* Only return items where the name contains this substring * * random=true * Return a single random item * * type= * Limit the type to types in this list, eg: "type=photo,movie". * Also limits the types returned in the member collections (same behaviour as item_rest). */ static function get($request) { $item = rest::resolve($request->url); access::required("view", $item); $p = $request->params; if (isset($p->random)) { $orm = item::random_query()->offset(0)->limit(1); } else { $orm = ORM::factory("item")->viewable(); } if (empty($p->scope)) { $p->scope = "direct"; } if (!in_array($p->scope, array("direct", "all"))) { throw new Rest_Exception("Bad Request", 400); } if ($p->scope == "direct") { $orm->where("parent_id", "=", $item->id); } else { $orm->where("left_ptr", ">", $item->left_ptr); $orm->where("right_ptr", "<", $item->right_ptr); } if (isset($p->name)) { $orm->where("name", "LIKE", "%{$p->name}%"); } if (isset($p->type)) { $orm->where("type", "IN", explode(",", $p->type)); } // Apply the item's sort order, using id as the tie breaker. // See Item_Model::children() $order_by = array($item->sort_column => $item->sort_order); if ($item->sort_column != "id") { $order_by["id"] = "ASC"; } $orm->order_by($order_by); $result = array( "url" => $request->url, "entity" => $item->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => rest::relationships("item", $item)); if ($item->is_album()) { $result["members"] = array(); foreach ($orm->find_all() as $child) { $result["members"][] = rest::url("item", $child); } } return $result; } static function put($request) { $item = rest::resolve($request->url); access::required("edit", $item); if ($entity = $request->params->entity) { // Only change fields from a whitelist. foreach (array("album_cover", "captured", "description", "height", "mime_type", "name", "parent", "rand_key", "resize_dirty", "resize_height", "resize_width", "slug", "sort_column", "sort_order", "thumb_dirty", "thumb_height", "thumb_width", "title", "view_count", "width") as $key) { switch ($key) { case "album_cover": if (property_exists($entity, "album_cover")) { $album_cover_item = rest::resolve($entity->album_cover); access::required("view", $album_cover_item); $item->album_cover_item_id = $album_cover_item->id; } break; case "parent": if (property_exists($entity, "parent")) { $parent = rest::resolve($entity->parent); access::required("edit", $parent); $item->parent_id = $parent->id; } break; default: if (property_exists($entity, $key)) { $item->$key = $entity->$key; } } } } // Replace the data file, if required if (($item->is_photo() || $item->is_movie()) && isset($request->file)) { $item->set_data_file($request->file); } $item->save(); if (isset($request->params->members) && $item->sort_column == "weight") { $weight = 0; foreach ($request->params->members as $url) { $child = rest::resolve($url); if ($child->parent_id == $item->id && $child->weight != $weight) { $child->weight = $weight; $child->save(); } $weight++; } } } static function post($request) { $parent = rest::resolve($request->url); access::required("edit", $parent); $entity = $request->params->entity; $item = ORM::factory("item"); switch ($entity->type) { case "album": $item->type = "album"; $item->parent_id = $parent->id; $item->name = $entity->name; $item->title = isset($entity->title) ? $entity->title : $entity->name; $item->description = isset($entity->description) ? $entity->description : null; $item->slug = isset($entity->slug) ? $entity->slug : null; $item->save(); break; case "photo": case "movie": if (empty($request->file)) { throw new Rest_Exception( "Bad Request", 400, array("errors" => array("file" => t("Upload failed")))); } $item->type = $entity->type; $item->parent_id = $parent->id; $item->set_data_file($request->file); $item->name = $entity->name; $item->title = isset($entity->title) ? $entity->title : $entity->name; $item->description = isset($entity->description) ? $entity->description : null; $item->slug = isset($entity->slug) ? $entity->slug : null; $item->save(); break; default: throw new Rest_Exception( "Bad Request", 400, array("errors" => array("type" => "invalid"))); } return array("url" => rest::url("item", $item)); } static function delete($request) { $item = rest::resolve($request->url); access::required("edit", $item); $item->delete(); } static function resolve($id) { $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); if (!access::can("view", $item)) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } return $item; } static function url($item) { return url::abs_site("rest/item/{$item->id}"); } }