*/ public function index() { $view = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $view->page_title = t("Gallery 3 :: Manage Module Updates"); $view->content = new View("admin_moduleupdates.html"); $refreshCache = false; $cache = unserialize(Cache::instance()->get("moduleupdates_cache")); $cache_updates = unserialize(Cache::instance()->get("moduleupdates_cache_updates")); //if someone pressed the button to refresh now if (request::method() == "post") { access::verify_csrf(); $cache = new ArrayObject(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $cache_updates = array("date" => "", "updates" => 0); $refreshCache = true; }else if(count($cache) < 1 or $cache_updates['date'] == ""){ //if there are no items in the cache array or the update date is "" refresh the data $cache = new ArrayObject(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $cache_updates = array("date" => "", "updates" => 0); $refreshCache = true; } //Check the ability to access the Gallery3 GitHub $GitHub = null; try { $GitHub = fopen ("http://github.com", "r"); if ($GitHub != null) { $GitHub = 'Online'; }else{ $GitHub = 'Offline'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } //Check the ability to access the Google $Google = null; try { $Google = fopen ("http://google.com", "r"); if ($Google != null) { $Google = 'Online'; }else{ $Google = 'Offline'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } $update_count = 0; if($refreshCache == true){ foreach (module::available() as $this_module_name => $module_info) { $font_color_local = "black"; $core_version = ''; $core_server = ''; $core_dlink = ''; $font_color_core = "black"; $contrib_version = ''; $contrib_server = ''; $contrib_dlink = ''; $font_color_contrib = "black"; $gh_version = ''; $gh_server = ''; $gh_dlink = ''; $font_color_gh = "black"; $font_color_local = $this->get_local_module_version_color ($module_info->version, $module_info->code_version); list ($core_version, $core_server) = $this->get_remote_module_version($this_module_name, "CORE"); $font_color_core = $this->get_module_version_color ($module_info->version, $module_info->code_version, $core_version); list ($contrib_version, $contrib_server) = $this->get_remote_module_version($this_module_name, "CONTRIB"); $font_color_contrib = $this->get_module_version_color ($module_info->version, $module_info->code_version, $contrib_version); list ($gh_version, $gh_server) = $this->get_remote_module_version($this_module_name, "GH"); $font_color_gh = $this->get_module_version_color ($module_info->version, $module_info->code_version, $gh_version); if($font_color_core == "red" or $font_color_contrib == "red" or $font_color_gh == "red"){ $update_count++; } $module_info->name = "".$module_info->name.""; if (is_numeric($core_version)) { if($core_version > $module_info->version) { $core_dlink = "http://github.com/gallery/gallery3/tree/master/modules/".$this_module_name; } } if (is_numeric($contrib_version)) { if($contrib_version > $module_info->version) { $contrib_dlink = "http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/tree/master/". substr_replace(gallery::VERSION,"",strpos(gallery::VERSION," ")) ."/modules/".$this_module_name; } } if (is_numeric($gh_version)) { if($gh_version > $module_info->version) { $this_gm_repo = str_replace(".","",substr_replace(gallery::VERSION,"",strpos(gallery::VERSION," "))); if($this_gm_repo == "30"){ $gh_dlink = "http://www.gallerymodules.com/update/".$this_module_name; } else { $gh_dlink = "http://www.gallerymodules.com/update".this_gm_repo."/".$this_module_name; } } } //populate the list fo modules and their data $cache->$this_module_name = array ("name" => $module_info->name, "locked" => $module_info->locked, "code_version" => $module_info->code_version, "active" => $module_info->active, "version" => $module_info->version,"description" => $module_info->description, "core_version" => $core_version, "core_server" => $core_server, "font_color_core" => $font_color_core, "contrib_version" => $contrib_version, "contrib_server" => $contrib_server, "font_color_contrib" => $font_color_contrib, "gh_version" => $gh_version, "gh_server" => $gh_server, "font_color_gh" => $font_color_gh, "font_color_local" => $font_color_local, "core_dlink" => $core_dlink, "contrib_dlink" => $contrib_dlink, "gh_dlink" => $gh_dlink); } //Define right now as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM with the # of updates that are out of date $cache_updates = array("date" => date("Y.m.d - H:i"), "updates" => $update_count); //Write out the new data to cache with a 30 day expiration & 0 for update data so it's always present Cache::instance()->set("moduleupdates_cache", serialize($cache), array("ModuleUpdates"), 30*86400); Cache::instance()->set("moduleupdates_cache_updates", serialize($cache_updates), array("ModuleUpdates"), null); log::success("moduleupdates", t("Completed checking remote GitHub for modules updates.")); } $view->content->vars = $cache; $view->content->update_time = $cache_updates['date']; $view->content->csrf = access::csrf_token(); $view->content->Google = $Google; $view->content->GitHub = $GitHub; $view->content->Gallery_Version = substr_replace(gallery::VERSION,"",strpos(gallery::VERSION," ")); print $view; } /** * **/ private function get_module_version_color ($version, $code_version, $remote_version) { $font_color = "black"; //BLACK - no module version detected if ($remote_version == "") { $font_color = "black"; //BLUE - DNE: Does Not Exist, this module was not found } else if ($remote_version == "DNE") { $font_color = "blue"; //GREEN - Your version is newer than the GitHub } else if ($remote_version < $code_version or ($version != '' and $remote_version < $version)) { $font_color = "green"; //RED - Your version is older than the GitHub } else if ($remote_version > $code_version or ($version != '' and $remote_version > $version)) { $font_color = "red"; } return $font_color; } /** * **/ private function get_local_module_version_color ($version, $code_version) { $font_color = "black"; //PINK - Your installed version is newer than file version if ($version != '' and $code_version < $version) { $font_color = "pink"; //ORANGE - Your file version is newer than the installed version } else if ($version != '' and $code_version > $version) { $font_color = "orange"; } return $font_color; } /** * Parses the known GitHub repositories for new versions of modules. * * Searches the remote GitHub repositories for a module with a like filename to that of the ones * installed in the running Gallery isntall. Reads the remote modules module.info file to * gather the version information. Uses the following locations; * * http://github.com/gallery/gallery3 * http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib * http://www.gallerymodules.com * * @author brentil * @param String - The folder name of the module to search for on the remote GitHub server * @param String - The remote server to check against * @return Array - An array with the remote module version and the server it was found on. */ private function get_remote_module_version ($module_name, $server_location) { $version = ''; $server = ''; $file = null; switch ($server_location) { case "CONTRIB": //Check the Gallery3 Community Contributions GitHub if ($file == null) { try { $file = fopen ("http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/raw/master/". substr_replace(gallery::VERSION,"",strpos(gallery::VERSION," "))."/modules/".$module_name."/module.info", "r"); if ($file != null) { $server = '(GCC)'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } break; case "CORE": //Check the main Gallery3 GitHub if ($file == null) { try { $file = fopen ("http://github.com/gallery/gallery3/raw/master/modules/".$module_name."/module.info", "r"); if ($file != null) { $server = '(G)'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } break; case "GH": //Check GalleryModules.com if ($file == null) { try { $this_gm_repo = str_replace(".","",substr_replace(gallery::VERSION,"",strpos(gallery::VERSION," "))); if($this_gm_repo == "30"){ $file = fopen ("http://www.gallerymodules.com/m/".$module_name, "r"); } else { $file = fopen ("http://www.gallerymodules.com/".this_gm_repo."m/".$module_name, "r"); } if ($file != null) { $server = '(GH)'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } break; } if ($file != null) { while (!feof ($file)) { $line = fgets ($file, 1024); if ($server_location == "GH"){ //GH stores only the version info if($line == "Not entered" or $line == "See git") { $line = ""; } $version = $line; break; } else { //Regular expression to find & gather the version number in the remote module.info file if (preg_match ("@version = (.*)@i", $line, $out)) { $version = $out[1]; break; } } } fclose ($file); } return array ($version, $server); } }