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2013-04-04 09:26:06 +00:00
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<div id="g-movies-admin" class="g-block ui-helper-clearfix">
<h1> <?= t("Movies settings") ?> </h1>
<?= t("Gallery comes with everything it needs to upload and play movies.") ?>
<?= t("However, it needs the FFmpeg toolkit to extract thumbnails and size information from them.") ?>
<?= t("Although popular, FFmpeg is not installed on all Linux systems.") ?>
<?= t("To use FFmpeg without fully installing it, download a pre-compiled, <b>static build</b> of FFmpeg from one of the links <a href=\"%url\">here</a>.", array("url" => "")) ?>
<?= t("Then, put the \"ffmpeg\" file in Gallery's \"bin\" directory (e.g. \"/gallery3/bin\"), where Gallery will auto-detect it.") ?>
<?= t("Movies will work without FFmpeg, but their thumbnails will be placeholders.") ?>
<?= t("Can't get FFmpeg configured on your system? <a href=\"%url\">We can help!</a>",
array("url" => "")) ?>
<div class="g-available">
<h2> <?= t("Current configuration") ?> </h2>
<div id="g-ffmpeg" class="g-block">
<img class="logo" width="284" height="70" src="<?= url::file("modules/gallery/images/ffmpeg.png"); ?>" alt="<? t("Visit the FFmpeg project site") ?>" />
<?= t("FFmpeg is a cross-platform standalone audio/video program.") ?><br/>
<?= t("Please refer to the <a href=\"%url\">FFmpeg website</a> for more information.", array("url" => "")) ?>
<div class="g-module-status g-info">
<? if ($ffmpeg_dir): ?>
<? if ($ffmpeg_version): ?>
<p><?= t("FFmpeg version %version was found in %dir", array("version" => $ffmpeg_version, "dir" => $ffmpeg_dir)) ?></p>
<? else: ?>
<p><?= t("FFmpeg (of unknown version) was found in %dir", array("dir" => $ffmpeg_dir)) ?></p>
<? endif ?>
<? else: ?>
<p><?= t("We could not locate FFmpeg on your system.") ?></p>
<? endif ?>
<?= $form ?>