1) { list ($previous_item, $ignore, $next_item) = $photo->parent()->viewable()->children(3, $position - 2, $where); } else { $previous_item = null; list ($next_item) = $photo->parent()->viewable()->children(1, $position, $where); } $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "item", "photo"); $template->set_global( array("item" => $photo, "children" => array(), "children_count" => 0, "parents" => $photo->parents()->as_array(), "next_item" => $next_item, "previous_item" => $previous_item, "sibling_count" => $photo->parent()->viewable()->children_count($where), "position" => $position)); $template->content = new View("photo.html"); $photo->increment_view_count(); print $template; } public function update($photo_id) { access::verify_csrf(); $photo = ORM::factory("item", $photo_id); access::required("view", $photo); access::required("edit", $photo); $form = photo::get_edit_form($photo); try { $valid = $form->validate(); $photo->title = $form->edit_item->title->value; $photo->description = $form->edit_item->description->value; $photo->slug = $form->edit_item->slug->value; $photo->name = $form->edit_item->inputs["name"]->value; $photo->validate(); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { // Translate ORM validation errors into form error messages foreach ($e->validation->errors() as $key => $error) { $form->edit_item->inputs[$key]->add_error($error, 1); } $valid = false; } if ($valid) { $photo->save(); module::event("item_edit_form_completed", $photo, $form); log::success("content", "Updated photo", "url()}\">view"); message::success( t("Saved photo %photo_title", array("photo_title" => html::purify($photo->title)))); if ($form->from_id->value == $photo->id) { // Use the new url; it might have changed. json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => $photo->url())); } else { // Stay on the same page json::reply(array("result" => "success")); } } else { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$form)); } } public function form_edit($photo_id) { $photo = ORM::factory("item", $photo_id); access::required("view", $photo); access::required("edit", $photo); print photo::get_edit_form($photo); } }