\n"); // authenticate a username/password if (0){ $result=$ldap->authenticate("username","password"); var_dump($result); } // add a group to a group if (0){ $result=$ldap->group_add_group("Parent Group Name","Child Group Name"); var_dump($result); } // add a user to a group if (0){ $result=$ldap->group_add_user("Group Name","username"); var_dump($result); } // create a group if (0){ $attributes=array( "group_name"=>"Test Group", "description"=>"Just Testing", "container"=>array("Groups","A Container"), ); $result=$ldap->group_create($attributes); var_dump($result); } // retrieve information about a group if (0){ $result=$ldap->group_info("Group Name"); var_dump($result); } // create a user account if (0){ $attributes=array( "username"=>"freds", "logon_name"=>"freds@mydomain.local", "firstname"=>"Fred", "surname"=>"Smith", "company"=>"My Company", "department"=>"My Department", "email"=>"freds@mydomain.local", "container"=>array("Container Parent","Container Child"), "enabled"=>1, "password"=>"Password123", ); $result=$ldap->user_create($attributes); var_dump($result); } // retrieve the group membership for a user if (0){ $result=$ldap->user_groups("username"); print_r($result); } // retrieve information about a user if (0){ $result=$ldap->user_info("username"); print_r($result); } // check if a user is a member of a group if (0){ $result=$ldap->user_ingroup("username","Group Name"); var_dump($result); } // modify a user account (this example will set "user must change password at next logon") if (0){ $attributes=array( "change_password"=>1, ); $result=$ldap->user_modify("username",$attributes); var_dump($result); } // change the password of a user if (0){ $result=$ldap->user_password("username","Password123"); var_dump($result); } ?>