$fileName))); return array('ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER', null); } } $tmp = file($fileName); if (empty($tmp)) { message::warning( t('Gallery1 inconsistency: Empty file %file', array('file' => $fileName))); return array('ERROR_MISSING_VALUE', null); } $tmp = join('', $tmp); /* * We renamed User.php to Gallery_User.php in v1.2, so port forward * any saved user objects. */ if (!strcmp(substr($tmp, 0, 10), 'O:4:"user"')) { $tmp = str_replace('O:4:"user"', 'O:12:"gallery_user"', $tmp); } /* * Gallery3 already contains a class named Image so * we need to rename the G1 Image class to G1Img here */ if (strpos($tmp, 'O:5:"Image"')!==false) { $tmp = str_replace('O:5:"Image"', 'O:5:"G1Img"', $tmp); } $object = unserialize($tmp); return array(null, $object); } /** * Fetch an array of albums from a given path * * @param string $path Path to albums directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array of objects */ function getAlbumList($path) { list ($ret, $albumOrder) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . 'albumdb.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* TODO: check that there is an $albumOrder */ foreach ($albumOrder as $albumName) { list ($ret, $albumFields) = Gallery1DataParser::loadAlbumFields($path . $albumName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($ret) { return array($ret,''); } $albumList[$albumName] = $albumFields; } return array(null, $albumList); } /** * Fetch an associative array of parentalbum names from a given path to gallery1 albums * * @param string $path Path to albums directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array of albums and their parents */ function getParentAlbumList($path) { list ($ret, $albumOrder) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . 'albumdb.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } foreach ($albumOrder as $albumName) { list ($ret, $albumFields) = Gallery1DataParser::loadAlbumFields($path . $albumName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($ret) { return array($ret,''); } $parentAlbumList[$albumName] = $albumFields['parentAlbumName']; } return array(null, $parentAlbumList); } /** * Build a data tree of albums * * @param string $path Path to albums directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array of albumnames and their children, and their children... */ function getAlbumHierarchy($path) { list ($ret, $parentAlbumList) = Gallery1DataParser::getParentAlbumList($path); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } foreach ($parentAlbumList as $myName => $parentName) { if (!isset($tempAlbums[$myName])) { $tempAlbums[$myName] = array(); } if (empty($parentName) || $parentName == '.root') { $hierarchy[$myName] = &$tempAlbums[$myName]; } else { if (!isset($tempAlbums[$parentName])) { $tempAlbums[$parentName] = array(); } $tempAlbums[$parentName][$myName] = &$tempAlbums[$myName]; } } return array(null, $hierarchy); } /** * Fetch an array of albums with no parents * * @param string $path Path to albums directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array of albumnames */ function getRootAlbums($path) { list ($ret, $albumOrder) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . 'albumdb.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } foreach ($albumOrder as $albumName) { list ($ret, $albumFields) = Gallery1DataParser::loadAlbumFields($path . $albumName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($ret) { return array($ret,''); } if ($albumFields['parentAlbumName'] == '.root') { $rootAlbums[] = $albumName; } } return array(null, $rootAlbums); } /** * Load and return album metadata from given directory * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * object Unserialized album metadata */ function loadAlbumFields($path) { $tmp = trim($path); if ($tmp[strlen($tmp)-1] != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $tmp .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $path = trim($tmp); $albumPath = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $albumName = $albumPath[count($albumPath)-2]; list ($ret, $album) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . 'album.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $album->fields['name'] = $albumName; if (!$album->fields['parentAlbumName']) { $album->fields['parentAlbumName'] = '.root'; } return array(null, $album->fields); } /** * Count the number of photos in an album dir * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * integer Count of photos */ function getPhotoCount($path) { list ($ret, $photos) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . 'photos.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $photoCount = count($photos); return array(null, $photoCount); } /** * Count the photo data from an album dir * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array Galleryphotos */ function getPhotos($path) { list ($ret, $photos) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'photos.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $photos); } /** * Load user uids from path * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array Associative array of uids and usernames */ function getUserUids($path) { static $uids; if (!isset($uids[$path])) { if (!isset($uids)) { $uids = array(); } list ($ret, $userDB) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . '.users' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'userdb.dat'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $uids[$path] = array(); foreach ($userDB->userMap as $username => $uid) { if (Gallery1DataParser::isValidUid($path, $uid) && !Gallery1DataParser::isValidUid($path, $username) && !preg_match('/nobody|everybody|loggedin/i', $username)) { $uids[$path][$uid] = $username; } } } return array(null, $uids[$path]); } /** * Validate user id string from gallery v1.x.x * * @param string $uid Uid to be tested * @return boolean */ function isValidUidString($uid) { if (preg_match('/^\d{9,}_\d+$/', $uid)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Validate user id from gallery v1.x.x * * @param string $path * @param string $uid Uid to be tested * @return boolean */ function isValidUid($path, $uid) { static $valid; if (!isset($valid[$path][$uid])) { if (!isset($valid)) { $valid = array(); } if (!isset($valid[$path])) { $valid[$path] = array(); } if (Gallery1DataParser::isValidUidString($uid)) { list ($ret, $fields) = Gallery1DataParser::getUserFieldsByUid($path, $uid); if (!$ret) { $valid[$path][$uid] = TRUE; } else { $valid[$path][$uid] = FALSE; } } else { $valid[$path][$uid] = FALSE; } } return $valid[$path][$uid]; } /** * Load user metadata given a path and uid * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @param string $uid Uid to import * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array User metadata */ function getUserFieldsByUid($path, $uid) { static $fields; if (!isset($fields[$path][$uid])) { if (!isset($fields)) { $fields = array(); } if (!isset($fields[$path])) { $fields[$path] = array(); } $fields[$path][$uid] = array(); if (Gallery1DataParser::isValidUidString($uid)) { list ($ret, $user) = Gallery1DataParser::loadFile($path . '.users' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uid); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } foreach ($user as $key => $value) { $fields[$path][$uid][$key] = $value; } } } return array(null, $fields[$path][$uid]); } /** * Load user metadata given a path and username * * @param string $path Path to album directory * @param string $username Username to import * @return array GalleryStatus a status code, * array User metadata */ function getUserFieldsByUsername($path, $username) { list ($ret, $uids) = Gallery1DataParser::getUserUids($path); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $usernames = array_flip($uids); $uid = $usernames[$username]; list ($ret, $fields) = Gallery1DataParser::getUserFieldsByUid($path, $uid); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $fields); } } /* Define these classes so that unserialize can use them */ /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class G1AlbumDB{ } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class Album { } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class Gallery_UserDB { } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class Gallery_User { } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class AlbumItem { } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class G1Img { } /** * A stub class into which various G1 objects can be unserialized. */ class Comment { }