query("CREATE TABLE {access_caches} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `item_id` int(9), PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`item_id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {access_intents} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `item_id` int(9), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); // Using a simple index instead of a unique key for the // key column to avoid handling of concurrency issues // on insert. Thus allowing concurrent inserts on the // same cache key, as does Memcache / xcache. $db->query("CREATE TABLE {caches} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `key` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `tags` varchar(255), `expiration` int(9) NOT NULL, `cache` longblob, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`key`), KEY (`tags`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {failed_auths} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `count` int(9) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int(9) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {graphics_rules} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `active` BOOLEAN default 0, `args` varchar(255) default NULL, `module_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `operation` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `priority` int(9) NOT NULL, `target` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {incoming_translations} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `key` char(32) NOT NULL, `locale` char(10) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `revision` int(9) DEFAULT NULL, `translation` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`key`, `locale`), KEY `locale_key` (`locale`, `key`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {items} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `album_cover_item_id` int(9) default NULL, `captured` int(9) default NULL, `created` int(9) default NULL, `description` text default NULL, `height` int(9) default NULL, `left_ptr` int(9) NOT NULL, `level` int(9) NOT NULL, `mime_type` varchar(64) default NULL, `name` varchar(255) default NULL, `owner_id` int(9) default NULL, `parent_id` int(9) NOT NULL, `rand_key` decimal(11,10) default NULL, `relative_path_cache` varchar(255) default NULL, `relative_url_cache` varchar(255) default NULL, `resize_dirty` boolean default 1, `resize_height` int(9) default NULL, `resize_width` int(9) default NULL, `right_ptr` int(9) NOT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) default NULL, `sort_column` varchar(64) default NULL, `sort_order` char(4) default 'ASC', `thumb_dirty` boolean default 1, `thumb_height` int(9) default NULL, `thumb_width` int(9) default NULL, `title` varchar(255) default NULL, `type` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `updated` int(9) default NULL, `view_count` int(9) default 0, `weight` int(9) NOT NULL default 0, `width` int(9) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `type` (`type`), KEY `random` (`rand_key`), KEY `weight` (`weight` DESC), KEY `left_ptr` (`left_ptr`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {logs} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `category` varchar(64) default NULL, `html` varchar(255) default NULL, `message` text default NULL, `referer` varchar(255) default NULL, `severity` int(9) default 0, `timestamp` int(9) default 0, `url` varchar(255) default NULL, `user_id` int(9) default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {messages} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `key` varchar(255) default NULL, `severity` varchar(32) default NULL, `value` text default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`key`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {modules} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `active` BOOLEAN default 0, `name` varchar(64) default NULL, `version` int(9) default NULL, `weight` int(9) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`name`), KEY (`weight`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {outgoing_translations} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `base_revision` int(9) DEFAULT NULL, `key` char(32) NOT NULL, `locale` char(10) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `translation` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`key`, `locale`), KEY `locale_key` (`locale`, `key`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {permissions} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `display_name` varchar(64) default NULL, `name` varchar(64) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`name`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {sessions} ( `session_id` varchar(127) NOT NULL, `data` text NOT NULL, `last_activity` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {tasks} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `callback` varchar(128) default NULL, `context` text NOT NULL, `done` boolean default 0, `name` varchar(128) default NULL, `owner_id` int(9) default NULL, `percent_complete` int(9) default 0, `state` varchar(32) default NULL, `status` varchar(255) default NULL, `updated` int(9) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`owner_id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {themes} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(64) default NULL, `version` int(9) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`name`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE {vars} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `module_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `value` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY(`module_name`, `name`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); foreach (array("albums", "logs", "modules", "resizes", "thumbs", "tmp", "uploads") as $dir) { @mkdir(VARPATH . $dir); if (in_array($dir, array("logs", "tmp", "uploads"))) { self::_protect_directory(VARPATH . $dir); } } access::register_permission("view", "View"); access::register_permission("view_full", "View full size"); access::register_permission("edit", "Edit"); access::register_permission("add", "Add"); // Mark for translation (must be the same strings as used above) t("View full size"); t("View"); t("Edit"); t("Add"); // Hardcode the first item to sidestep ORM validation rules $now = time(); db::build()->insert( "items", array("created" => $now, "description" => "", "left_ptr" => 1, "level" => 1, "parent_id" => 0, "resize_dirty" => 1, "right_ptr" => 2, "sort_column" => "weight", "sort_order" => "ASC", "thumb_dirty" => 1, "title" => "Gallery", "type" => "album", "updated" => $now, "weight" => 1)) ->execute(); $root = ORM::factory("item", 1); access::add_item($root); module::set_var("gallery", "active_site_theme", "wind"); module::set_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme", "admin_wind"); module::set_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); module::set_var("gallery", "thumb_size", 200); module::set_var("gallery", "resize_size", 640); module::set_var("gallery", "default_locale", "en_US"); module::set_var("gallery", "image_quality", 75); module::set_var("gallery", "image_sharpen", 15); module::set_var("gallery", "upgrade_checker_auto_enabled", true); // Add rules for generating our thumbnails and resizes graphics::add_rule( "gallery", "thumb", "gallery_graphics::resize", array("width" => 200, "height" => 200, "master" => Image::AUTO), 100); graphics::add_rule( "gallery", "resize", "gallery_graphics::resize", array("width" => 640, "height" => 640, "master" => Image::AUTO), 100); // Instantiate default themes (site and admin) foreach (array("wind", "admin_wind") as $theme_name) { $theme_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file(THEMEPATH . $theme_name . "/theme.info"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $theme = ORM::factory("theme"); $theme->name = $theme_name; $theme->version = $theme_info->version; $theme->save(); } block_manager::add("dashboard_sidebar", "gallery", "block_adder"); block_manager::add("dashboard_sidebar", "gallery", "stats"); block_manager::add("dashboard_sidebar", "gallery", "platform_info"); block_manager::add("dashboard_sidebar", "gallery", "project_news"); block_manager::add("dashboard_center", "gallery", "welcome"); block_manager::add("dashboard_center", "gallery", "upgrade_checker"); block_manager::add("dashboard_center", "gallery", "photo_stream"); block_manager::add("dashboard_center", "gallery", "log_entries"); module::set_var("gallery", "choose_default_tookit", 1); module::set_var("gallery", "date_format", "Y-M-d"); module::set_var("gallery", "date_time_format", "Y-M-d H:i:s"); module::set_var("gallery", "time_format", "H:i:s"); module::set_var("gallery", "show_credits", 1); // Mark string for translation $powered_by_string = t("Powered by %gallery_version", array("locale" => "root")); module::set_var("gallery", "credits", (string) $powered_by_string); module::set_var("gallery", "simultaneous_upload_limit", 5); module::set_var("gallery", "admin_area_timeout", 90 * 60); module::set_var("gallery", "maintenance_mode", 0); module::set_var("gallery", "visible_title_length", 15); module::set_var("gallery", "favicon_url", "lib/images/favicon.ico"); module::set_var("gallery", "apple_touch_icon_url", "lib/images/apple-touch-icon.png"); module::set_var("gallery", "email_from", ""); module::set_var("gallery", "email_reply_to", ""); module::set_var("gallery", "email_line_length", 70); module::set_var("gallery", "email_header_separator", serialize("\n")); module::set_var("gallery", "show_user_profiles_to", "registered_users"); module::set_var("gallery", "extra_binary_paths", "/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/bin"); module::set_var("gallery", "timezone", null); module::set_version("gallery", 49); } static function upgrade($version) { $db = Database::instance(); if ($version == 1) { module::set_var("gallery", "date_format", "Y-M-d"); module::set_var("gallery", "date_time_format", "Y-M-d H:i:s"); module::set_var("gallery", "time_format", "H:i:s"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 2); } if ($version == 2) { module::set_var("gallery", "show_credits", 1); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 3); } if ($version == 3) { $db->query("CREATE TABLE {caches} ( `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `tags` varchar(255), `expiration` int(9) NOT NULL, `cache` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`tags`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 4); } if ($version == 4) { Cache::instance()->delete_all(); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} MODIFY COLUMN `cache` LONGBLOB"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 5); } if ($version == 5) { Cache::instance()->delete_all(); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} DROP COLUMN `id`"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} ADD COLUMN `key` varchar(255) NOT NULL"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} ADD COLUMN `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 6); } if ($version == 6) { module::clear_var("gallery", "version"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 7); } if ($version == 7) { $groups = identity::groups(); $permissions = ORM::factory("permission")->find_all(); foreach($groups as $group) { foreach($permissions as $permission) { // Update access intents $db->query("ALTER TABLE {access_intents} MODIFY COLUMN {$permission->name}_{$group->id} BINARY(1) DEFAULT NULL"); // Update access cache if ($permission->name === "view") { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} MODIFY COLUMN {$permission->name}_{$group->id} BINARY(1) DEFAULT FALSE"); } else { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {access_caches} MODIFY COLUMN {$permission->name}_{$group->id} BINARY(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE"); } } } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 8); } if ($version == 8) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} CHANGE COLUMN `left` `left_ptr` INT(9) NOT NULL;"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} CHANGE COLUMN `right` `right_ptr` INT(9) NOT NULL;"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 9); } if ($version == 9) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} ADD KEY `weight` (`weight` DESC);"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 10); } if ($version == 10) { module::set_var("gallery", "image_sharpen", 15); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 11); } if ($version == 11) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} ADD COLUMN `relative_url_cache` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} ADD COLUMN `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL"); // This is imperfect since some of the slugs may contain invalid characters, but it'll do // for now because we don't want a lengthy operation here. $db->query("UPDATE {items} SET `slug` = `name`"); // Flush all path caches becuase we're going to start urlencoding them. $db->query("UPDATE {items} SET `relative_url_cache` = NULL, `relative_path_cache` = NULL"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 12); } if ($version == 12) { if (module::get_var("gallery", "active_site_theme") == "default") { module::set_var("gallery", "active_site_theme", "wind"); } if (module::get_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme") == "admin_default") { module::set_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme", "admin_wind"); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 13); } if ($version == 13) { // Add rules for generating our thumbnails and resizes Database::instance()->query( "UPDATE {graphics_rules} SET `operation` = CONCAT('gallery_graphics::', `operation`);"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 14); } if ($version == 14) { $sidebar_blocks = block_manager::get_active("site_sidebar"); if (empty($sidebar_blocks)) { $available_blocks = block_manager::get_available_site_blocks(); foreach (array_keys(block_manager::get_available_site_blocks()) as $id) { $sidebar_blocks[] = explode(":", $id); } block_manager::set_active("site_sidebar", $sidebar_blocks); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 15); } if ($version == 15) { module::set_var("gallery", "identity_provider", "user"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 16); } // Convert block keys to an md5 hash of the module and block name if ($version == 16) { foreach (array("dashboard_sidebar", "dashboard_center", "site_sidebar") as $location) { $blocks = block_manager::get_active($location); $new_blocks = array(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $new_blocks[md5("{$block[0]}:{$block[1]}")] = $block; } block_manager::set_active($location, $new_blocks); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 17); } // We didn't like md5 hashes so convert block keys back to random keys to allow duplicates. if ($version == 17) { foreach (array("dashboard_sidebar", "dashboard_center", "site_sidebar") as $location) { $blocks = block_manager::get_active($location); $new_blocks = array(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $new_blocks[random::int()] = $block; } block_manager::set_active($location, $new_blocks); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 18); } // Rename blocks_site.sidebar to blocks_site_sidebar if ($version == 18) { $blocks = block_manager::get_active("site.sidebar"); block_manager::set_active("site_sidebar", $blocks); module::clear_var("gallery", "blocks_site.sidebar"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 19); } // Set a default for the number of simultaneous uploads // Version 20 was reverted in 57adefc5baa7a2b0dfcd3e736e80c2fa86d3bfa2, so skip it. if ($version == 19 || $version == 20) { module::set_var("gallery", "simultaneous_upload_limit", 5); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 21); } // Update the graphics rules table so that the maximum height for resizes is 640 not 480. // Fixes ticket #671 if ($version == 21) { $resize_rule = ORM::factory("graphics_rule") ->where("id", "=", "2") ->find(); // make sure it hasn't been changed already $args = unserialize($resize_rule->args); if ($args["height"] == 480 && $args["width"] == 640) { $args["height"] = 640; $resize_rule->args = serialize($args); $resize_rule->save(); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 22); } // Update slug values to be legal. We should have done this in the 11->12 upgrader, but I was // lazy. Mea culpa! if ($version == 22) { foreach (db::build() ->from("items") ->select("id", "slug") ->where(db::expr("`slug` REGEXP '[^_A-Za-z0-9-]'"), "=", 1) ->execute() as $row) { $new_slug = item::convert_filename_to_slug($row->slug); if (empty($new_slug)) { $new_slug = random::int(); } db::build() ->update("items") ->set("slug", $new_slug) ->set("relative_url_cache", null) ->where("id", "=", $row->id) ->execute(); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 23); } if ($version == 23) { $db->query("CREATE TABLE {failed_logins} ( `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `count` int(9) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int(9) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 24); } if ($version == 24) { foreach (array("logs", "tmp", "uploads") as $dir) { self::_protect_directory(VARPATH . $dir); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 25); } if ($version == 25) { db::build() ->update("items") ->set("title", db::expr("`name`")) ->and_open() ->where("title", "IS", null) ->or_where("title", "=", "") ->close() ->execute(); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 26); } if ($version == 26) { if (in_array("failed_logins", Database::instance()->list_tables())) { $db->query("RENAME TABLE {failed_logins} TO {failed_auths}"); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 27); } if ($version == 27) { // Set the admin area timeout to 90 minutes module::set_var("gallery", "admin_area_timeout", 90 * 60); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 28); } if ($version == 28) { module::set_var("gallery", "credits", "Powered by %gallery_version"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 29); } if ($version == 29) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} ADD KEY (`key`);"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 30); } if ($version == 30) { module::set_var("gallery", "maintenance_mode", 0); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 31); } if ($version == 31) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {modules} ADD COLUMN `weight` int(9) DEFAULT NULL"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {modules} ADD KEY (`weight`)"); db::update("modules") ->set("weight", db::expr("`id`")) ->execute(); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 32); } if ($version == 32) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} ADD KEY (`left_ptr`)"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 33); } if ($version == 33) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {access_caches} ADD KEY (`item_id`)"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 34); } if ($version == 34) { module::set_var("gallery", "visible_title_length", 15); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 35); } if ($version == 35) { module::set_var("gallery", "favicon_url", "lib/images/favicon.ico"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 36); } if ($version == 36) { module::set_var("gallery", "email_from", "admin@example.com"); module::set_var("gallery", "email_reply_to", "public@example.com"); module::set_var("gallery", "email_line_length", 70); module::set_var("gallery", "email_header_separator", serialize("\n")); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 37); } // Changed our minds and decided that the initial value should be empty // But don't just reset it blindly, only do it if the value is version 37 default if ($version == 37) { $email = module::get_var("gallery", "email_from", ""); if ($email == "admin@example.com") { module::set_var("gallery", "email_from", ""); } $email = module::get_var("gallery", "email_reply_to", ""); if ($email == "admin@example.com") { module::set_var("gallery", "email_reply_to", ""); } module::set_version("gallery", $version = 38); } if ($version == 38) { module::set_var("gallery", "show_user_profiles_to", "registered_users"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 39); } if ($version == 39) { module::set_var("gallery", "extra_binary_paths", "/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/bin"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 40); } if ($version == 40) { module::clear_var("gallery", "_cache"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 41); } if ($version == 41) { $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {caches}"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE {caches} DROP INDEX `key`, ADD UNIQUE `key` (`key`)"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 42); } if ($version == 42) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} CHANGE `description` `description` text DEFAULT NULL"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 43); } if ($version == 43) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {items} CHANGE `rand_key` `rand_key` DECIMAL(11, 10)"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 44); } if ($version == 44) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE {messages} CHANGE `value` `value` text default NULL"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 45); } if ($version == 45) { // Splice the upgrade_checker block into the admin dashboard at the top // of the page, but under the welcome block if it's in the first position. $blocks = block_manager::get_active("dashboard_center"); $index = count($blocks) && current($blocks) == array("gallery", "welcome") ? 1 : 0; array_splice($blocks, $index, 0, array(random::int() => array("gallery", "upgrade_checker"))); block_manager::set_active("dashboard_center", $blocks); module::set_var("gallery", "upgrade_checker_auto_enabled", true); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 46); } if ($version == 46) { module::set_var("gallery", "apple_touch_icon_url", "lib/images/apple-touch-icon.png"); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 47); } if ($version == 47 || $version == 48) { // Add configuration variable to set timezone. Defaults to the currently // used timezone (from PHP configuration). Note that in v48 we werew // setting this value incorrectly, so we're going to stomp this value for v49. module::set_var("gallery", "timezone", null); module::set_version("gallery", $version = 49); } } static function uninstall() { $db = Database::instance(); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {access_caches}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {access_intents}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {graphics_rules}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {incoming_translations}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {failed_auths}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {items}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {logs}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {modules}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {outgoing_translations}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {permissions}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sessions}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tasks}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {themes}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {vars}"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {caches}"); foreach (array("albums", "resizes", "thumbs", "uploads", "modules", "logs", "database.php") as $entry) { system("/bin/rm -rf " . VARPATH . $entry); } } static function _protect_directory($dir) { $fp = @fopen("$dir/.htaccess", "w+"); fwrite($fp, "DirectoryIndex .htaccess\nSetHandler Gallery_Security_Do_Not_Remove\n" . "Options None\n\nRewriteEngine off\n\n" . "Order allow,deny\nDeny from all\n"); fclose($fp); } }