebuild.
static function activate_rules($module_name) {
->set("active", true)
->where("module_name", "=", $module_name)
* Deactivate the rules for this module, typically done when the module itself is deactivated.
* Note that this does not mark images as dirty so that if you deactivate and reactivate a
* module it won't cause all of your images to suddenly require a rebuild.
static function deactivate_rules($module_name) {
->set("active", false)
->where("module_name", "=", $module_name)
* Rebuild the thumb and resize for the given item.
* @param Item_Model $item
static function generate($item) {
if ($item->is_album()) {
if (!$cover = $item->album_cover()) {
// This album has no cover; there's nothing to generate. Because of an old bug, it's
// possible that there's an album cover item id that points to an invalid item. In that
// case, just null out the album cover item id. It's not optimal to do that at this low
// level, but it's not trivial to find these cases quickly in an upgrade script and if we
// don't do this, the album may be permanently marked as "needs rebuilding"
// ref:
if ($item->album_cover_item_id) {
$item->album_cover_item_id = null;
$input_file = $cover->file_path();
$input_item = $cover;
} else {
$input_file = $item->file_path();
$input_item = $item;
if ($item->thumb_dirty) {
$ops["thumb"] = $item->thumb_path();
if ($item->resize_dirty && !$item->is_album() && !$item->is_movie()) {
$ops["resize"] = $item->resize_path();
if (empty($ops)) {
$item->thumb_dirty = 0;
$item->resize_dirty = 0;
try {
foreach ($ops as $target => $output_file) {
if ($input_item->is_movie()) {
// Convert the movie to a JPG first
$output_file = preg_replace("/...$/", "jpg", $output_file);
try {
movie::extract_frame($input_file, $output_file);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Assuming this is MISSING_FFMPEG for now
copy(MODPATH . "gallery/images/missing_movie.png", $output_file);
$working_file = $output_file;
} else {
$working_file = $input_file;
foreach (self::_get_rules($target) as $rule) {
$args = array($working_file, $output_file, unserialize($rule->args));
call_user_func_array($rule->operation, $args);
$working_file = $output_file;
if (!empty($ops["thumb"])) {
$dims = getimagesize($item->thumb_path());
$item->thumb_width = $dims[0];
$item->thumb_height = $dims[1];
$item->thumb_dirty = 0;
if (!empty($ops["resize"])) {
$dims = getimagesize($item->resize_path());
$item->resize_width = $dims[0];
$item->resize_height = $dims[1];
$item->resize_dirty = 0;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Something went wrong rebuilding the image. Leave it dirty and move on.
// @todo we should handle this better.
Kohana_Log::add("error", "Caught exception rebuilding image: {$item->title}\n" .
$e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
throw $e;
private static function _get_rules($target) {
if (empty(self::$_rules_cache[$target])) {
$rules = array();
foreach (ORM::factory("graphics_rule")
->where("target", "=", $target)
->where("active", "=", true)
->order_by("priority", "asc")
->find_all() as $rule) {
$rules[] = (object)$rule->as_array();
self::$_rules_cache[$target] = $rules;
return self::$_rules_cache[$target];
* Return a query result that locates all items with dirty images.
* @return Database_Result Query result
static function find_dirty_images_query() {
return db::build()
->where("thumb_dirty", "=", 1)
->where("type", "<>", "album")
->or_where("album_cover_item_id", "IS NOT", null)
->where("resize_dirty", "=", 1)
->where("type", "=", "photo")
->where("id", "<>", 1)
* Mark thumbnails and resizes as dirty. They will have to be rebuilt.
static function mark_dirty($thumbs, $resizes) {
if ($thumbs || $resizes) {
$db = db::build()
if ($thumbs) {
$db->set("thumb_dirty", 1);
if ($resizes) {
$db->set("resize_dirty", 1);
$count = graphics::find_dirty_images_query()->count_records();
if ($count) {
t2("One of your photos is out of date. <a %attrs>Click here to fix it</a>",
"%count of your photos are out of date. <a %attrs>Click here to fix them</a>",
array("attrs" => html::mark_clean(sprintf(
'href="%s" class="g-dialog-link"',
* Detect which graphics toolkits are available on this system. Return an array of key value
* pairs where the key is one of gd, imagemagick, graphicsmagick and the value is information
* about that toolkit. For GD we return the version string, and for ImageMagick and
* GraphicsMagick we return the path to the directory containing the appropriate binaries.
static function detect_toolkits() {
$toolkits = new stdClass();
$toolkits->gd = new stdClass();
$toolkits->imagemagick = new stdClass();
$toolkits->graphicsmagick = new stdClass();
// GD is special, it doesn't use exec()
$gd = function_exists("gd_info") ? gd_info() : array();
$toolkits->gd->name = "GD";
if (!isset($gd["GD Version"])) {
$toolkits->gd->installed = false;
$toolkits->gd->error = t("GD is not installed");
} else {
$toolkits->gd->installed = true;
$toolkits->gd->version = $gd["GD Version"];
$toolkits->gd->rotate = function_exists("imagerotate");
$toolkits->gd->sharpen = function_exists("imageconvolution");
$toolkits->gd->binary = "";
$toolkits->gd->dir = "";
if (!$toolkits->gd->rotate && !$toolkits->gd->sharpen) {
$toolkits->gd->error =
t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image rotation and sharpening.",
array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
} else if (!$toolkits->gd->rotate) {
$toolkits->gd->error =
t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image rotation.",
array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
} else if (!$toolkits->gd->sharpen) {
$toolkits->gd->error =
t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image sharpening.",
array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
if (!function_exists("exec")) {
$toolkits->imagemagick->installed = false;
$toolkits->imagemagick->error = t("ImageMagick requires the <b>exec</b> function");
$toolkits->graphicsmagick->installed = false;
$toolkits->graphicsmagick->error = t("GraphicsMagick requires the <b>exec</b> function");
} else {
// ImageMagick & GraphicsMagick
$magick_kits = array(
"imagemagick" => array(
"name" => "ImageMagick", "binary" => "convert", "version" => "convert -v",
"version_regex" => "/Version: \S+ (\S+)/"),
"graphicsmagick" => array(
"name" => "GraphicsMagick", "binary" => "gm", "version" => "gm version",
"version_regex" => "/\S+ (\S+)/"));
// Loop through the kits
foreach ($magick_kits as $index => $settings) {
$path = system::find_binary(
$settings["binary"], module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
$toolkits->$index->name = $settings["name"];
if ($path) {
if (@is_file($path) &&
preg_match($settings["version_regex"], shell_exec($settings["version"]), $matches)) {
$version = $matches[1];
$toolkits->$index->installed = true;
$toolkits->$index->version = $version;
$toolkits->$index->binary = $path;
$toolkits->$index->dir = dirname($path);
$toolkits->$index->rotate = true;
$toolkits->$index->sharpen = true;
} else {
$toolkits->$index->installed = false;
$toolkits->$index->error =
t("%toolkit_name is installed, but PHP's open_basedir restriction prevents Gallery from using it.",
array("toolkit_name" => $settings["name"]));
} else {
$toolkits->$index->installed = false;
$toolkits->$index->error =
t("We could not locate %toolkit_name on your system.",
array("toolkit_name" => $settings["name"]));
return $toolkits;
* This needs to be run once, after the initial install, to choose a graphics toolkit.
static function choose_default_toolkit() {
// Detect a graphics toolkit
$toolkits = graphics::detect_toolkits();
foreach (array("imagemagick", "graphicsmagick", "gd") as $tk) {
if ($toolkits->$tk->installed) {
module::set_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit", $tk);
module::set_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path", $toolkits->$tk->dir);
if (!module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit")) {
t("Graphics toolkit missing! Please <a href=\"%url\">choose a toolkit</a>",
array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/graphics")))),
* Choose which driver the Kohana Image library uses.
static function init_toolkit() {
if (self::$init) {
switch(module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit")) {
case "gd":
Kohana_Config::instance()->set("image.driver", "GD");
case "imagemagick":
Kohana_Config::instance()->set("image.driver", "ImageMagick");
"", module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
case "graphicsmagick":
Kohana_Config::instance()->set("image.driver", "GraphicsMagick");
"", module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
self::$init = 1;
* Verify that a specific graphics function is available with the active toolkit.
* @param string $func (eg rotate, sharpen)
* @return boolean
static function can($func) {
if (module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit") == "gd") {
switch ($func) {
case "rotate":
return function_exists("imagerotate");
case "sharpen":
return function_exists("imageconvolution");
return true;