theme_name = module::get_var("gallery", "active_site_theme"); if (identity::active_user()->admin) { $this->theme_name = Input::instance()->get("theme", $this->theme_name); } $this->item = null; $this->tag = null; $this->set_global(array("theme" => $this, "theme_info" => theme::get_info($this->theme_name), "user" => identity::active_user(), "page_type" => $page_type, "page_subtype" => $page_subtype, "page_title" => null)); if ($page_type == "collection") { $this->set_global("thumb_proportion", $this->thumb_proportion()); } if (module::get_var("gallery", "maintenance_mode", 0)) { if (identity::active_user()->admin) { message::warning(t("This site is currently in maintenance mode. Visit the maintenance page", array("maintenance_url" => url::site("admin/maintenance")))); } else message::warning(t("This site is currently in maintenance mode.")); } } /** * Proportion of the current thumb_size's to default * @return int */ public function thumb_proportion() { // @TODO change the 200 to a theme supplied value when and if we come up with an // API to allow the theme to set defaults. return module::get_var("gallery", "thumb_size", 200) / 200; } public function item() { return $this->item; } public function tag() { return $this->tag; } public function page_type() { return $this->page_type; } public function page_subtype() { return $this->page_subtype; } public function user_menu() { $menu = Menu::factory("root") ->css_id("g-login-menu") ->css_class("g-inline ui-helper-clear-fix"); module::event("user_menu", $menu, $this); return $menu->render(); } public function site_menu($item_css_selector) { $menu = Menu::factory("root"); module::event("site_menu", $menu, $this, $item_css_selector); return $menu->render(); } public function album_menu() { $menu = Menu::factory("root"); module::event("album_menu", $menu, $this); return $menu->render(); } public function tag_menu() { $menu = Menu::factory("root"); module::event("tag_menu", $menu, $this); return $menu->render(); } public function photo_menu() { $menu = Menu::factory("root"); if (access::can("view_full", $this->item())) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("fullsize") ->label(t("View full size")) ->url($this->item()->file_url()) ->css_class("g-fullsize-link")); } module::event("photo_menu", $menu, $this); return $menu->render(); } public function movie_menu() { $menu = Menu::factory("root"); module::event("movie_menu", $menu, $this); return $menu->render(); } public function context_menu($item, $thumbnail_css_selector) { $menu = Menu::factory("root") ->append(Menu::factory("submenu") ->id("context_menu") ->label(t("Options"))) ->css_class("g-context-menu"); module::event("context_menu", $menu, $this, $item, $thumbnail_css_selector); return $menu->render(); } /** * Print out any site wide status information. */ public function site_status() { return site_status::get(); } /** * Print out any messages waiting for this user. */ public function messages() { return message::get(); } /** * Print out the sidebar. */ public function sidebar_blocks() { $sidebar = block_manager::get_html("site_sidebar", $this); if (empty($sidebar) && identity::active_user()->admin) { $sidebar = new View("no_sidebar.html"); } return $sidebar; } /** * Handle all theme functions that insert module content. */ public function __call($function, $args) { switch ($function) { case "album_blocks": case "album_bottom": case "album_top": case "body_attributes": case "credits"; case "dynamic_bottom": case "dynamic_top": case "footer": case "head": case "header_bottom": case "header_top": case "html_attributes": case "page_bottom": case "page_top": case "photo_blocks": case "photo_bottom": case "photo_top": case "resize_bottom": case "resize_top": case "sidebar_bottom": case "sidebar_top": case "thumb_bottom": case "thumb_info": case "thumb_top": $blocks = array(); if (method_exists("gallery_theme", $function)) { switch (count($args)) { case 0: $blocks[] = gallery_theme::$function($this); break; case 1: $blocks[] = gallery_theme::$function($this, $args[0]); break; case 2: $blocks[] = gallery_theme::$function($this, $args[0], $args[1]); break; default: $blocks[] = call_user_func_array( array("gallery_theme", $function), array_merge(array($this), $args)); } } foreach (module::active() as $module) { if ($module->name == "gallery") { continue; } $helper_class = "{$module->name}_theme"; if (method_exists($helper_class, $function)) { $blocks[] = call_user_func_array( array($helper_class, $function), array_merge(array($this), $args)); } } $helper_class = theme::$site_theme_name . "_theme"; if (method_exists($helper_class, $function)) { $blocks[] = call_user_func_array( array($helper_class, $function), array_merge(array($this), $args)); } if (Session::instance()->get("debug")) { if ($function != "head" && $function != "body_attributes") { array_unshift( $blocks, "
" . "
"); $blocks[] = "
"; } } return implode("\n", $blocks); default: throw new Exception("@todo UNKNOWN_THEME_FUNCTION: $function"); } } }