connect(); } catch (Kohana_PHP_Exception $e) { print "Database configuration error. Please check var/database.php"; exit; } Event::add("system.ready", array("Gallery_I18n", "instance")); Event::add("system.ready", array("module", "load_modules")); Event::add("system.ready", array("gallery", "ready")); Event::add("system.post_routing", array("url", "parse_url")); Event::add("system.post_routing", array("gallery", "maintenance_mode")); Event::add("system.post_routing", array("gallery", "private_gallery")); Event::add("system.shutdown", array("gallery", "shutdown")); // @todo once we convert to Kohana 2.4 this doesn't have to be here set_error_handler(array("gallery_error", "error_handler")); // Override the cookie if we have a session id in the URL. // @todo This should probably be an event callback $input = Input::instance(); if ($g3sid = $input->post("g3sid", $input->get("g3sid"))) { $_COOKIE["g3sid"] = $g3sid; } if ($user_agent = $input->post("user_agent", $input->get("user_agent"))) { $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = $user_agent; }