where("item_id", "=", $item_id) ->where("user_id", "=", $user->id) ->find(); } static function is_watching($item, $user=null) { if (empty($user)) { $user = identity::active_user(); } return ORM::factory("subscription") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->where("user_id", "=", $user->id) ->find() ->loaded(); } static function add_watch($item, $user=null) { if ($item->is_album()) { if (empty($user)) { $user = identity::active_user(); } $subscription = ORM::factory("subscription"); $subscription->item_id = $item->id; $subscription->user_id = $user->id; $subscription->save(); } } static function remove_watch($item, $user=null) { if ($item->is_album()) { if (empty($user)) { $user = identity::active_user(); } $subscription = ORM::factory("subscription") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->where("user_id", "=", $user->id) ->find()->delete(); } } static function get_subscribers($item) { $subscriber_ids = array(); foreach (ORM::factory("subscription") ->select("user_id") ->join("items", "subscriptions.item_id", "items.id") ->where("items.left_ptr", "<=", $item->left_ptr) ->where("items.right_ptr", ">", $item->right_ptr) ->find_all() ->as_array() as $subscriber) { $subscriber_ids[] = $subscriber->user_id; } if (empty($subscriber_ids)) { return array(); } $users = identity::get_user_list($subscriber_ids); $subscribers = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (access::user_can($user, "view", $item) && !empty($user->email)) { $subscribers[$user->email] = $user->locale; } } return $subscribers; } static function send_item_updated($original, $item) { foreach (self::get_subscribers($item) as $email => $locale) { $v = new View("item_updated.html"); $v->original = $original; $v->item = $item; $v->subject = $item->is_album() ? t("Album \"%title\" updated", array("title" => $original->title, "locale" => $locale)) : ($item->is_photo() ? t("Photo \"%title\" updated", array("title" => $original->title, "locale" => $locale)) : t("Movie \"%title\" updated", array("title" => $original->title, "locale" => $locale))); self::_notify($email, $locale, $item, $v->render(), $v->subject); } } static function send_item_add($item) { $parent = $item->parent(); foreach (self::get_subscribers($item) as $email => $locale) { $v = new View("item_added.html"); $v->item = $item; $v->subject = $item->is_album() ? t("Album \"%title\" added to \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale)) : ($item->is_photo() ? t("Photo \"%title\" added to \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale)) : t("Movie \"%title\" added to \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale))); self::_notify($email, $locale, $item, $v->render(), $v->subject); } } static function send_item_deleted($item) { $parent = $item->parent(); foreach (self::get_subscribers($item) as $email => $locale) { $v = new View("item_deleted.html"); $v->item = $item; $v->subject = $item->is_album() ? t("Album \"%title\" removed from \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale)) : ($item->is_photo() ? t("Photo \"%title\" removed from \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale)) : t("Movie \"%title\" removed from \"%parent_title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "parent_title" => $parent->title, "locale" => $locale))); self::_notify($email, $locale, $item, $v->render(), $v->subject); } } static function send_comment_published($comment) { $item = $comment->item(); foreach (self::get_subscribers($item) as $email => $locale) { $v = new View("comment_published.html"); $v->comment = $comment; $v->subject = $item->is_album() ? t("A new comment was published for album \"%title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "locale" => $locale)) : ($item->is_photo() ? t("A new comment was published for photo \"%title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "locale" => $locale)) : t("A new comment was published for movie \"%title\"", array("title" => $item->title, "locale" => $locale))); self::_notify($email, $locale, $item, $v->render(), $v->subject); } } static function send_pending_notifications() { foreach (db::build() ->select(db::expr("DISTINCT `email`")) ->from("pending_notifications") ->execute() as $row) { $email = $row->email; $result = ORM::factory("pending_notification") ->where("email", "=", $email) ->find_all(); if ($result->count() == 1) { $pending = $result->current(); Sendmail::factory() ->to($email) ->subject($pending->subject) ->header("Mime-Version", "1.0") ->header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ->message($pending->text) ->send(); $pending->delete(); } else { $text = ""; $locale = null; foreach ($result as $pending) { $text .= $pending->text; $locale = $pending->locale; $pending->delete(); } Sendmail::factory() ->to($email) ->subject(t("New activity for %site_name", array("site_name" => item::root()->title, "locale" => $locale))) ->header("Mime-Version", "1.0") ->header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ->message($text) ->send(); } } } private static function _notify($email, $locale, $item, $text, $subject) { if (!batch::in_progress()) { Sendmail::factory() ->to($email) ->subject($subject) ->header("Mime-Version", "1.0") ->header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ->message($text) ->send(); } else { $pending = ORM::factory("pending_notification"); $pending->subject = $subject; $pending->text = $text; $pending->email = $email; $pending->locale = $locale; $pending->save(); } } }