(function($) { $.widget("ui.gallery_dialog", { _init: function() { var self = this; if (!self.options.immediate) { this.element.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self._show($(event.currentTarget).attr("href")); return false; }); } else { self._show(this.element.attr("href")); } }, _show: function(sHref) { var self = this; var eDialog = '
'; if ($("#g-dialog").length) { $("#g-dialog").dialog("close"); } $("body").append(eDialog); if (!self.options.close) { self.options.close = self.close_dialog; } $("#g-dialog").dialog(self.options); $("#g-dialog").gallery_show_loading(); $.ajax({ url: sHref, type: "GET", beforeSend: function(xhr) { // Until we convert to jquery 1.4, we need to save the XMLHttpRequest object so that we // can detect the mime type of the reply this.xhrData = xhr; }, success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) { // Pre jquery 1.4, get the saved XMLHttpRequest object if (xhr == undefined) { xhr = this.xhrData; } var mimeType = /^(\w+\/\w+)\;?/.exec(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); var content = ""; if (mimeType[1] == "application/json") { data = JSON.parse(data); content = data.html; } else { content = data; } $("#g-dialog").html(content).gallery_show_loading(); if ($("#g-dialog form").length) { self.form_loaded(null, $("#g-dialog form")); } self._layout(); $("#g-dialog").dialog("open"); self._set_title(); if ($("#g-dialog form").length) { self._ajaxify_dialog(); } } }); $("#g-dialog").dialog("option", "self", self); }, _layout: function() { var dialogWidth; var dialogHeight = $("#g-dialog").height(); var cssWidth = new String($("#g-dialog form").css("width")); var childWidth = cssWidth.replace(/[^0-9]/g,""); var size = $.gallery_get_viewport_size(); if ($("#g-dialog iframe").length) { dialogWidth = size.width() - 100; // Set the iframe width and height $("#g-dialog iframe").width("100%").height(size.height() - 100); } else if ($("#g-dialog .g-dialog-panel").length) { dialogWidth = size.width() - 100; $("#g-dialog").dialog("option", "height", size.height() - 100); } else if (childWidth == "" || childWidth > 300) { dialogWidth = 500; } $("#g-dialog").dialog('option', 'width', dialogWidth); }, form_loaded: function(event, ui) { // Should be defined (and localized) in the theme MSG_CANCEL = MSG_CANCEL || 'Cancel'; var eCancel = '' + MSG_CANCEL + ''; if ($("#g-dialog .submit").length) { $("#g-dialog .submit").addClass("ui-state-default ui-corner-all"); $.fn.gallery_hover_init(); $("#g-dialog .submit").parent().append(eCancel); $("#g-dialog .g-cancel").click(function(event) { $("#g-dialog").dialog("close"); event.preventDefault(); }); } $("#g-dialog .ui-state-default").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); }, function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); } ); }, close_dialog: function(event, ui) { var self = $("#g-dialog").dialog("option", "self"); if ($("#g-dialog form").length) { self._trigger("form_closing", null, $("#g-dialog form")); } self._trigger("dialog_closing", null, $("#g-dialog")); $("#g-dialog").dialog("destroy").remove(); }, _ajaxify_dialog: function() { var self = this; $("#g-dialog form").ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit: function(formData, form, options) { form.find(":submit") .addClass("ui-state-disabled") .attr("disabled", "disabled"); return true; }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { // Until we convert to jquery 1.4, we need to save the XMLHttpRequest object so that we // can detect the mime type of the reply this.xhrData = xhr; }, success: function(data) { // Pre jquery 1.4, get the saved XMLHttpRequest object xhr = this.xhrData; if (xhr) { var mimeType = /^(\w+\/\w+)\;?/.exec(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); var content = ""; if (mimeType[1] == "application/json") { data = JSON.parse(data); } else { data = {"html": escape(data)}; } } else { // Uploading files (eg: watermark) uses a fake xhr in jquery.form.js so // all we have is in the data field, which should be some very simple JSON. // Weirdly enough in Chrome the result gets wrapped in a
 element and
             // looks like this:
             //   "location":"\/~bharat\/gallery3\/index.php\/admin\/watermarks"}
// bizarre. Strip that off before parsing. data = JSON.parse(data.match("({.*})")[0]); } if (data.html) { $("#g-dialog").html(data.html); $("#g-dialog").dialog("option", "position", "center"); $("#g-dialog form :submit").removeClass("ui-state-disabled") .attr("disabled", null); self._set_title(); self._ajaxify_dialog(); self.form_loaded(null, $("#g-dialog form")); if (typeof data.reset == 'function') { eval(data.reset + '()'); } } if (data.result == "success") { if (data.location) { window.location = data.location; } else { window.location.reload(); } } } }); }, _set_title: function() { // Remove titlebar for progress dialogs or set title if ($("#g-dialog #g-progress").length) { $(".ui-dialog-titlebar").remove(); } else if ($("#g-dialog h1").length) { $("#g-dialog").dialog('option', 'title', $("#g-dialog h1:eq(0)").html()); $("#g-dialog h1:eq(0)").hide(); } else if ($("#g-dialog fieldset legend").length) { $("#g-dialog").dialog('option', 'title', $("#g-dialog fieldset legend:eq(0)").html()); } }, form_closing: function(event, ui) {}, dialog_closing: function(event, ui) {} }); $.extend($.ui.gallery_dialog, { defaults: { autoOpen: false, autoResize: true, modal: true, resizable: false, position: "center" } }); })(jQuery);