'The :field field is required', 'length' => 'The :field field must be between :param1 and :param2 characters long', 'depends_on' => 'The :field field requires the :param1 field', 'matches' => 'The :field field must be the same as :param1', 'email' => 'The :field field must be a valid email address', 'decimal' => 'The :field field must be a decimal with :param1 places', 'digit' => 'The :field field must be a digit', 'in_array' => 'The :field field must be one of the available options', 'alpha_numeric' => 'The :field field must consist only of alphabetical or numeric characters', 'alpha_dash ' => 'The :field field must consist only of alphabetical, numeric, underscore and dash characters', 'numeric ' => 'The :field field must be a valid number', 'url' => 'The :field field must be a valid url', 'phone' => 'The :field field must be a valid phone number', );