_get_view(); } public function handler() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = $this->_get_form(); if ($form->validate()) { $scrollsize = intval($form->navcarousel->scrollsize->value); $showelements = intval($form->navcarousel->showelements->value); $carouselwidth = intval($form->navcarousel->carouselwidth->value); $thumbsize = intval($form->thumbsettings->thumbsize->value); if ($showelements < 1) { $showelements = 1; message::error(t("You must show at least one item.")); } if ($scrollsize < 1) { $scrollsize = 1; message::error(t("You must scroll by at least one item.")); } if ($thumbsize > 150 || $thumbsize < 25) { $thumbsize = 50; message::error(t("The size of the thumbnails must be between 25 and 150 pixel.")); } if ($carouselwidth < ($thumbsize + 75) && $carouselwidth > 0) { $carouselwidth = $thumbsize + 75; message::error(t("The carousel must be at least %pixel wide.", array("pixel" => $carouselwidth))); } if ($carouselwidth > 0) { if ($carouselwidth < ((($thumbsize + 11) * $showelements) + 64)) { $showelements = ($carouselwidth - 64) / ($thumbsize + 11); $showelements = intval(floor($showelements)); message::error(t("With the selected carousel width and thumbnail size you can show a maximum of %itemno items.", array("itemno" => $showelements))); } } else { message::warning(t("The maximum number of displayable items cannot be calculated when the carousel width is set to 0.")); } if ($scrollsize > $showelements) { $scrollsize = $showelements; message::error(t("The number of items to scroll must not exceed the number of items to show.")); } module::set_var( "navcarousel", "scrollsize", $scrollsize); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "showelements", $showelements); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "carouselwidth", $carouselwidth); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "thumbsize", $thumbsize); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "abovephoto", $form->navcarousel->abovephoto->value, true); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "noajax", $form->navcarousel->noajax->value, true); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "maintainaspect", $form->thumbsettings->maintainaspect->value, true); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "nomouseover", $form->thumbsettings->nomouseover->value, true); module::set_var( "navcarousel", "noresize", $form->thumbsettings->noresize->value, true); message::success(t("Your settings have been saved.")); url::redirect("admin/navcarousel"); } print $this->_get_view($form); } private function _get_view($form=null) { $v = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $v->content = new View("admin_navcarousel.html"); $v->content->form = empty($form) ? $this->_get_form() : $form; return $v; } private function _get_form() { $form = new Forge("admin/navcarousel/handler", "", "post", array("id" => "g-admin-form")); $group = $form->group("navcarousel")->label(t("Navigation carousel settings")); $group->input("scrollsize")->label(t('Enter how many items you want to scroll when clicking next or previous')) ->value(module::get_var("navcarousel", "scrollsize", "7")) ->rules("valid_numeric|length[1,2]"); $group->input("showelements")->label(t('Enter how many items you want to be visible')) ->value(module::get_var("navcarousel", "showelements", "7")) ->rules("valid_numeric|length[1,2]"); $group->input("carouselwidth")->label(t('Carousel width (in pixel). If set to 0 the carousel will use the full available width.')) ->value(module::get_var("navcarousel", "carouselwidth", "600")) ->rules("valid_numeric|length[1,3]"); $group->checkbox("abovephoto")->label(t("Show carousel above photo")) ->checked(module::get_var("navcarousel", "abovephoto", false)); $group->checkbox("noajax")->label(t("Disable dynamic loading of thumbnails (might be slow for big albums)")) ->checked(module::get_var("navcarousel", "noajax", false)); $group = $form->group("thumbsettings")->label(t("Change how thumnails are displayed")); $group->input("thumbsize")->label(t('Thumbnail size (in pixel)')) ->value(module::get_var("navcarousel", "thumbsize", "50")) ->rules("valid_numeric|length[1,3]"); $group->checkbox("nomouseover")->label(t("Do not show item title and number on mouse over")) ->checked(module::get_var("navcarousel", "nomouseover", false)); $group->checkbox("noresize")->label(t("Crop thumbails instead of resizing them.")) ->onClick("changeaspectstate()") ->id("noresize") ->checked(module::get_var("navcarousel", "noresize", false)); $group->checkbox("maintainaspect")->label(t("Maintain aspect ratio of the items for the thumbnails.")) ->id("maintainaspect") ->checked(module::get_var("navcarousel", "maintainaspect", false)); $form->submit("submit")->value(t("Save")); return $form; } }