where("id", "=", $id) ->find_all(); // If it doesn't exist, redirect to the modules root page. if (count($album_tags) == 0) { url::redirect("tag_albums/"); } // If it does exist, and is set to *, load a list of all tags. if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") { $this->index($id, ""); } else { // Otherwise, populate this page with the specified items. // Inherit permissions, title and description from the album that linked to this page. $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id); access::required("view", $album); $page_title = $album->title; $page_description = $album->description; // Determine page sort order. $sort_page_field = $album->sort_column; $sort_page_direction = $album->sort_order; // Determine search type (AND/OR) and generate an array of the tag ids. $tag_ids = Array(); foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) { $tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find(); if ($tag->loaded()) { $tag_ids[] = $tag->id; } } $album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type; // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("item", $show); $index = $this->_get_position($child->$sort_page_field, $child->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true); if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); url::redirect("tag_albums/album/" . $id . "?page=$page"); } } // Figure out how many items are in this "virtual album" $count = $this->_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, true); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("tag_albums/album/" . $id); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("tag_albums/album/{$id}/?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page and store their details in $children. $tag_children = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, $page_size, $offset, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, true); $children = Array(); foreach ($tag_children as $one_child) { $child_tag = new Tag_Albums_Item($one_child->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $one_child->id . "/0/" . $id), $one_child->type); $child_tag->id = $one_child->id; $child_tag->view_count = $one_child->view_count; $child_tag->owner = identity::lookup_user($one_child->owner_id); if ($one_child->has_thumb()) { $child_tag->set_thumb($one_child->thumb_url(), $one_child->thumb_width, $one_child->thumb_height); } $children[] = $child_tag; } // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/album/{$id}/?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/album/{$id}/?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up breadcrumbs. $tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array(); $counter = 0; $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($album->title, ""); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id); while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $album->id; $tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true); // Set up and display the actual page. $parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id); $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "Tag Albums"); $template->page_title = $page_title; $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $children); $template->set_global("children_count", $count); $template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_album->url()); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->content = new View("tag_albums_album.html"); $template->content->title = $page_title; $template->content->description = $page_description; $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $tag_album_breadcrumbs); print $template; } } public function filter($id, $filter) { // Display the index page, but only show albums for // tags whose name begins with $filter. $this->index($id, $filter); } public function index($id, $filter) { // Load a page containing sub-albums for each tag in the gallery. // Check to see if the user has overridden default behavior, and act accordingly. if ((module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_scope", "false")) || ($id == "")) { $tag_album_index_type = module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", "default"); if (($tag_album_index_type == "tagcloudpage") && (module::is_active("tag_cloud_page"))) { Tag_Cloud_Page_Controller::index(); return; } elseif (($tag_album_index_type == "alltags") && (module::is_active("all_tags"))) { All_Tags_Controller::index(); return; } } // If an ID was specified, make sure it's valid. $album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id") ->where("id", "=", $id) ->find_all(); if (count($album_tags) == 0) { $id = ""; } // Inherit permissions, title and description from the album that linked to this page, // if available, if not use the root album and some default values. $album = ""; $page_title = t("All Tags"); $page_description = ""; if ($id == "") { $album = ORM::factory("item", 1); access::required("view", $album); } else { $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id); access::required("view", $album); $page_title = $album->title; $page_description = $album->description; } // Figure out sort order from module preferences. $sort_page_field = module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_sort_by", "name"); $sort_page_direction = module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_sort_direction", "ASC"); // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("tag", $show); $comp = ""; if (!strcasecmp($sort_page_direction, "DESC")) { $comp = ">"; } else { $comp = "<"; } $index = ORM::factory("tag") ->where($sort_page_field, $comp, $child->$sort_page_field) ->order_by("tags." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction) ->count_all(); $tag_model = ORM::factory("tag") ->where($sort_page_field, "=", $child->$sort_page_field) ->order_by("tags." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction) ->find_all(); foreach ($tag_model as $one_tag) { $index++; if ($one_tag->id == $show) { break; } } if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); if ($id == "") { url::redirect("tag_albums/?page=$page"); } else { url::redirect("tag_albums/album/" . $id . "?page=$page"); } } } // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("tag_albums/"); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $all_tags_count_model = ORM::factory("tag"); if ($filter != "") { if ($filter == "NUM") { $all_tags_count_model->open(); $all_tags_count_model->where("tags.name", "LIKE", "0%"); $counter = 1; while ($counter < 10) { $all_tags_count_model->or_where("tags.name", "LIKE", ($counter++) . "%"); } $all_tags_count_model->close(); } else { $all_tags_count_model->where("tags.name", "LIKE", $filter . "%"); } } $all_tags_count = $all_tags_count_model->count_all(); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($all_tags_count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("tag_albums/?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $display_tags_model = ORM::factory("tag"); if ($filter != "") { if ($filter == "NUM") { $display_tags_model->open(); $display_tags_model->where("tags.name", "LIKE", "0%"); $counter = 1; while ($counter < 10) { $display_tags_model->or_where("tags.name", "LIKE", ($counter++) . "%"); } $display_tags_model->close(); } else { $display_tags_model->where("tags.name", "LIKE", $filter . "%"); } } $display_tags_model->order_by("tags." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction); $display_tags = $display_tags_model->find_all($page_size, $offset); // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $id . "/?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $id . "/?page={$next_page}"); } // Generate an arry of "fake" items, one for each tag on the page. // Grab thumbnails from the most recently uploaded item for each tag, if available. $children = Array(); foreach ($display_tags as $one_tag) { $tag_item = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id") ->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $one_tag->id) ->order_by("items.id", "DESC") ->find_all(1, 0); $child_tag = new Tag_Albums_Item($one_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $one_tag->id . "/" . $id), "album"); if (count($tag_item) > 0) { if ($tag_item[0]->has_thumb()) { $child_tag->set_thumb($tag_item[0]->thumb_url(), $tag_item[0]->thumb_width, $tag_item[0]->thumb_height); } } $children[] = $child_tag; } // Set up breadcrumbs. $tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array(); $parent_url = ""; if ($id != "") { $counter = 0; $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($album->title, ""); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album->parent_id); $parent_url = $parent_item->url(); while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $album->id; $tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true); } else { $parent_url = item::root()->url(); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[0] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($page_title, ""); } // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "Tag Albums"); $template->page_title = $page_title; $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $children); $template->set_global("children_count", $all_tags_count); $template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_url); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->content = new View("tag_albums_album.html"); $template->content->title = $page_title; $template->content->description = $page_description; $template->content->filter_text = $this->_get_filter_html($id, $filter); $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $tag_album_breadcrumbs); print $template; } public function tag($id, $album_id) { // Display a dynamic album containing everything tagged with a specific tag where, // TAG is $id. // Optionally, set the breadcrumbs to make this page look like an album where the // album is $album_id. // Make sure $album_id is valid, clear it out if it isn't. $album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id") ->where("id", "=", $album_id) ->find_all(); if (count($album_tags) == 0) { $album_id = ""; } // Figure out sort order from module preferences. $sort_page_field = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_by", "title"); $sort_page_direction = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_direction", "ASC"); // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("item", $show); $index = $this->_get_position($child->$sort_page_field, $child->id, Array($id), "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, "OR", true); if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); url::redirect("tag_albums/tag/" . $id . "/" . $album_id . "?page=$page"); } } // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("tag_albums/tag/" . $id . "/" . $album_id); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = $this->_count_records(Array($id), "OR", true); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("tag_albums/tag/{$id}/" . $album_id . "/?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $tag_children = $this->_get_records(Array($id), $page_size, $offset, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, "OR", true); // Create an array of "fake" items to display on the page. $children = Array(); foreach ($tag_children as $one_child) { $child_tag = new Tag_Albums_Item($one_child->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $one_child->id . "/" . $id . "/" . $album_id), $one_child->type); $child_tag->id = $one_child->id; $child_tag->view_count = $one_child->view_count; $child_tag->owner = identity::lookup_user($one_child->owner_id); if ($one_child->has_thumb()) { $child_tag->set_thumb($one_child->thumb_url(), $one_child->thumb_width, $one_child->thumb_height); } $children[] = $child_tag; } // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/tag/{$id}/" . $album_id . "/?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("tag_albums/tag/{$id}/" . $album_id . "/?page={$next_page}"); } // Load the current tag. $display_tag = ORM::factory("tag", $id); // Set up breadcrumbs for the page. $tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array(); $parent_url = ""; if ($album_id != "") { $counter = 0; $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, ""); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id); if ($album_tags[0]->tags != "*") { $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $parent_url = $parent_item->url(); // Used by Grey Dragon. while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url = url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id) . "?show=" . $id; $tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true); } else { $parent_url = url::site("tag_albums/"); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[0] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb("All Tags", url::site("tag_albums/") . "?show=" . $id); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[2] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, ""); } // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "Tag Albums"); $template->page_title = $display_tag->name; $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $children); $template->set_global("children_count", $count); $template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_url); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->content = new View("tag_albums_album.html"); $template->content->title = $display_tag->name; $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $tag_album_breadcrumbs); print $template; } public function show($item_id, $tag_id, $album_id) { // Display the specified photo or video ($item_id) with breadcrumbs // that point back to a virtual album ($tag_id / $album_id). // Make sure #album_id is valid, clear it out if it isn't. $album_tags = ORM::factory("tags_album_id") ->where("id", "=", $album_id) ->find_all(); if (count($album_tags) == 0) { $album_id = ""; } // Load the tag and item, make sure the user has access to the item. $display_tag = ORM::factory("tag", $tag_id); $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); access::required("view", $item); $parent_url = ""; // Figure out sort order from module preferences. $sort_page_field = ""; $sort_page_direction = ""; if (($tag_id > 0) || (count($album_tags) == 0)) { $sort_page_field = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_by", "title"); $sort_page_direction = module::get_var("tag_albums", "subalbum_sort_direction", "ASC"); } else { $parent_album = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id); $sort_page_field = $parent_album->sort_column; $sort_page_direction = $parent_album->sort_order; } // Load the number of items in the parent album, and determine previous and next items. $sibling_count = ""; $tag_children = ""; $previous_item = ""; $next_item = ""; $position = 0; $dynamic_siblings = ""; if ($tag_id > 0) { $sibling_count = $this->_count_records(Array($tag_id), "OR", false); $position = $this->_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, Array($tag_id), "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if ($position > 1) { $previous_item_object = $this->_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) { $previous_item = new Tag_Albums_Item($previous_item_object[0]->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $previous_item_object[0]->id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id), $previous_item_object[0]->type); } } $next_item_object = $this->_get_records(Array($tag_id), 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if (count($next_item_object) > 0) { $next_item = new Tag_Albums_Item($next_item_object[0]->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $next_item_object[0]->id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id), $next_item_object[0]->type); } $dynamic_siblings = $this->_get_records(Array($tag_id), null, null, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); } else { $tag_ids = Array(); foreach (explode(",", $album_tags[0]->tags) as $tag_name) { $tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", trim($tag_name))->find(); if ($tag->loaded()) { $tag_ids[] = $tag->id; } } $album_tags_search_type = $album_tags[0]->search_type; $sibling_count = $this->_count_records($tag_ids, $album_tags_search_type, false); $position = $this->_get_position($item->$sort_page_field, $item->id, $tag_ids, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if ($position > 1) { $previous_item_object = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position-2, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if (count($previous_item_object) > 0) { $previous_item = new Tag_Albums_Item($previous_item_object[0]->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $previous_item_object[0]->id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id), $previous_item_object[0]->type); } } $next_item_object = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, 1, $position, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); if (count($next_item_object) > 0) { $next_item = new Tag_Albums_Item($next_item_object[0]->title, url::site("tag_albums/show/" . $next_item_object[0]->id . "/" . $tag_id . "/" . $album_id), $next_item_object[0]->type); } $dynamic_siblings = $this->_get_records($tag_ids, null, null, "items." . $sort_page_field, $sort_page_direction, $album_tags_search_type, false); } // Set up breadcrumbs $tag_album_breadcrumbs = Array(); if ($album_id != "") { $counter = 0; $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($item->title, ""); if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . $album_id)); } $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $album_tags[0]->album_id); if ($album_tags[0]->tags == "*") { $parent_url = url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id . "/" . $album_id); } else { $parent_url = $parent_item->url(); } $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, url::site("tag_albums/album/" . $album_id)); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $tag_album_breadcrumbs[$counter++] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1]->url .= "?show=" . $item->id; $tag_album_breadcrumbs = array_reverse($tag_album_breadcrumbs, true); } else { $tag_album_breadcrumbs[0] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[1] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb("All Tags", url::site("tag_albums/")); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[2] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($display_tag->name, url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id) . "?show=" . $item->id); $tag_album_breadcrumbs[3] = new Tag_Albums_Breadcrumb($item->title, ""); $parent_url = url::site("tag_albums/tag/" . $display_tag->id); } // Increase the items view count. $item->increment_view_count(); // Load the page. if ($item->is_photo()) { $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "item", "photo"); $template->page_title = $item->title; $template->set_global("children", Array()); $template->set_global("item", $item); $template->set_global("previous_item", $previous_item); $template->set_global("next_item", $next_item); $template->set_global("is_tagalbum_page", true); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("tag_id", $tag_id); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("album_id", $album_id); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_url); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->set_global("dynamic_siblings", $dynamic_siblings); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->set_global("children_count", 0); $template->set_global("position", $position); $template->set_global("sibling_count", $sibling_count); $template->content = new View("photo.html"); $template->content->title = $item->title; $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $tag_album_breadcrumbs); print $template; } elseif ($item->is_movie()) { $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "item", "movie"); $template->page_title = $item->title; $template->set_global("children", Array()); $template->set_global("item", $item); $template->set_global("previous_item", $previous_item); $template->set_global("next_item", $next_item); $template->set_global("is_tagalbum_page", true); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("tag_id", $tag_id); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("album_id", $album_id); // used for grey dragon $template->set_global("parent_url", $parent_url); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->set_global("dynamic_siblings", $dynamic_siblings); // Used by Grey Dragon. $template->set_global("children_count", 0); $template->set_global("position", $position); $template->set_global("sibling_count", $sibling_count); $template->content = new View("movie.html"); $template->content->title = $item->title; $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $tag_album_breadcrumbs); print $template; } else { // If it's something we don't know how to deal with, just redirect to its real page. url::redirect(url::abs_site("{$item->type}s/{$item->id}")); } } private function _get_position($item_title, $item_id, $tag_ids, $sort_field, $sort_direction, $search_type, $include_albums) { // Determine an item's position within a virtual album. // Convert ASC/DESC to < or > characters. if (!strcasecmp($sort_direction, "DESC")) { $comp = ">"; } else { $comp = "<"; } // Figure out how many items are _before the current item. $items_model = ORM::factory("item"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->select('COUNT("*") AS result_count'); } else { $items_model->select("items.id"); } $items_model->viewable(); $items_model->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id"); $items_model->open(); $items_model->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[0]); $counter = 1; while ($counter < count($tag_ids)) { $items_model->or_where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[$counter]); $counter++; } $items_model->close(); if ($include_albums == false) { $items_model->and_where("items.type", "!=", "album"); } $items_model->and_where($sort_field, $comp, $item_title); $items_model->order_by($sort_field, $sort_direction); $items_model->group_by("items.id"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->having("result_count", "=", count($tag_ids)); } $position = count($items_model->find_all()); // In case multiple items have identical sort criteria, query for // everything with the same criteria, and increment the position // one at a time until we find the right item. $items_model = ORM::factory("item"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->select("items.id"); $items_model->select('COUNT("*") AS result_count'); } else { $items_model->select("items.id"); } $items_model->viewable(); $items_model->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id"); $items_model->open(); $items_model->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[0]); $counter = 1; while ($counter < count($tag_ids)) { $items_model->or_where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[$counter]); $counter++; } $items_model->close(); if ($include_albums == false) { $items_model->and_where("items.type", "!=", "album"); } $items_model->and_where($sort_field, "=", $item_title); $items_model->order_by($sort_field, $sort_direction); $items_model->group_by("items.id"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->having("result_count", "=", count($tag_ids)); } $match_items = $items_model->find_all(); foreach ($match_items as $one_item) { $position++; if ($one_item->id == $item_id) { break; } } return ($position); } private function _get_records($tag_ids, $page_size, $offset, $sort_field, $sort_direction, $search_type, $include_albums) { // Returns an array of items to be displayed on the current page. $items_model = ORM::factory("item"); if ($search_type == "AND") { // For some reason, if I do 'select("*")' the item ids all have values that are 1000+ // higher then they should be. So instead, I'm manually selecting each column that I need. $items_model->select("items.id"); $items_model->select("items.name"); $items_model->select("items.title"); $items_model->select("items.view_count"); $items_model->select("items.owner_id"); $items_model->select("items.type"); $items_model->select("items.thumb_width"); $items_model->select("items.thumb_height"); $items_model->select("items.left_ptr"); $items_model->select("items.right_ptr"); $items_model->select("items.relative_path_cache"); $items_model->select('COUNT("*") AS result_count'); } $items_model->viewable(); $items_model->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id"); $items_model->open(); $items_model->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[0]); $counter = 1; while ($counter < count($tag_ids)) { $items_model->or_where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[$counter]); $counter++; } $items_model->close(); if ($include_albums == false) { $items_model->and_where("items.type", "!=", "album"); } $items_model->order_by($sort_field, $sort_direction); $items_model->group_by("items.id"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->having("result_count", "=", count($tag_ids)); } return $items_model->find_all($page_size, $offset); } private function _get_filter_html($album_id, $str_filter) { // Generate HTML to display filter links on the index page. // Make sure $album_id is set. if ($album_id == "") { $album_id = 0; } // Generate the links. $str_html = "Filter: "; if ($str_filter != "") { if ($album_id > 0) { $str_html .= "(All) "; } else { $str_html .= "(All) "; } } if ($str_filter == "NUM") { $str_html .= "# "; } else { $str_html .= "# "; } foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) { if ($letter == $str_filter) { $str_html .= $letter . " "; } else { $str_html .= ""; $str_html .= $letter . " "; } } // Return the HTML. return $str_html; } private function _count_records($tag_ids, $search_type, $include_albums) { // Count the number of viewable items for the designated tag(s) // and return that number. if (count($tag_ids) == 0) { // If no tags were specified, return 0. return 0; } elseif (count($tag_ids) == 1) { // if one tag was specified, we can use count_all to get the number. $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id") ->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[0]); if ($include_albums == false) { $count->and_where("items.type", "!=", "album"); } return $count->count_all(); } else { // If multiple tags were specified, count_all won't work, // so we'll have to do count(find_all) instead. $items_model = ORM::factory("item"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->select('COUNT("*") AS result_count'); } else { $items_model->select('items.id'); } $items_model->viewable(); $items_model->join("items_tags", "items.id", "items_tags.item_id"); $items_model->where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[0]); $counter = 1; while ($counter < count($tag_ids)) { $items_model->or_where("items_tags.tag_id", "=", $tag_ids[$counter]); $counter++; } if ($include_albums == false) { $items_model->and_where("items.type", "!=", "album"); } $items_model->group_by("items.id"); if ($search_type == "AND") { $items_model->having("result_count", "=", count($tag_ids)); } return count($items_model->find_all()); } } }