page_title = t("Theme choice"); $view->content = new View("admin_themes.html"); $view->content->admin = module::get_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme"); $view->content->site = module::get_var("gallery", "active_site_theme"); $view->content->themes = $this->_get_themes(); site_status::clear("missing_site_theme"); site_status::clear("missing_admin_theme"); print $view; } private function _get_themes() { $themes = array(); foreach (scandir(THEMEPATH) as $theme_name) { if ($theme_name[0] == ".") { continue; } $theme_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\._-]/", "", $theme_name); if (file_exists(THEMEPATH . "$theme_name/")) { $themes[$theme_name] = theme::get_info($theme_name); } } return $themes; } public function preview($type, $theme_name) { $view = new View("admin_themes_preview.html"); $view->info = theme::get_info($theme_name); $view->theme_name = t($theme_name); $view->type = $type; if ($type == "admin") { $view->url = url::site("admin?theme=$theme_name"); } else { $view->url = item::root()->url("theme=$theme_name"); } print $view; } public function choose($type, $theme_name) { access::verify_csrf(); $info = theme::get_info($theme_name); if ($type == "admin" && $info->admin) { module::set_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme", $theme_name); message::success(t("Successfully changed your admin theme to %theme_name", array("theme_name" => $info->name))); } else if ($type == "site" && $info->site) { module::set_var("gallery", "active_site_theme", $theme_name); message::success(t("Successfully changed your Gallery theme to %theme_name", array("theme_name" => $info->name))); } url::redirect("admin/themes"); } }