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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Database wrapper.
* @package Kohana
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2008-2009 Kohana Team
* @license
abstract class Database_Core {
const SELECT = 1;
const INSERT = 2;
const UPDATE = 3;
const DELETE = 4;
const CROSS_REQUEST = 5;
const PER_REQUEST = 6;
protected static $instances = array();
// Global benchmarks
public static $benchmarks = array();
// Last execute query
protected $last_query;
// Configuration array
protected $config;
// Required configuration keys
protected $config_required = array();
// Raw server connection
protected $connection;
// Cache (Cache object for cross-request, array for per-request)
protected $cache;
// Quote character to use for identifiers (tables/columns/aliases)
protected $quote = '"';
* Returns a singleton instance of Database.
* @param string Database name
* @return Database_Core
public static function instance($name = 'default')
if ( ! isset(Database::$instances[$name]))
// Load the configuration for this database group
$config = Kohana::config('database.'.$name);
if (is_string($config['connection']))
// Parse the DSN into connection array
$config['connection'] = Database::parse_dsn($config['connection']);
// Set the driver class name
$driver = 'Database_'.ucfirst($config['connection']['type']);
// Create the database connection instance
Database::$instances[$name] = new $driver($config);
return Database::$instances[$name];
* Constructs a new Database object
* @param array Database config array
* @return Database_Core
protected function __construct(array $config)
// Store the config locally
$this->config = $config;
if ($this->config['cache'] !== FALSE)
if (is_string($this->config['cache']))
// Use Cache library
$this->cache = new Cache($this->config['cache']);
elseif ($this->config['cache'] === TRUE)
// Use array
$this->cache = array();
public function __destruct()
* Connects to the database
* @return void
abstract public function connect();
* Disconnects from the database
* @return void
abstract public function disconnect();
* Sets the character set
* @return void
abstract public function set_charset($charset);
* Executes the query
* @param string SQL
* @return Database_Result
abstract public function query_execute($sql);
* Escapes the given value
* @param mixed Value
* @return mixed Escaped value
abstract public function escape($value);
* List constraints for the given table
* @param string Table name
* @return array
abstract public function list_constraints($table);
* List fields for the given table
* @param string Table name
* @return array
abstract public function list_fields($table);
* List tables for the given connection (checks for prefix)
* @return array
abstract public function list_tables();
* Converts the given DSN string to an array of database connection components
* @param string DSN string
* @return array
public static function parse_dsn($dsn)
$db = array
'type' => FALSE,
'user' => FALSE,
'pass' => FALSE,
'host' => FALSE,
'port' => FALSE,
'socket' => FALSE,
'database' => FALSE
// Get the protocol and arguments
list ($db['type'], $connection) = explode('://', $dsn, 2);
if ($connection[0] === '/')
// Strip leading slash
$db['database'] = substr($connection, 1);
$connection = parse_url('http://'.$connection);
if (isset($connection['user']))
$db['user'] = $connection['user'];
if (isset($connection['pass']))
$db['pass'] = $connection['pass'];
if (isset($connection['port']))
$db['port'] = $connection['port'];
if (isset($connection['host']))
if ($connection['host'] === 'unix(')
list($db['socket'], $connection['path']) = explode(')', $connection['path'], 2);
$db['host'] = $connection['host'];
if (isset($connection['path']) AND $connection['path'])
// Strip leading slash
$db['database'] = substr($connection['path'], 1);
return $db;
* Returns the last executed query for this database
* @return string
public function last_query()
return $this->last_query;
* Executes the given query, returning the cached version if enabled
* @param string SQL query
* @return Database_Result
public function query($sql)
// Start the benchmark
$start = microtime(TRUE);
if (is_array($this->cache))
$hash = $this->query_hash($sql);
if (isset($this->cache[$hash]))
// Use cached result
$result = $this->cache[$hash];
// It's from cache
$sql .= ' [CACHE]';
// No cache, execute query and store in cache
$result = $this->cache[$hash] = $this->query_execute($sql);
// Execute the query, cache is off
$result = $this->query_execute($sql);
// Stop the benchmark
$stop = microtime(TRUE);
if ($this->config['benchmark'] === TRUE)
// Benchmark the query
Database::$benchmarks[] = array('query' => $sql, 'time' => $stop - $start, 'rows' => count($result));
return $result;
* Performs the query on the cache (and caches it if it's not found)
* @param string query
* @param int time-to-live (NULL for Cache default)
* @return Database_Cache_Result
public function query_cache($sql, $ttl)
if ( ! $this->cache instanceof Cache)
throw new Database_Exception('Database :name has not been configured to use the Cache library.');
// Start the benchmark
$start = microtime(TRUE);
$hash = $this->query_hash($sql);
if (($data = $this->cache->get($hash)) !== NULL)
// Found in cache, create result
$result = new Database_Cache_Result($data, $sql, $this->config['object']);
// It's from the cache
$sql .= ' [CACHE]';
// Run the query and return the full array of rows
$data = $this->query_execute($sql)->as_array(TRUE);
// Set the Cache
$this->cache->set($hash, $data, NULL, $ttl);
// Create result
$result = new Database_Cache_Result($data, $sql, $this->config['object']);
// Stop the benchmark
$stop = microtime(TRUE);
if ($this->config['benchmark'] === TRUE)
// Benchmark the query
Database::$benchmarks[] = array('query' => $sql, 'time' => $stop - $start, 'rows' => count($result));
return $result;
* Generates a hash for the given query
* @param string SQL query string
* @return string
protected function query_hash($sql)
return sha1(str_replace("\n", ' ', trim($sql)));
* Clears the internal query cache.
* @param mixed clear cache by SQL statement, NULL for all, or TRUE for last query
* @param integer Type of cache to clear, Database::CROSS_REQUEST or Database::PER_REQUEST
* @return Database
public function clear_cache($sql = NULL, $type = NULL)
if ($this->cache instanceof Cache AND ($type == NULL OR $type == Database::CROSS_REQUEST))
// Using cross-request Cache library
if ($sql === TRUE)
elseif (is_string($sql))
elseif (is_array($this->cache) AND ($type == NULL OR $type == Database::PER_REQUEST))
// Using per-request memory cache
if ($sql === TRUE)
elseif (is_string($sql))
$this->cache = array();
* Quotes the given value
* @param mixed value
* @return mixed
public function quote($value)
if ( ! $this->config['escape'])
return $value;
if ($value === NULL)
return 'NULL';
elseif ($value === TRUE)
return 'TRUE';
elseif ($value === FALSE)
return 'FALSE';
elseif (is_int($value))
return (int) $value;
elseif ($value instanceof Database_Expression)
return (string) $value;
elseif (is_float($value))
// Convert to non-locale aware float to prevent possible commas
return sprintf('%F', $value);
return '\''.$this->escape($value).'\'';
* Quotes a table, adding the table prefix
* Reserved characters not allowed in table names for the builder are [ .*] (space, dot, asterisk)
* @param string|array table name or array - 'users u' or array('u' => 'users') both valid
* @param string table alias
* @return string
public function quote_table($table, $alias = NULL)
if (is_array($table))
// Using array('u' => 'user')
list($alias, $table) = each($table);
elseif (strpos(' ', $table) !== FALSE)
// Using format 'user u'
list($table, $alias) = explode(' ', $table);
if ($table instanceof Database_Expression)
if ($alias)
if ($this->config['escape'])
$alias = $this->quote.$alias.$this->quote;
return $table.' AS '.$alias;
return (string) $table;
if ($this->config['table_prefix'])
$table = $this->config['table_prefix'].$table;
if ($alias)
if ($this->config['escape'])
$table = $this->quote.$table.$this->quote;
$alias = $this->quote.$alias.$this->quote;
return $table.' AS '.$alias;
if ($this->config['escape'])
$table = $this->quote.$table.$this->quote;
return $table;
* Quotes column or table.column, adding the table prefix if necessary
* Reserved characters not allowed in table names for the builder are [ .*] (space, dot, asterisk)
* Complex column names must have table/columns in double quotes, e.g. array('mycount' => 'COUNT("")')
* @param string|array column name or array('u' => 'COUNT("*")')
* @param string column alias
* @return string
public function quote_column($column, $alias = NULL)
if ($column === '*')
return $column;
if (is_array($column))
list($alias, $column) = each($column);
if ($column instanceof Database_Expression)
if ($alias)
if ($this->config['escape'])
$alias = $this->quote.$alias.$this->quote;
return $column.' AS '.$alias;
return (string) $column;
if ($this->config['table_prefix'] AND strpos($column, '.') !== FALSE)
if (strpos($column, '"') !== FALSE)
// Find "table.column" and replace them with "[prefix]table.column"
$column = preg_replace('/"([^.]++)\.([^"]++)"/', '"'.$this->config['table_prefix'].'$1.$2"', $column);
// Attach table prefix if table.column format
$column = $this->config['table_prefix'].$column;
if ($this->config['escape'])
if (strpos($column, '"') === FALSE)
// Quote the column
$column = $this->quote.$column.$this->quote;
elseif ($this->quote !== '"')
// Replace double quotes
$column = str_replace('"', $this->quote, $column);
// Replace . with "."
$column = str_replace('.', $this->quote.'.'.$this->quote, $column);
// Unescape any asterisks
$column = str_replace($this->quote.'*'.$this->quote, '*', $column);
if ($alias)
// Quote the alias
return $column.' AS '.$this->quote.$alias.$this->quote;
return $column;
// Strip double quotes
$column = str_replace('"', '', $column);
if ($alias)
return $column.' AS '.$alias;
return $column;
* Get the table prefix
* @param string Optional new table prefix to set
* @return string
public function table_prefix($new_prefix = NULL)
$prefix = $this->config['table_prefix'];
if ($new_prefix !== NULL)
// Set a new prefix
$this->config['table_prefix'] = $new_prefix;
return $prefix;
* Fetches SQL type information about a field, in a generic format.
* @param string field datatype
* @return array
protected function sql_type($str)
static $sql_types;
if ($sql_types === NULL)
// Load SQL data types
$sql_types = Kohana::config('sql_types');
$str = trim($str);
if (($open = strpos($str, '(')) !== FALSE)
// Closing bracket
$close = strpos($str, ')', $open);
// Length without brackets
$length = substr($str, $open + 1, $close - 1 - $open);
// Type without the length
$type = substr($str, 0, $open).substr($str, $close + 1);
// No length
$type = $str;
if (empty($sql_types[$type]))
throw new Database_Exception('Undefined field type :type', array(':type' => $str));
// Fetch the field definition
$field = $sql_types[$type];
$field['sql_type'] = $type;
if (isset($length))
// Add the length to the field info
$field['length'] = $length;
return $field;
} // End Database