_reset(); // empty and reinstall the standard modules $this->_dump_database(); // Dump the database $this->_dump_var(); // Dump the var directory } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); return; } print "Successfully wrote install.sql and init_var.php\n"; } private function _reset() { // Drop all tables foreach (Database::instance()->list_tables() as $table) { Database::instance()->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {{$table}}"); } // Clean out data dir::unlink(VARPATH . "uploads"); dir::unlink(VARPATH . "albums"); dir::unlink(VARPATH . "resizes"); dir::unlink(VARPATH . "thumbs"); dir::unlink(VARPATH . "modules"); dir::unlink(VARPATH . "tmp"); Database::instance()->clear_cache(); module::$modules = array(); module::$active = array(); // Use a known random seed so that subsequent packaging runs will reuse the same random // numbers, keeping our install.sql file more stable. srand(0); foreach (array("gallery", "user", "comment", "organize", "info", "rss", "search", "slideshow", "tag") as $module_name) { module::install($module_name); module::activate($module_name); } } private function _dump_database() { // We now have a clean install with just the packages that we want. Make sure that the // database is clean too. $i = 1; foreach (array("dashboard_sidebar", "dashboard_center", "site_sidebar") as $key) { $blocks = array(); foreach (unserialize(module::get_var("gallery", "blocks_{$key}")) as $rnd => $value) { $blocks[++$i] = $value; } module::set_var("gallery", "blocks_{$key}", serialize($blocks)); } Database::instance()->query("TRUNCATE {caches}"); Database::instance()->query("TRUNCATE {sessions}"); Database::instance()->query("TRUNCATE {logs}"); db::build()->update("users") ->set(array("password" => "")) ->where("id", "in", array(1, 2)) ->execute(); $dbconfig = Kohana::config('database.default'); $conn = $dbconfig["connection"]; $pass = $conn["pass"] ? "-p{$conn['pass']}" : ""; $sql_file = DOCROOT . "installer/install.sql"; if (!is_writable($sql_file)) { print "$sql_file is not writeable"; return; } $command = "mysqldump --compact --skip-extended-insert --add-drop-table -h{$conn['host']} " . "-u{$conn['user']} $pass {$conn['database']} > $sql_file"; exec($command, $output, $status); if ($status) { print "
      print "$command\n";
      print "Failed to dump database\n";
      print implode("\n", $output);

    // Post-process the sql file
    $buf = "";
    $root = ORM::factory("item", 1);
    $root_created_timestamp = $root->created;
    $root_updated_timestamp = $root->updated;
    $table_name = "";
    foreach (file($sql_file) as $line) {
      // Prefix tables
      $line = preg_replace(
        "/(CREATE TABLE|IF EXISTS|INSERT INTO) `{$dbconfig['table_prefix']}(\w+)`/", "\\1 {\\2}",

      if (preg_match("/CREATE TABLE {(\w+)}/", $line, $matches)) {
        $table_name = $matches[1];
      // Normalize dates
      $line = preg_replace("/,$root_created_timestamp,/", ",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),", $line);
      $line = preg_replace("/,$root_updated_timestamp,/", ",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),", $line);

      // Remove ENGINE= specifications execpt for search records, it always needs to be MyISAM
      if ($table_name != "search_records") {
        $line = preg_replace("/ENGINE=\S+ /", "", $line);

      // Null out ids in the vars table since it's an auto_increment table and this will result in
      // more stable values so we'll have less churn in install.sql.
      $line = preg_replace(
        "/^INSERT INTO {vars} VALUES \(\d+/", "INSERT INTO {vars} VALUES (NULL", $line);

      $buf .= $line;
    $fd = fopen($sql_file, "wb");
    fwrite($fd, $buf);

  private function _dump_var() {
    $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
      new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(VARPATH),

    $var_file = DOCROOT . "installer/init_var.php";
    if (!is_writable($var_file)) {
      print "$var_file is not writeable";

    $paths = array();
    foreach($objects as $name => $file){
      $path = $file->getPath();
      $basename = $file->getBasename();
      if ($basename == "database.php" || $basename == "." || $basename == "..") {
      } else if (basename($path) == "logs" && $basename != ".htaccess") {

      if ($file->isDir()) {
        $paths[] = "VARPATH . \"" . substr($name, strlen(VARPATH)) . "\"";
      } else {
        // @todo: serialize non-directories
        $files["VARPATH . \"" . substr($name, strlen(VARPATH)) . "\""] =
    // Sort the paths so that the var file is stable

    $fd = fopen($var_file, "w");
    fwrite($fd, "\n");
    fwrite($fd, " $contents) {
      fwrite($fd, "file_put_contents($file, base64_decode(\"$contents\"));\n");