item_id); } function author() { return identity::lookup_user($this->author_id); } function author_name() { $author = $this->author(); if ($author->guest) { return $this->guest_name; } else { return $author->display_name(); } } function author_email() { $author = $this->author(); if ($author->guest) { return $this->guest_email; } else { return $author->email; } } function author_url() { $author = $this->author(); if ($author->guest) { return $this->guest_url; } else { return $author->url; } } /** * Add some custom per-instance rules. */ public function validate(Validation $array=null) { // validate() is recursive, only modify the rules on the outermost call. if (!$array) { $this->rules = array( "guest_name" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_author"))), "guest_email" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_email"))), "guest_url" => array("rules" => array("url")), "item_id" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_item"))), "state" => array("rules" => array("Comment_Model::valid_state")), "text" => array("rules" => array("required")), ); } parent::validate($array); } /** * @see ORM::save() */ public function save() { $this->updated = time(); if (!$this->loaded()) { // New comment $this->created = $this->updated; if (empty($this->state)) { $this->state = "published"; } // These values are useful for spam fighting, so save them with the comment. It's painful to // check each one to see if it already exists before setting it, so just use server_http_host // as a semaphore for now (we use that in g2_import.php) if (empty($this->server_http_host)) { $input = Input::instance(); $this->server_http_accept = substr($input->server("HTTP_ACCEPT"), 0, 128); $this->server_http_accept_charset = substr($input->server("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"), 0, 64); $this->server_http_accept_encoding = substr($input->server("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"), 0, 64); $this->server_http_accept_language = substr($input->server("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"), 0, 64); $this->server_http_connection = substr($input->server("HTTP_CONNECTION"), 0, 64); $this->server_http_host = substr($input->server("HTTP_HOST"), 0, 64); $this->server_http_referer = substr($input->server("HTTP_REFERER"), 0, 255); $this->server_http_user_agent = substr($input->server("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), 0, 128); $this->server_query_string = substr($input->server("QUERY_STRING"), 0, 64); $this->server_remote_addr = substr($input->server("REMOTE_ADDR"), 0, 32); $this->server_remote_host = substr($input->server("REMOTE_HOST"), 0, 64); $this->server_remote_port = substr($input->server("REMOTE_PORT"), 0, 16); } $visible_change = $this->state == "published"; parent::save(); module::event("comment_created", $this); } else { // Updated comment $original = ORM::factory("comment", $this->id); $visible_change = $original->state == "published" || $this->state == "published"; parent::save(); module::event("comment_updated", $original, $this); } // We only notify on the related items if we're making a visible change. if ($visible_change) { $item = $this->item(); module::event("item_related_update", $item); } return $this; } /** * Add a set of restrictions to any following queries to restrict access only to items * viewable by the active user. * @chainable */ public function viewable() { $this->join("items", "", "comments.item_id"); return item::viewable($this); } /** * Make sure we have an appropriate author id set, or a guest name. */ public function valid_author(Validation $v, $field) { if (empty($this->author_id)) { $v->add_error("author_id", "required"); } else if ($this->author_id == identity::guest()->id && empty($this->guest_name)) { $v->add_error("guest_name", "required"); } } /** * Make sure that the email address is legal. */ public function valid_email(Validation $v, $field) { if ($this->author_id == identity::guest()->id) { if (empty($v->guest_email)) { $v->add_error("guest_email", "required"); } else if (!valid::email($v->guest_email)) { $v->add_error("guest_email", "invalid"); } } } /** * Make sure we have a valid associated item id. */ public function valid_item(Validation $v, $field) { if (db::build() ->from("items") ->where("id", "=", $this->item_id) ->count_records() != 1) { $v->add_error("item_id", "invalid"); } } /** * Make sure that the state is legal. */ static function valid_state($value) { return in_array($value, array("published", "unpublished", "spam", "deleted")); } /** * Same as ORM::as_array() but convert id fields into their RESTful form. */ public function as_restful_array() { $data = array(); foreach ($this->as_array() as $key => $value) { if (strncmp($key, "server_", 7)) { $data[$key] = $value; } } $data["item"] = rest::url("item", $this->item()); unset($data["item_id"]); return $data; } }