0) { // A graphics_rotate event made an image - move it to output_file and use it. @rename($temp_file, $output_file); } else { // No events made an image - proceed with standard process. if (@filesize($input_file) == 0) { throw new Exception("@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE"); } if (!isset($options["degrees"])) { $options["degrees"] = 0; } // Rotate the image. This also implicitly converts its format if needed. Image::factory($input_file) ->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality")) ->rotate($options["degrees"]) ->save($output_file); } module::event("graphics_rotate_completed", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item); } /** * Resize an image. Valid options are width, height and master. Master is one of the Image * master dimension constants. * * @param string $input_file * @param string $output_file * @param array $options * @param Item_Model $item (optional) */ static function resize($input_file, $output_file, $options, $item=null) { graphics::init_toolkit(); $temp_file = system::temp_filename("resize_", pathinfo($output_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); module::event("graphics_resize", $input_file, $temp_file, $options, $item); if (@filesize($temp_file) > 0) { // A graphics_resize event made an image - move it to output_file and use it. @rename($temp_file, $output_file); } else { // No events made an image - proceed with standard process. if (@filesize($input_file) == 0) { throw new Exception("@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE"); } list ($input_width, $input_height, $input_mime, $input_extension) = photo::get_file_metadata($input_file); if ($input_width && $input_height && (empty($options["width"]) || empty($options["height"]) || empty($options["master"]) || (max($input_width, $input_height) <= min($options["width"], $options["height"])))) { // Photo dimensions well-defined, but options not well-defined or would upscale the image. // Do not resize. Check mimes to see if we can copy the file or if we need to convert it. // (checking mimes avoids needlessly converting jpg to jpeg, etc.) $output_mime = legal_file::get_photo_types_by_extension(pathinfo($output_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($input_mime && $output_mime && ($input_mime == $output_mime)) { // Mimes well-defined and identical - copy input to output copy($input_file, $output_file); } else { // Mimes not well-defined or not the same - convert input to output $image = Image::factory($input_file) ->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality")) ->save($output_file); } } else { // Resize the image. This also implicitly converts its format if needed. $image = Image::factory($input_file) ->resize($options["width"], $options["height"], $options["master"]) ->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality")); if (graphics::can("sharpen")) { $image->sharpen(module::get_var("gallery", "image_sharpen")); } $image->save($output_file); } } module::event("graphics_resize_completed", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item); } /** * Overlay an image on top of the input file. * * Valid options are: file, position, transparency, padding * * Valid positions: northwest, north, northeast, * west, center, east, * southwest, south, southeast * * padding is in pixels * * @param string $input_file * @param string $output_file * @param array $options * @param Item_Model $item (optional) */ static function composite($input_file, $output_file, $options, $item=null) { try { graphics::init_toolkit(); $temp_file = system::temp_filename("composite_", pathinfo($output_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); module::event("graphics_composite", $input_file, $temp_file, $options, $item); if (@filesize($temp_file) > 0) { // A graphics_composite event made an image - move it to output_file and use it. @rename($temp_file, $output_file); } else { // No events made an image - proceed with standard process. list ($width, $height) = photo::get_file_metadata($input_file); list ($w_width, $w_height) = photo::get_file_metadata($options["file"]); $pad = isset($options["padding"]) ? $options["padding"] : 10; $top = $pad; $left = $pad; $y_center = max($height / 2 - $w_height / 2, $pad); $x_center = max($width / 2 - $w_width / 2, $pad); $bottom = max($height - $w_height - $pad, $pad); $right = max($width - $w_width - $pad, $pad); switch ($options["position"]) { case "northwest": $x = $left; $y = $top; break; case "north": $x = $x_center; $y = $top; break; case "northeast": $x = $right; $y = $top; break; case "west": $x = $left; $y = $y_center; break; case "center": $x = $x_center; $y = $y_center; break; case "east": $x = $right; $y = $y_center; break; case "southwest": $x = $left; $y = $bottom; break; case "south": $x = $x_center; $y = $bottom; break; case "southeast": $x = $right; $y = $bottom; break; } Image::factory($input_file) ->composite($options["file"], $x, $y, $options["transparency"]) ->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality")) ->save($output_file); } module::event("graphics_composite_completed", $input_file, $output_file, $options, $item); } catch (ErrorException $e) { // Unlike rotate and resize, composite catches its exceptions here. This is because // composite is typically called for watermarks. If during thumb/resize generation // the watermark fails, we'd still like the image resized, just without its watermark. // If the exception isn't caught here, graphics::generate will replace it with a // placeholder. Kohana_Log::add("error", $e->getMessage()); } } }