id", "", "post", array("id" => "g-edit-photo-form")); $form->hidden("from_id")->value($photo->id); $group = $form->group("edit_item")->label(t("Edit Photo")); $group->input("title")->label(t("Title"))->value($photo->title) ->error_messages("required", t("You must provide a title")) ->error_messages("length", t("Your title is too long")); $group->textarea("description")->label(t("Description"))->value($photo->description); $group->input("name")->label(t("Filename"))->value($photo->name) ->error_messages("conflict", t("There is already a movie, photo or album with this name")) ->error_messages("no_slashes", t("The photo name can't contain a \"/\"")) ->error_messages("no_trailing_period", t("The photo name can't end in \".\"")) ->error_messages("illegal_data_file_extension", t("You cannot change the photo file extension")) ->error_messages("required", t("You must provide a photo file name")) ->error_messages("length", t("Your photo file name is too long")); $group->input("slug")->label(t("Internet Address"))->value($photo->slug) ->error_messages( "conflict", t("There is already a movie, photo or album with this internet address")) ->error_messages( "not_url_safe", t("The internet address should contain only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores")) ->error_messages("required", t("You must provide an internet address")) ->error_messages("length", t("Your internet address is too long")); module::event("item_edit_form", $photo, $form); $group = $form->group("buttons")->label(""); $group->submit("")->value(t("Modify")); return $form; } /** * Return scaled width and height. * * @param integer $width * @param integer $height * @param integer $max the target size for the largest dimension * @param string $format the output format using %d placeholders for width and height */ static function img_dimensions($width, $height, $max, $format="width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"") { if (!$width || !$height) { return ""; } if ($width > $height) { $new_width = $max; $new_height = (int)$max * ($height / $width); } else { $new_height = $max; $new_width = (int)$max * ($width / $height); } return sprintf($format, $new_width, $new_height); } /** * Return the width, height, mime_type and extension of the given image file. * Metadata is first generated using getimagesize (or the legal_file mapping if it fails), * then can be modified by other modules using photo_get_file_metadata events. * * This function and its use cases are symmetric to those of photo::get_file_metadata. * * @param string $file_path * @return array array($width, $height, $mime_type, $extension) * * Use cases in detail: * Input is standard photo type (jpg/png/gif) * -> return metadata from getimagesize() * Input is *not* standard photo type that is supported by getimagesize (e.g. tif, bmp...) * -> return metadata from getimagesize() * Input is *not* standard photo type that is *not* supported by getimagesize but is legal * -> return metadata if found by photo_get_file_metadata events * Input is illegal, unidentifiable, unreadable, or does not exist * -> throw exception * Note: photo_get_file_metadata events can change any of the above cases (except the last one). */ static function get_file_metadata($file_path) { if (!is_readable($file_path)) { throw new Exception("@todo UNREADABLE_FILE"); } $metadata = new stdClass(); if ($image_info = getimagesize($file_path)) { // getimagesize worked - use its results. $metadata->width = $image_info[0]; $metadata->height = $image_info[1]; $metadata->mime_type = $image_info["mime"]; $metadata->extension = image_type_to_extension($image_info[2], false); // We prefer jpg instead of jpeg (which is returned by image_type_to_extension). if ($metadata->extension == "jpeg") { $metadata->extension = "jpg"; } } else { // getimagesize failed - try to use legal_file mapping instead. $extension = pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (!$extension || (!$metadata->mime_type = legal_file::get_photo_types_by_extension($extension))) { // Extension is empty or illegal. $metadata->extension = null; $metadata->mime_type = null; } else { // Extension is legal (and mime is already set above). $metadata->extension = strtolower($extension); } $metadata->width = 0; $metadata->height = 0; } // Run photo_get_file_metadata events which can modify the class. module::event("photo_get_file_metadata", $file_path, $metadata); // If the post-events results are invalid, throw an exception. if (!$metadata->width || !$metadata->height || !$metadata->mime_type || !$metadata->extension || ($metadata->mime_type != legal_file::get_photo_types_by_extension($metadata->extension))) { throw new Exception("@todo ILLEGAL_OR_UNINDENTIFIABLE_FILE"); } return array($metadata->width, $metadata->height, $metadata->mime_type, $metadata->extension); } }