$name) { list ($language) = explode("_", $locale . "_"); // The first one mentioned is the default if (!isset($d[$language])) { $d[$language] = $locale; } } self::$language_subtag_to_locale = $d; } static function display_name($locale=null) { if (empty(self::$locales)) { self::_init_language_data(); } $locale or $locale = Gallery_I18n::instance()->locale(); return self::$locales[$locale]; } static function is_rtl($locale=null) { return Gallery_I18n::instance()->is_rtl($locale); } /** * Returns the best match comparing the HTTP accept-language header * with the installed locales. * @todo replace this with request::accepts_language() when we upgrade to Kohana 2.4 */ static function locale_from_http_request() { $http_accept_language = Input::instance()->server("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"); if ($http_accept_language) { // Parse the HTTP header and build a preference list // Example value: "de,en-us;q=0.7,en-uk,fr-fr;q=0.2" $locale_preferences = array(); foreach (explode(",", $http_accept_language) as $code) { list ($requested_locale, $qvalue) = explode(";", $code . ";"); $requested_locale = trim($requested_locale); $qvalue = trim($qvalue); if (preg_match("/^([a-z]{2,3})(?:[_-]([a-zA-Z]{2}))?/", $requested_locale, $matches)) { $requested_locale = strtolower($matches[1]); if (!empty($matches[2])) { $requested_locale .= "_" . strtoupper($matches[2]); } $requested_locale = trim(str_replace("-", "_", $requested_locale)); if (!strlen($qvalue)) { // If not specified, default to 1. $qvalue = 1; } else { // qvalue is expected to be something like "q=0.7" list ($ignored, $qvalue) = explode("=", $qvalue . "=="); $qvalue = floatval($qvalue); } // Group by language to boost inexact same-language matches list ($language) = explode("_", $requested_locale . "_"); if (!isset($locale_preferences[$language])) { $locale_preferences[$language] = array(); } $locale_preferences[$language][$requested_locale] = $qvalue; } } // Compare and score requested locales with installed ones $scored_locales = array(); foreach ($locale_preferences as $language => $requested_locales) { // Inexact match adjustment (same language, different region) $fallback_adjustment_factor = 0.95; if (count($requested_locales) > 1) { // Sort by qvalue, descending $qvalues = array_values($requested_locales); rsort($qvalues); // Ensure inexact match scores worse than 2nd preference in same language. $fallback_adjustment_factor *= $qvalues[1]; } foreach ($requested_locales as $requested_locale => $qvalue) { list ($matched_locale, $match_score) = self::_locale_match_score($requested_locale, $qvalue, $fallback_adjustment_factor); if ($matched_locale && (!isset($scored_locales[$matched_locale]) || $match_score > $scored_locales[$matched_locale])) { $scored_locales[$matched_locale] = $match_score; } } } arsort($scored_locales); list ($locale) = each($scored_locales); return $locale; } return null; } private static function _locale_match_score($requested_locale, $qvalue, $adjustment_factor) { $installed = locales::installed(); if (isset($installed[$requested_locale])) { return array($requested_locale, $qvalue); } list ($language) = explode("_", $requested_locale . "_"); if (isset(self::$language_subtag_to_locale[$language]) && isset($installed[self::$language_subtag_to_locale[$language]])) { $score = $adjustment_factor * $qvalue; return array(self::$language_subtag_to_locale[$language], $score); } return array(null, 0); } static function set_request_locale() { // 1. Check the session specific preference (cookie) $locale = locales::cookie_locale(); // 2. Check the user's preference if (!$locale) { $locale = identity::active_user()->locale; } // 3. Check the browser's / OS' preference if (!$locale) { $locale = locales::locale_from_http_request(); } // If we have any preference, override the site's default locale if ($locale) { Gallery_I18n::instance()->locale($locale); } } static function cookie_locale() { // Can't use Input framework for client side cookies since // they're not signed. $cookie_data = isset($_COOKIE["g_locale"]) ? $_COOKIE["g_locale"] : null; $locale = null; if ($cookie_data) { if (preg_match("/^([a-z]{2,3}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?)$/", trim($cookie_data), $matches)) { $requested_locale = $matches[1]; $installed_locales = locales::installed(); if (isset($installed_locales[$requested_locale])) { $locale = $requested_locale; } } } return $locale; } }