form = auth::get_login_form("login/auth_ajax"); print $view; } public function auth_ajax() { access::verify_csrf(); list ($valid, $form) = $this->_auth("login/auth_ajax"); if ($valid) { json::reply(array("result" => "success")); } else { $view = new View("login_ajax.html"); $view->form = $form; json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$view)); } } public function html() { $view = new Theme_View("page.html", "other", "login"); $view->page_title = t("Login"); $view->content = auth::get_login_form("login/auth_html"); print $view; } public function auth_html() { access::verify_csrf(); list ($valid, $form) = $this->_auth("login/auth_html"); if ($valid) { $continue_url = $form->continue_url->value; url::redirect($continue_url ? $continue_url : item::root()->abs_url()); } else { $view = new Theme_View("page.html", "other", "login"); $view->page_title = t("Log in to Gallery"); $view->content = new View("login_ajax.html"); $view->content->form = $form; print $view; } } private function _auth($url) { $form = auth::get_login_form($url); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($form->login->inputs["name"]->value); if (empty($user) || !identity::is_correct_password($user, $form->login->password->value)) { $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $name = $form->login->inputs["name"]->value; log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => $name))); module::event("user_auth_failed", $name); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { auth::login($user); } // Either way, regenerate the session id to avoid session trapping Session::instance()->regenerate(); return array($valid, $form); } }