album = $album; print $v; } function dialog($album_id) { $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id); access::required("view", $album); access::required("edit", $album); $v = new View("organize_dialog.html"); $v->album = $album; print $v; } function tree($selected_album_id) { $root = ORM::factory("item", Input::instance()->post("root_id", 1)); $selected_album = ORM::factory("item", $selected_album_id); access::required("view", $root); access::required("view", $selected_album); $tree = $this->_get_tree($root, $selected_album); json::reply($tree); } function album_info($album_id) { $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id); access::required("view", $album); $data = array( "sort_column" => $album->sort_column, "sort_order" => $album->sort_order, "editable" => access::can("edit", $album), "title" => (string)html::clean($album->title), "children" => array()); foreach ($album->viewable()->children() as $child) { $dims = $child->scale_dimensions(120); $data["children"][] = array( "id" => $child->id, "thumb_url" => $child->has_thumb() ? $child->thumb_url() : null, "width" => $dims[1], "height" => $dims[0], "type" => $child->type, "title" => (string)html::clean($child->title)); } json::reply($data); } function reparent() { access::verify_csrf(); $input = Input::instance(); $new_parent = ORM::factory("item", $input->post("target_id")); access::required("edit", $new_parent); foreach (explode(",", $input->post("source_ids")) as $source_id) { $source = ORM::factory("item", $source_id); if (!$source->loaded()) { continue; } access::required("edit", $source->parent()); if ($source->contains($new_parent) || $source->id == $new_parent->id) { // Can't move an item into its own hierarchy. Silently skip this, // since the UI shouldn't even allow this operation. continue; } $source->parent_id = $new_parent->id; $source->save(); } json::reply(null); } function set_sort($album_id) { access::verify_csrf(); $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id); access::required("view", $album); access::required("edit", $album); foreach (array("sort_column", "sort_order") as $key) { if ($val = Input::instance()->post($key)) { $album->$key = $val; } } $album->save(); json::reply(null); } function rearrange() { access::verify_csrf(); $input = Input::instance(); $target = ORM::factory("item", $input->post("target_id")); if (!$target->loaded()) { json::reply(null); return; } $album = $target->parent(); access::required("edit", $album); if ($album->sort_column != "weight") { // Force all the weights into the current order before changing the order to manual $weight = 0; foreach ($album->children() as $child) { $child->weight = ++$weight; $child->save(); } $album->sort_column = "weight"; $album->sort_order = "ASC"; $album->save(); } $source_ids = explode(",", $input->post("source_ids")); $base_weight = $target->weight; if ($input->post("relative") == "after") { $base_weight++; } if ($source_ids) { // Make a hole the right size db::build() ->update("items") ->set("weight", db::expr("`weight` + " . count($source_ids))) ->where("parent_id", "=", $album->id) ->where("weight", ">=", $base_weight) ->execute(); // Move all the source items to the right spots. for ($i = 0; $i < count($source_ids); $i++) { $source = ORM::factory("item", $source_ids[$i]); if ($source->parent_id = $album->id) { $source->weight = $base_weight + $i; $source->save(); } } } json::reply(null); } function delete() { access::verify_csrf(); $input = Input::instance(); foreach (explode(",", $input->post("item_ids")) as $item_id) { $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); if (access::can("edit", $item)) { $item->delete(); } } json::reply(null); } private function _get_tree($item, $selected) { $tree = array(); $children = $item->viewable() ->children(null, null, array(array("type", "=", "album"))) ->as_array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $node = array( "allowDrag" => false, "allowDrop" => access::can("edit", $child), "editable" => false, "expandable" => false, "id" => $child->id, "leaf" => $child->children_count(array(array("type", "=", "album"))) == 0, "text" => (string)html::clean($child->title), "nodeType" => "async"); // If the child is in the selected path, open it now. Else, mark it async. if ($child->contains($selected)) { $node["children"] = $this->_get_tree($child, $selected); $node["expanded"] = true; } $tree[] = $node; } return $tree; } }