loaded() === FALSE) { // Re-parse the include paths Kohana::include_paths(TRUE); } if (Kohana::$cache_lifetime = Kohana::config('core.internal_cache')) { // Are we using encryption for caches? Kohana::$internal_cache_encrypt = Kohana::config('core.internal_cache_encrypt'); if(Kohana::$internal_cache_encrypt===TRUE) { Kohana::$internal_cache_key = Kohana::config('core.internal_cache_key'); // Be sure the key is of acceptable length for the mcrypt algorithm used Kohana::$internal_cache_key = substr(Kohana::$internal_cache_key, 0, 24); } // Set the directory to be used for the internal cache if ( ! Kohana::$internal_cache_path = Kohana::config('core.internal_cache_path')) { Kohana::$internal_cache_path = APPPATH.'cache/'; } // Load cached configuration and language files Kohana::$internal_cache['configuration'] = Kohana::cache('configuration', Kohana::$cache_lifetime); Kohana::$internal_cache['language'] = Kohana::cache('language', Kohana::$cache_lifetime); // Load cached file paths Kohana::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'] = Kohana::cache('find_file_paths', Kohana::$cache_lifetime); // Enable cache saving Event::add('system.shutdown', array('Kohana', 'internal_cache_save')); } // Start output buffering ob_start(array('Kohana', 'output_buffer')); // Save buffering level Kohana::$buffer_level = ob_get_level(); // Set autoloader spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load')); // Register a shutdown function to handle system.shutdown events register_shutdown_function(array('Kohana', 'shutdown')); // Send default text/html UTF-8 header header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.Kohana::CHARSET); // Load i18n new I18n; // Enable exception handling Kohana_Exception::enable(); // Enable error handling Kohana_PHP_Exception::enable(); // Load locales $locales = Kohana::config('locale.language'); // Make first locale the defined Kohana charset $locales[0] .= '.'.Kohana::CHARSET; // Set locale information Kohana::$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locales); // Default to the default locale when none of the user defined ones where accepted Kohana::$locale = ! Kohana::$locale ? Kohana::LOCALE.'.'.Kohana::CHARSET : Kohana::$locale; // Set locale for the I18n system I18n::set_locale(Kohana::$locale); // Set and validate the timezone date_default_timezone_set(Kohana::config('locale.timezone')); // register_globals is enabled if (ini_get('register_globals')) { if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) { // Prevent GLOBALS override attacks exit('Global variable overload attack.'); } // Destroy the REQUEST global $_REQUEST = array(); // These globals are standard and should not be removed $preserve = array('GLOBALS', '_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_ENV', '_SESSION'); // This loop has the same effect as disabling register_globals foreach (array_diff(array_keys($GLOBALS), $preserve) as $key) { global $$key; $$key = NULL; // Unset the global variable unset($GLOBALS[$key], $$key); } // Warn the developer about register globals Kohana_Log::add('debug', 'Disable register_globals! It is evil and deprecated: http://php.net/register_globals'); } // Enable Kohana routing Event::add('system.routing', array('Router', 'find_uri')); Event::add('system.routing', array('Router', 'setup')); // Enable Kohana controller initialization Event::add('system.execute', array('Kohana', 'instance')); // Enable Kohana 404 pages Event::add('system.404', array('Kohana_404_Exception', 'trigger')); if (Kohana::config('core.enable_hooks') === TRUE) { // Find all the hook files $hooks = Kohana::list_files('hooks', TRUE); foreach ($hooks as $file) { // Load the hook include $file; } } // Stop the environment setup routine Benchmark::stop(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_environment_setup'); } /** * Cleans up the PHP environment. Disables error/exception handling and the * auto-loading method and closes the output buffer. * * This method does not need to be called during normal system execution, * however in some advanced situations it can be helpful. @see #1781 * * @return void */ public static function cleanup() { static $run; // Only run this function once if ($run === TRUE) return; $run = TRUE; Kohana_Exception::disable(); Kohana_PHP_Exception::disable(); spl_autoload_unregister(array('Kohana', 'auto_load')); Kohana::close_buffers(); } /** * Loads the controller and initializes it. Runs the pre_controller, * post_controller_constructor, and post_controller events. Triggers * a system.404 event when the route cannot be mapped to a controller. * * This method is benchmarked as controller_setup and controller_execution. * * @return object instance of controller */ public static function & instance() { if (Kohana::$instance === NULL) { Benchmark::start(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_controller_setup'); // Include the Controller file require_once Router::$controller_path; try { // Start validation of the controller $class = new ReflectionClass(ucfirst(Router::$controller).'_Controller'); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { // Controller does not exist Event::run('system.404'); } if ($class->isAbstract() OR (IN_PRODUCTION AND $class->getConstant('ALLOW_PRODUCTION') == FALSE)) { // Controller is not allowed to run in production Event::run('system.404'); } // Run system.pre_controller Event::run('system.pre_controller'); // Create a new controller instance $controller = $class->newInstance(); // Controller constructor has been executed Event::run('system.post_controller_constructor'); try { // Load the controller method $method = $class->getMethod(Router::$method); // Method exists if (Router::$method[0] === '_') { // Do not allow access to hidden methods Event::run('system.404'); } if ($method->isProtected() or $method->isPrivate()) { // Do not attempt to invoke protected methods throw new ReflectionException('protected controller method'); } // Default arguments $arguments = Router::$arguments; } catch (ReflectionException $e) { // Use __call instead $method = $class->getMethod('__call'); // Use arguments in __call format $arguments = array(Router::$method, Router::$arguments); } // Stop the controller setup benchmark Benchmark::stop(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_controller_setup'); // Start the controller execution benchmark Benchmark::start(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_controller_execution'); // Execute the controller method $method->invokeArgs($controller, $arguments); // Controller method has been executed Event::run('system.post_controller'); // Stop the controller execution benchmark Benchmark::stop(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_controller_execution'); } return Kohana::$instance; } /** * Get all include paths. APPPATH is the first path, followed by module * paths in the order they are configured, follow by the SYSPATH. * * @param boolean re-process the include paths * @return array */ public static function include_paths($process = FALSE) { if ($process === TRUE) { // Add APPPATH as the first path Kohana::$include_paths = array(APPPATH); foreach (Kohana::config('core.modules') as $path) { if ($path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path))) { // Add a valid path Kohana::$include_paths[] = $path.'/'; } } // Add SYSPATH as the last path Kohana::$include_paths[] = SYSPATH; Kohana::$include_paths_hash = md5(serialize(Kohana::$include_paths)); } return Kohana::$include_paths; } /** * Get a config item or group proxies Kohana_Config. * * @param string item name * @param boolean force a forward slash (/) at the end of the item * @param boolean is the item required? * @return mixed */ public static function config($key, $slash = FALSE, $required = FALSE) { return Kohana_Config::instance()->get($key,$slash,$required); } /** * Load data from a simple cache file. This should only be used internally, * and is NOT a replacement for the Cache library. * * @param string unique name of cache * @param integer expiration in seconds * @return mixed */ public static function cache($name, $lifetime) { if ($lifetime > 0) { $path = Kohana::$internal_cache_path.'kohana_'.$name; if (is_file($path)) { // Check the file modification time if ((time() - filemtime($path)) < $lifetime) { // Cache is valid! Now, do we need to decrypt it? if(Kohana::$internal_cache_encrypt===TRUE) { $data = file_get_contents($path); $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); $decrypted_text = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, Kohana::$internal_cache_key, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); $cache = unserialize($decrypted_text); // If the key changed, delete the cache file if(!$cache) unlink($path); // If cache is false (as above) return NULL, otherwise, return the cache return ($cache ? $cache : NULL); } else { return unserialize(file_get_contents($path)); } } else { // Cache is invalid, delete it unlink($path); } } } // No cache found return NULL; } /** * Save data to a simple cache file. This should only be used internally, and * is NOT a replacement for the Cache library. * * @param string cache name * @param mixed data to cache * @param integer expiration in seconds * @return boolean */ public static function cache_save($name, $data, $lifetime) { if ($lifetime < 1) return FALSE; $path = Kohana::$internal_cache_path.'kohana_'.$name; if ($data === NULL) { // Delete cache return (is_file($path) and unlink($path)); } else { // Using encryption? Encrypt the data when we write it if(Kohana::$internal_cache_encrypt===TRUE) { // Encrypt and write data to cache file $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); // Serialize and encrypt! $encrypted_text = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, Kohana::$internal_cache_key, serialize($data), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); return (bool) file_put_contents($path, $encrypted_text); } else { // Write data to cache file return (bool) file_put_contents($path, serialize($data)); } } } /** * Kohana output handler. Called during ob_clean, ob_flush, and their variants. * * @param string current output buffer * @return string */ public static function output_buffer($output) { // Could be flushing, so send headers first if ( ! Event::has_run('system.send_headers')) { // Run the send_headers event Event::run('system.send_headers'); } // Set final output Kohana::$output = $output; // Set and return the final output return Kohana::$output; } /** * Closes all open output buffers, either by flushing or cleaning, and stores * output buffer for display during shutdown. * * @param boolean disable to clear buffers, rather than flushing * @return void */ public static function close_buffers($flush = TRUE) { if (ob_get_level() >= Kohana::$buffer_level) { // Set the close function $close = ($flush === TRUE) ? 'ob_end_flush' : 'ob_end_clean'; while (ob_get_level() > Kohana::$buffer_level) { // Flush or clean the buffer $close(); } // Store the Kohana output buffer. Apparently there was a change in PHP // 5.4 such that if you call this you wind up with a blank page. // Disabling it for now. See ticket #1839 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.4", "<")) { ob_end_clean(); } } } /** * Triggers the shutdown of Kohana by closing the output buffer, runs the system.display event. * * @return void */ public static function shutdown() { static $run; // Only run this function once if ($run === TRUE) return; $run = TRUE; // Run system.shutdown event Event::run('system.shutdown'); // Close output buffers Kohana::close_buffers(TRUE); // Run the output event Event::run('system.display', Kohana::$output); // Render the final output Kohana::render(Kohana::$output); } /** * Inserts global Kohana variables into the generated output and prints it. * * @param string final output that will displayed * @return void */ public static function render($output) { if (Kohana::config('core.render_stats') === TRUE) { // Fetch memory usage in MB $memory = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? (memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024) : 0; // Fetch benchmark for page execution time $benchmark = Benchmark::get(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_total_execution'); // Replace the global template variables $output = str_replace( array ( '{kohana_version}', '{kohana_codename}', '{execution_time}', '{memory_usage}', '{included_files}', ), array ( KOHANA::VERSION, KOHANA::CODENAME, $benchmark['time'], number_format($memory, 2).'MB', count(get_included_files()), ), $output ); } if ($level = Kohana::config('core.output_compression') AND ini_get('output_handler') !== 'ob_gzhandler' AND (int) ini_get('zlib.output_compression') === 0) { if ($compress = request::preferred_encoding(array('gzip','deflate'), TRUE)) { if ($level < 1 OR $level > 9) { // Normalize the level to be an integer between 1 and 9. This // step must be done to prevent gzencode from triggering an error $level = max(1, min($level, 9)); } if ($compress === 'gzip') { // Compress output using gzip $output = gzencode($output, $level); } elseif ($compress === 'deflate') { // Compress output using zlib (HTTP deflate) $output = gzdeflate($output, $level); } // This header must be sent with compressed content to prevent // browser caches from breaking header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); // Send the content encoding header header('Content-Encoding: '.$compress); // Sending Content-Length in CGI can result in unexpected behavior if (stripos(Kohana::$server_api, 'cgi') === FALSE) { header('Content-Length: '.strlen($output)); } } } echo $output; } /** * Provides class auto-loading. * * @throws Kohana_Exception * @param string name of class * @return bool */ public static function auto_load($class) { if (class_exists($class, FALSE) OR interface_exists($class, FALSE)) return TRUE; if (($suffix = strrpos($class, '_')) > 0) { // Find the class suffix $suffix = substr($class, $suffix + 1); } else { // No suffix $suffix = FALSE; } if ($suffix === 'Core') { $type = 'libraries'; $file = substr($class, 0, -5); } elseif ($suffix === 'Controller') { $type = 'controllers'; // Lowercase filename $file = strtolower(substr($class, 0, -11)); } elseif ($suffix === 'Model') { $type = 'models'; // Lowercase filename $file = strtolower(substr($class, 0, -6)); } elseif ($suffix === 'Driver') { $type = 'libraries/drivers'; $file = str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 0, -7)); } else { // This could be either a library or a helper, but libraries must // always be capitalized, so we check if the first character is // uppercase. If it is, we are loading a library, not a helper. $type = ($class[0] < 'a') ? 'libraries' : 'helpers'; $file = $class; } if ($filename = Kohana::find_file($type, $file)) { // Load the class require $filename; } else { // The class could not be found return FALSE; } if ($filename = Kohana::find_file($type, Kohana::config('core.extension_prefix').$class)) { // Load the class extension require $filename; } elseif ($suffix !== 'Core' AND class_exists($class.'_Core', FALSE)) { // Class extension to be evaluated $extension = 'class '.$class.' extends '.$class.'_Core { }'; // Start class analysis $core = new ReflectionClass($class.'_Core'); if ($core->isAbstract()) { // Make the extension abstract $extension = 'abstract '.$extension; } // Transparent class extensions are handled using eval. This is // a disgusting hack, but it gets the job done. eval($extension); } return TRUE; } /** * Find a resource file in a given directory. Files will be located according * to the order of the include paths. Configuration and i18n files will be * returned in reverse order. * * @throws Kohana_Exception if file is required and not found * @param string directory to search in * @param string filename to look for (without extension) * @param boolean file required * @param string file extension * @return array if the type is config, i18n or l10n * @return string if the file is found * @return FALSE if the file is not found */ public static function find_file($directory, $filename, $required = FALSE, $ext = FALSE) { // NOTE: This test MUST be not be a strict comparison (===), or empty // extensions will be allowed! if ($ext == '') { // Use the default extension $ext = EXT; } else { // Add a period before the extension $ext = '.'.$ext; } // Search path $search = $directory.'/'.$filename.$ext; if (isset(Kohana::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][Kohana::$include_paths_hash][$search])) return Kohana::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][Kohana::$include_paths_hash][$search]; // Load include paths $paths = Kohana::$include_paths; // Nothing found, yet $found = NULL; if ($directory === 'config' OR $directory === 'messages' OR $directory === 'i18n') { // Search in reverse, for merging $paths = array_reverse($paths); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_file($path.$search)) { // A matching file has been found $found[] = $path.$search; } } } else { foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_file($path.$search)) { // A matching file has been found $found = $path.$search; // Stop searching break; } } } if ($found === NULL) { if ($required === TRUE) { // If the file is required, throw an exception throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested :resource:, :file:, could not be found', array(':resource:' => __($directory), ':file:' =>$filename)); } else { // Nothing was found, return FALSE $found = FALSE; } } if ( ! isset(Kohana::$write_cache['find_file_paths'])) { // Write cache at shutdown Kohana::$write_cache['find_file_paths'] = TRUE; } return Kohana::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][Kohana::$include_paths_hash][$search] = $found; } /** * Lists all files and directories in a resource path. * * @param string directory to search * @param boolean list all files to the maximum depth? * @param string list all files having extension $ext * @param string full path to search (used for recursion, *never* set this manually) * @return array filenames and directories */ public static function list_files($directory, $recursive = FALSE, $ext = EXT, $path = FALSE) { $files = array(); if ($path === FALSE) { $paths = array_reverse(Kohana::include_paths()); foreach ($paths as $path) { // Recursively get and merge all files $files = array_merge($files, Kohana::list_files($directory, $recursive, $ext, $path.$directory)); } } else { $path = rtrim($path, '/').'/'; if (is_readable($path) AND $items = glob($path.'*')) { $ext_pos = 0 - strlen($ext); foreach ($items as $index => $item) { $item = str_replace('\\', '/', $item); if (is_dir($item)) { // Handle recursion if ($recursive === TRUE) { // Filename should only be the basename $item = pathinfo($item, PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Append sub-directory search $files = array_merge($files, Kohana::list_files($directory, TRUE, $ext, $path.$item)); } } else { // File extension must match if ($ext_pos === 0 OR substr($item, $ext_pos) === $ext) { $files[] = $item; } } } } } return $files; } /** * Fetch a message item. * * @param string language key to fetch * @param array additional information to insert into the line * @return string i18n language string, or the requested key if the i18n item is not found */ public static function message($key, $args = array()) { // Extract the main group from the key $group = explode('.', $key, 2); $group = $group[0]; if ( ! isset(Kohana::$internal_cache['messages'][$group])) { // Messages for this group $messages = array(); if ($file = Kohana::find_file('messages', $group)) { include $file[0]; } if ( ! isset(Kohana::$write_cache['messages'])) { // Write language cache Kohana::$write_cache['messages'] = TRUE; } Kohana::$internal_cache['messages'][$group] = $messages; } // Get the line from cache $line = Kohana::key_string(Kohana::$internal_cache['messages'], $key); if ($line === NULL) { Kohana_Log::add('error', 'Missing messages entry '.$key.' for message '.$group); // Return the key string as fallback return $key; } if (is_string($line) AND func_num_args() > 1) { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); // Add the arguments into the line $line = vsprintf($line, is_array($args[0]) ? $args[0] : $args); } return $line; } /** * Returns the value of a key, defined by a 'dot-noted' string, from an array. * * @param array array to search * @param string dot-noted string: foo.bar.baz * @return string if the key is found * @return void if the key is not found */ public static function key_string($array, $keys) { if (empty($array)) return NULL; // Prepare for loop $keys = explode('.', $keys); do { // Get the next key $key = array_shift($keys); if (isset($array[$key])) { if (is_array($array[$key]) AND ! empty($keys)) { // Dig down to prepare the next loop $array = $array[$key]; } else { // Requested key was found return $array[$key]; } } else { // Requested key is not set break; } } while ( ! empty($keys)); return NULL; } /** * Sets values in an array by using a 'dot-noted' string. * * @param array array to set keys in (reference) * @param string dot-noted string: foo.bar.baz * @return mixed fill value for the key * @return void */ public static function key_string_set( & $array, $keys, $fill = NULL) { if (is_object($array) AND ($array instanceof ArrayObject)) { // Copy the array $array_copy = $array->getArrayCopy(); // Is an object $array_object = TRUE; } else { if ( ! is_array($array)) { // Must always be an array $array = (array) $array; } // Copy is a reference to the array $array_copy =& $array; } if (empty($keys)) return $array; // Create keys $keys = explode('.', $keys); // Create reference to the array $row =& $array_copy; for ($i = 0, $end = count($keys) - 1; $i <= $end; $i++) { // Get the current key $key = $keys[$i]; if ( ! isset($row[$key])) { if (isset($keys[$i + 1])) { // Make the value an array $row[$key] = array(); } else { // Add the fill key $row[$key] = $fill; } } elseif (isset($keys[$i + 1])) { // Make the value an array $row[$key] = (array) $row[$key]; } // Go down a level, creating a new row reference $row =& $row[$key]; } if (isset($array_object)) { // Swap the array back in $array->exchangeArray($array_copy); } } /** * Quick debugging of any variable. Any number of parameters can be set. * * @return string */ public static function debug() { if (func_num_args() === 0) return; // Get params $params = func_get_args(); $output = array(); foreach ($params as $var) { $value = is_bool($var) ? ($var ? 'true' : 'false') : print_r($var, TRUE); $output[] = '
('.gettype($var).') '.htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET).'
'; } return implode("\n", $output); } /** * Saves the internal caches: configuration, include paths, etc. * * @return boolean */ public static function internal_cache_save() { if ( ! is_array(Kohana::$write_cache)) return FALSE; // Get internal cache names $caches = array_keys(Kohana::$write_cache); // Nothing written $written = FALSE; foreach ($caches as $cache) { if (isset(Kohana::$internal_cache[$cache])) { // Write the cache file Kohana::cache_save($cache, Kohana::$internal_cache[$cache], Kohana::config('core.internal_cache')); // A cache has been written $written = TRUE; } } return $written; } } // End Kohana