200) { // Regular install $base_dir = $config_dir; } else { // Multisite install. Line 2 of embed.php will be something like: // require('/usr/home/bharat/public_html/gallery2/embed.php'); $lines = file($embed_path); preg_match("#require\('(.*)/embed.php'\);#", $lines[2], $matches); $base_dir = $matches[1]; } file_put_contents( "$mod_path/embed.php", str_replace( array( "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array( "require_once('$base_dir/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require('$base_dir/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array_merge( array("\n"), file("$base_dir/embed.php")))); file_put_contents( "$mod_path/main.php", str_replace( array( "include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bootstrap.inc');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.inc');"), array( "include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bootstrap.inc');", "require_once('$base_dir/init.inc');"), array_merge( array("\n"), file("$base_dir/main.php")))); file_put_contents( "$mod_path/bootstrap.inc", str_replace( array( "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));", "\$gallery =& new Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new Gallery();", "\$gallery = new Gallery();"), array( "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Gallery.class');", "require_once('$base_dir/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', '$config_dir');", "\$gallery =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$gallery = new G2_Gallery();"), array_merge( array("\n"), file("$base_dir/bootstrap.inc")))); file_put_contents( "$mod_path/Gallery.class", str_replace( array("class Gallery", "function Gallery"), array("class G2_Gallery", "function G2_Gallery"), array_merge( array("\n"), file("$base_dir/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class")))); } else { // Ok, this is a good one. If you're running a bytecode accelerator and you move your // Gallery install, these files sometimes get cached with the wrong path and then fail to // load properly. // Documented in https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/1253 touch("$mod_path/embed.php"); touch("$mod_path/main.php"); touch("$mod_path/bootstrap.inc"); touch("$mod_path/Gallery.class.inc"); } require("$mod_path/embed.php"); if (!class_exists("GalleryEmbed")) { return "invalid"; } $ret = GalleryEmbed::init(); if ($ret) { Kohana_Log::add("error", "Gallery 2 call failed with: " . $ret->getAsText()); return "broken"; } $admin_group_id = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "core", "id.adminGroup")); $admins = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsersForGroup($admin_group_id, 1)); $admin_id = current(array_flip($admins)); $admin = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($admin_id)); $GLOBALS["gallery"]->setActiveUser($admin); // Make sure we have an embed location so that embedded url generation comes out ok. Without // this, the Gallery2 ModRewrite code won't try to do url generation. $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation")); if (empty($g2_embed_location)) { $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.galleryLocation")); g2(GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation", $g2_embed_location)); g2($gallery->getStorage()->checkPoint()); } if ($g2_embed_location) { self::$g2_base_url = $g2_embed_location; } else { self::$g2_base_url = $GLOBALS["gallery"]->getUrlGenerator()->generateUrl( array(), array("forceSessionId" => false, "htmlEntities" => false, "urlEncode" => false, "useAuthToken" => false)); } } catch (ErrorException $e) { Kohana_Log::add("error", $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); return "broken"; } return "ok"; } /** * Return the version of Gallery 2 (eg "2.3") */ static function version() { $core = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin("module", "core")); $versions = $core->getInstalledVersions(); return $versions["gallery"]; } /** * Return true if the given Gallery 2 module is active. */ static function g2_module_active($module) { static $plugin_list; if (!$plugin_list) { $plugin_list = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginList("module")); } return @$plugin_list[$module]["active"]; } /** * Return a set of statistics about the number of users, groups, albums, photos, movies and * comments available for import from the Gallery 2 instance. */ static function g2_stats() { global $gallery; $root_album_id = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId()); $stats["users"] = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserCount()); $stats["groups"] = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupCount()); $stats["albums"] = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdCount("GalleryAlbumItem")); $stats["photos"] = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdCount("GalleryPhotoItem")); $stats["movies"] = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdCount("GalleryMovieItem")); if (g2_import::g2_module_active("comment") && module::is_active("comment")) { GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce("modules/comment/classes/GalleryCommentHelper.class"); list (, $stats["comments"]) = g2(GalleryCommentHelper::fetchAllComments($root_album_id, 1)); } else { $stats["comments"] = 0; } if (g2_import::g2_module_active("tags") && module::is_active("tag")) { $result = g2($gallery->search("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT([TagItemMap::itemId])) FROM [TagItemMap]")) ->nextResult(); $stats["tags"] = $result[0]; } else { $stats["tags"] = 0; } return $stats; } /** * Return a set of statistics about the number of users, groups, albums, photos, movies and * comments already imported into the Gallery 3 instance. */ static function g3_stats() { $g3_stats = array( "album" => 0, "comment" => 0, "item" => 0, "user" => 0, "group" => 0, "tag" => 0); foreach (db::build() ->select("resource_type") ->select(array("C" => 'COUNT("*")')) ->from("g2_maps") ->where("resource_type", "IN", array("album", "comment", "item", "user", "group")) ->group_by("resource_type") ->execute() as $row) { $g3_stats[$row->resource_type] = $row->C; } return $g3_stats; } /** * Import a single group. */ static function import_group(&$queue) { $messages = array(); $g2_group_id = array_shift($queue); if (self::map($g2_group_id)) { return; } try { $g2_group = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_group_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to import Gallery 2 group with id: %id,", array("id" => $g2_group_id)), $e); } switch ($g2_group->getGroupType()) { case GROUP_NORMAL: try { $group = identity::create_group($g2_group->getGroupName()); $messages[] = t("Group '%name' was imported", array("name" => $g2_group->getGroupname())); } catch (Exception $e) { // Did it fail because of a duplicate group name? $group = identity::lookup_group_by_name($g2_group->getGroupname()); if ($group) { $messages[] = t("Group '%name' was mapped to the existing group group of the same name.", array("name" => $g2_group->getGroupname())); } else { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to import group '%name'", array("name" => $g2_group->getGroupname())), $e); } } break; case GROUP_ALL_USERS: $group = identity::registered_users(); $messages[] = t("Group 'Registered' was converted to '%name'", array("name" => $group->name)); break; case GROUP_SITE_ADMINS: $messages[] = t("Group 'Admin' does not exist in Gallery 3, skipping"); break; // This is not a group in G3 case GROUP_EVERYBODY: $group = identity::everybody(); $messages[] = t("Group 'Everybody' was converted to '%name'", array("name" => $group->name)); break; } if (isset($group)) { self::set_map($g2_group->getId(), $group->id, "group"); } return $messages; } /** * Import a single user. */ static function import_user(&$queue) { $messages = array(); $g2_user_id = array_shift($queue); if (self::map($g2_user_id)) { return t("User with id: %id already imported, skipping", array("id" => $g2_user_id)); } if (g2(GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser($g2_user_id))) { self::set_map($g2_user_id, identity::guest()->id, "group"); return t("Skipping anonymous user"); } $g2_admin_group_id = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "core", "id.adminGroup")); try { $g2_user = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_user_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to import Gallery 2 user with id: %id\n%exception", array("id" => $g2_user_id, "exception" => (string)$e)), $e); } $g2_groups = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupsForUser($g2_user->getId())); $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($g2_user->getUsername()); if ($user) { $messages[] = t("Loaded existing user: '%name'.", array("name" => $user->name)); } else { $email = $g2_user->getEmail(); if (empty($email) || !valid::email($email)) { $email = "unknown@unknown.com"; } try { $user = identity::create_user($g2_user->getUserName(), $g2_user->getFullName(), // Note: The API expects a password in cleartext. // Just use the hashed password as an unpredictable // value here. The user will have to reset the password. $g2_user->getHashedPassword(), $email); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to create user: '%name' (id: %id)", array("name" => $g2_user->getUserName(), "id" => $g2_user_id)), $e, $messages); } if (class_exists("User_Model") && $user instanceof User_Model) { // This will work if G2's password is a PasswordHash password as well. $user->hashed_password = $g2_user->getHashedPassword(); } $messages[] = t("Created user: '%name'.", array("name" => $user->name)); if ($email == "unknown@unknown.com") { $messages[] = t("Fixed invalid email (was '%invalid_email')", array("invalid_email" => $g2_user->getEmail())); } } $user->locale = $g2_user->getLanguage(); foreach ($g2_groups as $g2_group_id => $g2_group_name) { if ($g2_group_id == $g2_admin_group_id) { $user->admin = true; $messages[] = t("Added 'admin' flag to user"); } else { $group = identity::lookup_group(self::map($g2_group_id)); $user->add($group); $messages[] = t("Added user to group '%group'.", array("group" => $group->name)); } } try { $user->save(); self::set_map($g2_user->getId(), $user->id, "user"); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to create user: '%name'", array("name" => $user->name)), $e, $messages); } return $messages; } /** * Import a single album. */ static function import_album(&$queue) { // The queue is a set of nested associative arrays where the key is the album id and the // value is an array of similar arrays. We'll do a breadth first tree traversal using the // queue to keep our state. Doing it breadth first means that the parent will be created by // the time we get to the child. // Dequeue the current album and enqueue its children list($g2_album_id, $children) = each($queue); unset($queue[$g2_album_id]); foreach ($children as $key => $value) { $queue[$key] = $value; } if (self::map($g2_album_id)) { return; } try { // Load the G2 album item, and figure out its parent in G3. $g2_album = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_album_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { return t("Failed to load Gallery 2 album with id: %id\n%exception", array("id" => $g2_album_id, "exception" => (string)$e)); } if ($g2_album->getParentId() == null) { $album = item::root(); } else { $parent_album = ORM::factory("item", self::map($g2_album->getParentId())); $album = ORM::factory("item"); $album->type = "album"; $album->parent_id = self::map($g2_album->getParentId()); g2_import::set_album_values($album, $g2_album); try { $album->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to import Gallery 2 album with id %id and name %name.", array("id" => $g2_album_id, "name" => $album->name)), $e); } self::import_keywords_as_tags($g2_album->getKeywords(), $album); } self::set_map( $g2_album_id, $album->id, "album", self::g2_url(array("view" => "core.ShowItem", "itemId" => $g2_album->getId()))); self::_import_permissions($g2_album, $album); } /** * Transfer over all the values from a G2 album to a G3 album. */ static function set_album_values($album, $g2_album) { $album->name = $g2_album->getPathComponent(); $album->title = self::_decode_html_special_chars($g2_album->getTitle()); $album->title or $album->title = $album->name; $album->description = self::_decode_html_special_chars(self::extract_description($g2_album)); $album->owner_id = self::map($g2_album->getOwnerId()); try { $album->view_count = (int) g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemViewCount($g2_album_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { // @todo log $album->view_count = 0; } $album->created = $g2_album->getCreationTimestamp(); $order_map = array( "originationTimestamp" => "captured", "creationTimestamp" => "created", "description" => "description", "modificationTimestamp" => "updated", "orderWeight" => "weight", "pathComponent" => "name", "summary" => "description", "title" => "title", "viewCount" => "view_count"); $direction_map = array( 1 => "ASC", ORDER_ASCENDING => "ASC", ORDER_DESCENDING => "DESC"); // G2 sorts can either be or |. Right now we can't // map presorts so ignore them. $g2_order = explode("|", $g2_album->getOrderBy() . ""); $g2_order = end($g2_order); if (empty($g2_order)) { $g2_order = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'default.orderBy')); } $g2_order_direction = explode("|", $g2_album->getOrderDirection() . ""); $g2_order_direction = $g2_order_direction[0]; if (empty($g2_order_direction)) { $g2_order_direction = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'default.orderDirection')); } if (array_key_exists($g2_order, $order_map)) { $album->sort_column = $order_map[$g2_order]; $album->sort_order = $direction_map[$g2_order_direction]; } } /** * Set the highlight properly for a single album */ static function set_album_highlight(&$queue) { // Dequeue the current album and enqueue its children list($g2_album_id, $children) = each($queue); unset($queue[$g2_album_id]); if (!empty($children)) { foreach ($children as $key => $value) { $queue[$key] = $value; } } $messages = array(); $g3_album_id = self::map($g2_album_id); if (!$g3_album_id) { return t("Album with id: %id not imported", array("id" => $g3_album_id)); } $table = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds(array($g2_album_id))); if (isset($table[$g2_album_id])) { // Backtrack the source id to an item $orig_g2_source = $g2_source = $table[$g2_album_id]; while (GalleryUtilities::isA($g2_source, "GalleryDerivative")) { $g2_source = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_source->getDerivativeSourceId())); } $item_id = self::map($g2_source->getId()); if ($item_id) { $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); $g3_album = ORM::factory("item", $g3_album_id); $g3_album->album_cover_item_id = $item->id; $g3_album->thumb_dirty = 1; try { $g3_album->view_count = (int) g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemViewCount($g2_album_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { $g3_album->view_count = 0; } try { $g3_album->save(); graphics::generate($g3_album); } catch (Exception $e) { return (string) new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to generate an album highlight for album '%name'.", array("name" => $g3_album->name)), $e); } self::set_map( $orig_g2_source->getId(), $g3_album->id, "thumbnail", self::g2_url(array("view" => "core.DownloadItem", "itemId" => $orig_g2_source->getId()))); } } } /** * Import a single photo or movie. */ static function import_item(&$queue) { $g2_item_id = array_shift($queue); if (self::map($g2_item_id)) { return; } try { self::$current_g2_item = $g2_item = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_item_id)); $g2_path = g2($g2_item->fetchPath()); } catch (Exception $e) { return t("Failed to import Gallery 2 item with id: %id\n%exception", array("id" => $g2_item_id, "exception" => (string)$e)); } $parent = ORM::factory("item", self::map($g2_item->getParentId())); $g2_type = $g2_item->getEntityType(); $corrupt = 0; if (!file_exists($g2_path)) { // If the Gallery 2 source image isn't available, this operation is going to fail. That can // happen in cases where there's corruption in the source Gallery 2. In that case, fall // back on using a broken image. It's important that we import *something* otherwise // anything that refers to this item in Gallery 2 will have a dangling pointer in Gallery 3 // // Note that this will change movies to be photos, if there's a broken movie. Hopefully // this case is rare enough that we don't need to take any heroic action here. g2_import::log( t("%path missing in import; replacing it with a placeholder", array("path" => $g2_path))); $g2_path = MODPATH . "g2_import/data/broken-image.gif"; $g2_type = "GalleryPhotoItem"; $corrupt = 1; } $messages = array(); switch ($g2_type) { case "GalleryPhotoItem": if (!in_array($g2_item->getMimeType(), array("image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png"))) { Kohana_Log::add("alert", "$g2_path is an unsupported image type; using a placeholder gif"); $messages[] = t("'%path' is an unsupported image type, using a placeholder", array("path" => $g2_path)); $g2_path = MODPATH . "g2_import/data/broken-image.gif"; $corrupt = 1; } try { $item = ORM::factory("item"); $item->type = "photo"; $item->parent_id = $parent->id; $item->set_data_file($g2_path); $item->name = $g2_item->getPathComponent(); $item->title = self::_decode_html_special_chars($g2_item->getTitle()); $item->title or $item->title = $item->name; $item->description = self::_decode_html_special_chars(self::extract_description($g2_item)); $item->owner_id = self::map($g2_item->getOwnerId()); $item->save(); // If the item has a preferred derivative with a rotation, then rotate this image // accordingly. Should we obey scale rules as well? I vote no because rotation is less // destructive -- you lose too much data from scaling. $g2_preferred = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchPreferredSource($g2_item)); if ($g2_preferred && $g2_preferred instanceof GalleryDerivative) { if (preg_match("/rotate\|(-?\d+)/", $g2_preferred->getDerivativeOperations(), $matches)) { $tmpfile = tempnam(TMPPATH, "rotate"); gallery_graphics::rotate($item->file_path(), $tmpfile, array("degrees" => $matches[1]), $item); $item->set_data_file($tmpfile); $item->save(); unlink($tmpfile); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $exception_info = (string) new G2_Import_Exception( t("Corrupt image '%path'", array("path" => $g2_path)), $e, $messages); Kohana_Log::add("alert", "Corrupt image $g2_path\n" . $exception_info); $messages[] = $exception_info; $corrupt = 1; $item = null; } break; case "GalleryMovieItem": // @todo we should transcode other types into FLV if (in_array($g2_item->getMimeType(), array("video/mp4", "video/x-flv"))) { try { $item = ORM::factory("item"); $item->type = "movie"; $item->parent_id = $parent->id; $item->set_data_file($g2_path); $item->name = $g2_item->getPathComponent(); $item->title = self::_decode_html_special_chars($g2_item->getTitle()); $item->title or $item->title = $item->name; $item->description = self::_decode_html_special_chars(self::extract_description($g2_item)); $item->owner_id = self::map($g2_item->getOwnerId()); $item->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { $exception_info = (string) new G2_Import_Exception( t("Corrupt movie '%path'", array("path" => $g2_path)), $e, $messages); Kohana_Log::add("alert", "Corrupt movie $g2_path\n" . $exception_info); $messages[] = $exception_info; $corrupt = 1; $item = null; } } else { Kohana_Log::add("alert", "$g2_path is an unsupported movie type"); $messages[] = t("'%path' is an unsupported movie type", array("path" => $g2_path)); $corrupt = 1; } break; default: // Ignore break; } if (!empty($item)) { self::import_keywords_as_tags($g2_item->getKeywords(), $item); } $g2_item_url = self::g2_url(array("view" => "core.ShowItem", "itemId" => $g2_item->getId())); if (isset($item)) { try { $item->view_count = (int) g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemViewCount($g2_item_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { $view_count = 1; } $item->save(); self::set_map($g2_item_id, $item->id, "item", $g2_item_url); self::set_map($g2_item_id, $item->id, "file", self::g2_url(array("view" => "core.DownloadItem", "itemId" => $g2_item_id))); $derivatives = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativesByItemIds(array($g2_item_id))); if (!empty($derivatives[$g2_item_id])) { foreach ($derivatives[$g2_item_id] as $derivative) { switch ($derivative->getDerivativeType()) { case DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL: $resource_type = "thumbnail"; break; case DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_RESIZE: $resource_type = "resize"; break; case DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_PREFERRED: $resource_type = "full"; break; } self::set_map( $derivative->getId(), $item->id, $resource_type, self::g2_url(array("view" => "core.DownloadItem", "itemId" => $derivative->getId()))); } } } if ($corrupt) { if (!empty($item)) { $title = $g2_item->getTitle(); $title or $title = $g2_item->getPathComponent(); $messages[] = t("%title from Gallery 2 could not be processed; (imported as %title)", array("g2_url" => $g2_item_url, "g3_url" => $item->url(), "title" => $title)); } else { $messages[] = t("%title from Gallery 2 could not be processed", array("g2_url" => $g2_item_url, "title" => $g2_item->getTitle())); } } self::$current_g2_item = null; return $messages; } /** * g2 encoded'&', '"', '<' and '>' as '&', '"', '<' and '>' respectively. * This function undoes that encoding. */ private static function _decode_html_special_chars($value) { return str_replace(array("&", """, "<", ">"), array("&", "\"", "<", ">"), $value); } private static $_permission_map = array( "core.view" => "view", "core.viewSource" => "view_full", "core.edit" => "edit", "core.addDataItem" => "add", "core.addAlbumItem" => "add"); /** * Imports G2 permissions, mapping G2's permission model to G3's * much simplified permissions. * * - Ignores user permissions, G3 only supports group permissions. * - Ignores item permissions, G3 only supports album permissions. * * G2 permission -> G3 permission * --------------------------------- * core.view view * core.viewSource view_full * core.edit edit * core.addDataItem add * core.addAlbumItem add * core.viewResizes * core.delete * comment.* */ private static function _import_permissions($g2_album, $g3_album) { // No need to do anything if this album has the same G2 ACL as its parent. if ($g2_album->getParentId() != null && g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListId($g2_album->getId())) == g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListId($g2_album->getParentId()))) { return; } $granted_permissions = self::_map_permissions($g2_album->getId()); if ($g2_album->getParentId() == null) { // Compare to current permissions, and change them if necessary. $g3_parent_album = item::root(); } else { $g3_parent_album = $g3_album->parent(); } $granted_parent_permissions = array(); $perm_ids = array_unique(array_values(self::$_permission_map)); foreach (identity::groups() as $group) { $granted_parent_permissions[$group->id] = array(); foreach ($perm_ids as $perm_id) { if (access::group_can($group, $perm_id, $g3_parent_album)) { $granted_parent_permissions[$group->id][$perm_id] = 1; } } } // Note: Only registering permissions if they're not the same as // the inherited ones. foreach ($granted_permissions as $group_id => $permissions) { if (!isset($granted_parent_permissions[$group_id])) { foreach (array_keys($permissions) as $perm_id) { access::allow(identity::lookup_group($group_id), $perm_id, $g3_album); } } else if ($permissions != $granted_parent_permissions[$group_id]) { $parent_permissions = $granted_parent_permissions[$group_id]; // @todo Probably worth caching the group instances. $group = identity::lookup_group($group_id); // Note: Cannot use array_diff_key. foreach (array_keys($permissions) as $perm_id) { if (!isset($parent_permissions[$perm_id])) { access::allow($group, $perm_id, $g3_album); } } foreach (array_keys($parent_permissions) as $perm_id) { if (!isset($permissions[$perm_id])) { access::deny($group, $perm_id, $g3_album); } } } } foreach ($granted_parent_permissions as $group_id => $parent_permissions) { if (isset($granted_permissions[$group_id])) { continue; // handled above } $group = identity::lookup_group($group_id); foreach (array_keys($parent_permissions) as $perm_id) { access::deny($group, $perm_id, $g3_album); } } } /** * Loads all the granted group G2 permissions for a specific * album and returns an array with G3 groups ids and G3 permission ids. */ private static function _map_permissions($g2_album_id) { $g2_permissions = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPermissionsForItem($g2_album_id)); $permissions = array(); foreach ($g2_permissions as $entry) { // @todo Do something about user permissions? E.g. map G2's user albums // to a user-specific group in G3? if (!isset($entry["groupId"])) { continue; } $g2_permission_id = $entry["permission"]; if (!isset(self::$_permission_map[$g2_permission_id])) { continue; } $group_id = self::map($entry["groupId"]); if ($group_id == null) { // E.g. the G2 admin group isn't mapped. continue; } $permission_id = self::$_permission_map[$g2_permission_id]; if (!isset($permissions[$group_id])) { $permissions[$group_id] = array(); } $permissions[$group_id][$permission_id] = 1; } return $permissions; } /** * Import a single comment. */ static function import_comment(&$queue) { $g2_comment_id = array_shift($queue); try { $g2_comment = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_comment_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { return t("Failed to load Gallery 2 comment with id: %id\%exception", array("id" => $g2_comment_id, "exception" => (string)$e)); } if ($id = self::map($g2_comment->getId())) { if (ORM::factory("comment", $id)->loaded()) { // Already imported and still exists return; } // This comment was already imported, but now it no longer exists. Import it again, per // ticket #1736. } $item_id = self::map($g2_comment->getParentId()); if (empty($item_id)) { // Item was not mapped. return; } $text = join("\n", array($g2_comment->getSubject(), $g2_comment->getComment())); $text = html_entity_decode($text); // Just import the fields we know about. Do this outside of the comment API for now so that // we don't trigger spam filtering events $comment = ORM::factory("comment"); $comment->author_id = self::map($g2_comment->getCommenterId()); $comment->guest_name = ""; if ($comment->author_id == identity::guest()->id) { $comment->guest_name = $g2_comment->getAuthor(); $comment->guest_name or $comment->guest_name = (string) t("Anonymous coward"); $comment->guest_email = "unknown@nobody.com"; } $comment->item_id = $item_id; $comment->text = self::_transform_bbcode($text); $comment->state = "published"; $comment->server_http_host = $g2_comment->getHost(); try { $comment->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { return (string) new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to import comment with id: %id.", array("id" => $g2_comment_id)), $e); } self::set_map($g2_comment->getId(), $comment->id, "comment"); // Backdate the creation date. We can't do this at creation time because // Comment_Model::save() will override it. Leave the updated date alone // so that if the comments get marked as spam, they don't immediately get // flushed (see ticket #1736) db::update("comments") ->set("created", $g2_comment->getDate()) ->where("id", "=", $comment->id) ->execute(); } /** * Import all the tags for a single item */ static function import_tags_for_item(&$queue) { if (!module::is_active("tag")) { return t("Gallery 3 tag module is inactive, no tags will be imported"); } GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce("modules/tags/classes/TagsHelper.class"); $g2_item_id = array_shift($queue); $g3_item = ORM::factory("item", self::map($g2_item_id)); if (!$g3_item->loaded()) { return; } try { $tag_names = array_values(g2(TagsHelper::getTagsByItemId($g2_item_id))); } catch (Exception $e) { return t("Failed to import Gallery 2 tags for item with id: %id\n%exception", array("id" => $g2_item_id, "exception" => (string)$e)); } foreach ($tag_names as $tag_name) { tag::add($g3_item, $tag_name); } // Tag operations are idempotent so we don't need to map them. Which is good because we don't // have an id for each individual tag mapping anyway so it'd be hard to set up the mapping. } static function import_keywords_as_tags($keywords, $item) { // Keywords in G2 are free form. So we don't know what our user used as a separator. Try to // be smart about it. If we see a comma or a semicolon, expect the keywords to be separated // by that delimeter. Otherwise, use space as the delimiter. if (strpos($keywords, ";")) { $delim = ";"; } else if (strpos($keywords, ",")) { $delim = ","; } else { $delim = " "; } foreach (preg_split("/$delim/", $keywords) as $keyword) { $keyword = trim($keyword); if ($keyword) { tag::add($item, $keyword); } } } /** * If the thumbnails and resizes created for the Gallery 2 photo match the dimensions of the * ones we expect to create for Gallery 3, then copy the files over instead of recreating them. */ static function copy_matching_thumbnails_and_resizes($item) { // We only operate on items that are being imported if (empty(self::$current_g2_item)) { return; } // Precaution: if the Gallery 2 item was watermarked, or we have the Gallery 3 watermark module // active then we'd have to do something a lot more sophisticated here. For now, just skip // this step in those cases. // @todo we should probably use an API here, eventually. if (module::is_active("watermark") && module::get_var("watermark", "name")) { return; } // For now just do the copy for photos and movies. Albums are tricky because we're may not // yet be setting their album cover properly. // @todo implement this for albums also if (!$item->is_movie() && !$item->is_photo()) { return; } $g2_item_id = self::$current_g2_item->getId(); $derivatives = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativesByItemIds(array($g2_item_id))); $target_thumb_size = module::get_var("gallery", "thumb_size"); $target_resize_size = module::get_var("gallery", "resize_size"); if (!empty($derivatives[$g2_item_id])) { foreach ($derivatives[$g2_item_id] as $derivative) { if ($derivative->getPostFilterOperations()) { // Let's assume for now that this is a watermark operation, which we can't handle. continue; } if ($derivative->getDerivativeType() == DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL && $item->thumb_dirty && ($derivative->getWidth() == $target_thumb_size || $derivative->getHeight() == $target_thumb_size)) { if (@copy(g2($derivative->fetchPath()), $item->thumb_path())) { $item->thumb_height = $derivative->getHeight(); $item->thumb_width = $derivative->getWidth(); $item->thumb_dirty = false; } } if ($derivative->getDerivativeType() == DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_RESIZE && $item->resize_dirty && ($derivative->getWidth() == $target_resize_size || $derivative->getHeight() == $target_resize_size)) { if (@copy(g2($derivative->fetchPath()), $item->resize_path())) { $item->resize_height = $derivative->getHeight(); $item->resize_width = $derivative->getWidth(); $item->resize_dirty = false; } } } } try { $item->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { return (string) new G2_Import_Exception( t("Failed to copy thumbnails and resizes for item '%name' (Gallery 2 id: %id)", array("name" => $item->name, "id" => $g2_item_id)), $e); } } /** * Figure out the most common resize and thumb sizes in Gallery 2 so that we can tell the admin * what theme settings to set to make the import go faster. If we match up the sizes then we * can just copy over derivatives instead of running graphics toolkit operations. */ static function common_sizes() { global $gallery; foreach (array("resize" => DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_RESIZE, "thumb" => DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL) as $type => $g2_enum) { $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c, [GalleryDerivativeImage::width] " . "FROM [GalleryDerivativeImage], [GalleryDerivative] " . "WHERE [GalleryDerivativeImage::id] = [GalleryDerivative::id] " . " AND [GalleryDerivative::derivativeType] = ? " . " AND [GalleryDerivativeImage::width] >= [GalleryDerivativeImage::height] " . "GROUP BY [GalleryDerivativeImage::width] " . "ORDER by c DESC", array($g2_enum), array("limit" => array(1)))); $row = $results->nextResult(); $sizes[$type] = array("size" => $row[1], "count" => $row[0]); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c, [GalleryDerivativeImage::height] " . "FROM [GalleryDerivativeImage], [GalleryDerivative] " . "WHERE [GalleryDerivativeImage::id] = [GalleryDerivative::id] " . " AND [GalleryDerivative::derivativeType] = ? " . " AND [GalleryDerivativeImage::height] > [GalleryDerivativeImage::width] " . "GROUP BY [GalleryDerivativeImage::height] " . "ORDER by c DESC", array($g2_enum), array("limit" => array(1)))); $row = $results->nextResult(); // Compare the counts. If the best fitting height does not match the best fitting width, // then pick the one with the largest count. Otherwise, sum them. if ($sizes[$type]["size"] != $row[1]) { if ($row[0] > $sizes[$type]["count"]) { $sizes[$type] = array("size" => $row[1], "count" => $row[0]); } } else { $sizes[$type]["count"] += $row[0]; } $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [GalleryDerivative] WHERE [GalleryDerivative::derivativeType] = ?", array($g2_enum))); $row = $results->nextResult(); $sizes[$type]["total"] = $row[0]; } return $sizes; } /** * Sensibly concatenate Gallery 2 summary and descriptions into a single field. */ static function extract_description($g2_item) { // If the summary is a subset of the description just import the description, else import both. $g2_summary = $g2_item->getSummary(); $g2_description = $g2_item->getDescription(); if (!$g2_summary || $g2_summary == $g2_description || strstr($g2_description, $g2_summary) !== false) { $description = $g2_description; } else { $description = $g2_summary . " " . $g2_description; } return self::_transform_bbcode($description); } static $bbcode_mappings = array( "#\\[b\\](.*?)\\[/b\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[i\\](.*?)\\[/i\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[u\\](.*?)\\[/u\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[s\\](.*?)\\[/s\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[url\\](.*?)\[/url\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[url=(.*?)\\](.*?)\[/url\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[img\\](.*?)\\[/img\\]#" => "", "#\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[/quote\\]#" => "


", "#\\[code\\](.*?)\\[/code\\]#" => "
", "#\\[size=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/size\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[color=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/color\\]#" => "$2/font>", "#\\[ul\\](.*?)\\/ul\\]#" => "
", "#\\[li\\](.*?)\\[/li\\]#" => "
  • $1
  • ", ); private static function _transform_bbcode($text) { if (strpos($text, "[") !== false) { $text = preg_replace(array_keys(self::$bbcode_mappings), array_values(self::$bbcode_mappings), $text); } return $text; } /** * Get a set of photo and movie ids from Gallery 2 greater than $min_id. We use this to get the * next chunk of photos/movies to import. */ static function get_item_ids($min_id) { global $gallery; $ids = array(); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT [GalleryItem::id] " . "FROM [GalleryEntity], [GalleryItem] " . "WHERE [GalleryEntity::id] = [GalleryItem::id] " . "AND [GalleryEntity::entityType] IN ('GalleryPhotoItem', 'GalleryMovieItem') " . "AND [GalleryItem::id] > ? " . "ORDER BY [GalleryItem::id] ASC", array($min_id), array("limit" => array("count" => 100)))); while ($result = $results->nextResult()) { $ids[] = $result[0]; } return $ids; } /** * Get a set of comment ids from Gallery 2 greater than $min_id. We use this to get the * next chunk of comments to import. */ static function get_comment_ids($min_id) { global $gallery; $ids = array(); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT [GalleryComment::id] " . "FROM [GalleryComment] " . "WHERE [GalleryComment::publishStatus] = 0 " . // 0 == COMMENT_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISHED "AND [GalleryComment::id] > ? " . "ORDER BY [GalleryComment::id] ASC", array($min_id), array("limit" => array("count" => 100)))); while ($result = $results->nextResult()) { $ids[] = $result[0]; } return $ids; } /** * Get a set of comment ids from Gallery 2 greater than $min_id. We use this to get the * next chunk of comments to import. */ static function get_tag_item_ids($min_id) { global $gallery; $ids = array(); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT DISTINCT([TagItemMap::itemId]) FROM [TagItemMap] " . "WHERE [TagItemMap::itemId] > ? " . "ORDER BY [TagItemMap::itemId] ASC", array($min_id), array("limit" => array("count" => 100)))); while ($result = $results->nextResult()) { $ids[] = $result[0]; } return $ids; } /** * Get a set of user ids from Gallery 2 greater than $min_id. We use this to get the * next chunk of users to import. */ static function get_user_ids($min_id) { global $gallery; $ids = array(); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT [GalleryUser::id] " . "FROM [GalleryUser] " . "WHERE [GalleryUser::id] > ? " . "ORDER BY [GalleryUser::id] ASC", array($min_id), array("limit" => array("count" => 100)))); while ($result = $results->nextResult()) { $ids[] = $result[0]; } return $ids; } /** * Get a set of group ids from Gallery 2 greater than $min_id. We use this to get the * next chunk of groups to import. */ static function get_group_ids($min_id) { global $gallery; $ids = array(); $results = g2($gallery->search( "SELECT [GalleryGroup::id] " . "FROM [GalleryGroup] " . "WHERE [GalleryGroup::id] > ? " . "ORDER BY [GalleryGroup::id] ASC", array($min_id), array("limit" => array("count" => 100)))); while ($result = $results->nextResult()) { $ids[] = $result[0]; } return $ids; } /** * Look in our map to find the corresponding Gallery 3 id for the given Gallery 2 id. */ static function map($g2_id) { if (!array_key_exists($g2_id, self::$map)) { $g2_map = ORM::factory("g2_map")->where("g2_id", "=", $g2_id)->find(); self::$map[$g2_id] = $g2_map->loaded() ? $g2_map->g3_id : null; } return self::$map[$g2_id]; } /** * Associate a Gallery 2 id with a Gallery 3 item id. */ static function set_map($g2_id, $g3_id, $resource_type, $g2_url=null) { self::clear_map($g2_id, $resource_type); $g2_map = ORM::factory("g2_map"); $g2_map->g3_id = $g3_id; $g2_map->g2_id = $g2_id; $g2_map->resource_type = $resource_type; if (strpos($g2_url, self::$g2_base_url) === 0) { $g2_url = substr($g2_url, strlen(self::$g2_base_url)); } $g2_map->g2_url = $g2_url; $g2_map->save(); self::$map[$g2_id] = $g3_id; } /** * Remove all map entries associated with the given Gallery 2 id. */ static function clear_map($g2_id, $resource_type) { db::build() ->delete("g2_maps") ->where("g2_id", "=", $g2_id) ->where("resource_type", "=", $resource_type) ->execute(); } static function log($msg) { message::warning($msg); Kohana_Log::add("alert", $msg); } static function g2_url($params) { global $gallery; return $gallery->getUrlGenerator()->generateUrl( $params, array("forceSessionId" => false, "htmlEntities" => false, "urlEncode" => false, "useAuthToken" => false)); } static function lower_error_reporting() { // Gallery 2 was not designed to run in E_STRICT mode and will barf out errors. So dial down // the error reporting when we make G2 calls. self::$error_reporting = error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_STRICT); } static function restore_error_reporting() { error_reporting(self::$error_reporting); } } /** * Wrapper around Gallery 2 calls. We expect the first response to be a GalleryStatus object. If * it's not null, then throw an exception. Strip the GalleryStatus object out of the result and * if there's only an array of 1 return value, turn it into a scalar. This allows us to simplify * this pattern: * list ($ret, $foo) = GalleryCoreApi::someCall(); * if ($ret) { handle_error(); } * * to: * $foo = g2(GalleryCoreApi::someCall()); */ function g2() { $args = func_get_arg(0); $ret = is_array($args) ? array_shift($args) : $args; if ($ret) { Kohana_Log::add("error", "Gallery 2 call failed with: " . $ret->getAsText()); throw new Exception("@todo G2_FUNCTION_FAILED"); } if (count($args) == 1) { return $args[0]; } else { return $args; } }