password_length = strlen($value); $value = user::hash_password($value); break; } parent::__set($column, $value); } /** * @see ORM::delete() */ public function delete($id=null) { $old = clone $this; module::event("user_before_delete", $this); parent::delete($id); db::build() ->delete("groups_users") ->where("user_id", "=", empty($id) ? $old->id : $id) ->execute(); module::event("user_deleted", $old); $this->groups_cache = null; } /** * Return a url to the user's avatar image. * @param integer $size the target size of the image (default 80px) * @return string a url */ public function avatar_url($size=80, $default=null) { return sprintf("", md5($this->email), $size, $default ? "&d=" . urlencode($default) : ""); } public function groups() { if (!$this->groups_cache) { $this->groups_cache = $this->groups->find_all()->as_array(); } return $this->groups_cache; } /** * Specify our rules here so that we have access to the instance of this model. */ public function validate(Validation $array=null) { // validate() is recursive, only modify the rules on the outermost call. if (!$array) { $this->rules = array( "admin" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_admin"))), "email" => array("rules" => array("length[1,255]", "valid::email"), "callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_email"))), "full_name" => array("rules" => array("length[0,255]")), "locale" => array("rules" => array("length[2,10]")), "name" => array("rules" => array("length[1,32]", "required"), "callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_name"))), "password" => array("callbacks" => array(array($this, "valid_password"))), "url" => array("rules" => array("valid::url")), ); } parent::validate($array); } /** * Handle any business logic necessary to create or update a user. * @see ORM::save() * * @return ORM User_Model */ public function save() { if ($this->full_name === null) { $this->full_name = ""; } if (!$this->loaded()) { // New user $this->add(group::everybody()); if (!$this->guest) { $this->add(group::registered_users()); } parent::save(); module::event("user_created", $this); } else { // Updated user $original = ORM::factory("user", $this->id); parent::save(); module::event("user_updated", $original, $this); } $this->groups_cache = null; return $this; } /** * Return the best version of the user's name. Either their specified full name, or fall back * to the user name. * @return string */ public function display_name() { return empty($this->full_name) ? $this->name : $this->full_name; } /** * Validate the user name. Make sure there are no conflicts. */ public function valid_name(Validation $v, $field) { if (db::build()->from("users") ->where("name", "=", $this->name) ->merge_where($this->id ? array(array("id", "<>", $this->id)) : null) ->count_records() == 1) { $v->add_error("name", "conflict"); } } /** * Validate the password. */ public function valid_password(Validation $v, $field) { if ($this->guest) { return; } if (!$this->loaded() || isset($this->password_length)) { $minimum_length = module::get_var("user", "minimum_password_length", 5); if ($this->password_length < $minimum_length) { $v->add_error("password", "min_length"); } } } /** * Validate the admin bit. */ public function valid_admin(Validation $v, $field) { $active = identity::active_user(); if ($this->id == $active->id && $active->admin && !$this->admin) { $v->add_error("admin", "locked"); } } /** * Validate the email field. */ public function valid_email(Validation $v, $field) { if ($this->guest) { // guests don't require an email address return; } if (empty($this->email)) { $v->add_error("email", "required"); } } }