album_top() was changed to $theme->dynamic_top(). // $item->title and $item->description have been changed to $title and $description. // // The g-album-grid block was also taken from album.html.php. The section for uploading new photos to an empty album // has been removed. Also, $theme->context_menu has been removed as well (it was crashing the page). ?>
dynamic_top() ?>

bb2html(html::purify($title), 1) ?>

add_paginator("top"); ?> album_descmode == "top") and ($description)): ?>
bb2html(html::purify($description), 1) ?>

dynamic_bottom() ?> album_descmode == "bottom") and ($description)): ?>
bb2html(html::purify($description), 1) ?>
add_paginator("bottom"); ?> is_album()): return ""; endif; /* if (access::can("view_full", $item)): $direct_link = $item->file_url(); else: $direct_link = $item->resize_url(); endif;*/ $direct_link = $child->full_or_resize_url(); return ''; } function rw_get_thumb_element($child, $theme) { // This code is based on grey dragon's get_thumb_element function. // Change all $item to $child // Change all $this to $theme $thumb_item = $child; if ($theme->thumb_random): if ($child->is_album() && ($rnd = item::random_query()->where("parent_id", "=", $child->id)->find()) && $rnd->loaded()): $thumb_item = $rnd; endif; endif; $item_class = $child->is_album() ? "g-album" : "g-photo"; $content = '
  • has_thumb()): $is_portrait = ($thumb_item->thumb_height > $thumb_item->thumb_width); $_shift = ""; switch ($theme->thumb_imgalign): case "center": if (($theme->crop_factor == 1) and (!$is_portrait)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: ' . intval(($theme->_thumb_size_y - $thumb_item->thumb_height) / 2) . 'px;"'; elseif ($theme->crop_factor > 0): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: -' . intval(($thumb_item->thumb_height - $theme->_thumb_size_y) / 2) . 'px;"'; endif; break; case "bottom": if (($theme->crop_factor == 1) and (!$is_portrait)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: ' . intval($theme->_thumb_size_y - $thumb_item->thumb_height) . 'px;"'; elseif ($theme->crop_factor > 0): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: -' . intval($thumb_item->thumb_height - $theme->_thumb_size_y) . 'px;"'; endif; break; case "fit": break; case "top": default: break; endswitch; else: $is_portrait = FALSE; $_shift = 'style="margin-top: 0px;"'; endif; $content .= ($is_portrait)? " g-portrait" : " g-landscape"; $content .= '">' . $theme->thumb_top($child); $content .= '
    '; $thumb_content = '

    '; $use_direct_link = (($theme->disablephotopage) && (!$child->is_album())); $class_name = "g-thumblink"; if ($use_direct_link): $class_name .= ' g-sb-preview" rel="g-preview'; //if (access::can("view_full", $child)): //$direct_link = $child->file_url(); //else: $direct_link = $child->full_or_resize_url(); //endif; else: $direct_link = $child->url(); endif; if ($use_direct_link && module::is_active("exif") && module::info("exif")): $thumb_content .= 'id}") . '" title="' . t("Photo details")->for_html_attr() . '"> '; endif; $thumb_content .= ''; if ($thumb_item->has_thumb()): if (($theme->crop_factor > 1) && ($theme->thumb_imgalign == "fit")): if ($thumb_item->thumb_height > $theme->_thumb_size_y): if ($is_portrait): $_max = $theme->_thumb_size_y; else: $_max = intval($theme->_thumb_size_x * ($theme->_thumb_size_y / $thumb_item->thumb_height)); endif; else: $_max = $theme->_thumb_size_x; endif; $_max = min($thumb_item->thumb_width, $_max); $thumb_content .= $thumb_item->thumb_img(array(), $_max); else: $thumb_content .= $thumb_item->thumb_img(); endif; else: $thumb_content .= 'No Image'; endif; $thumb_content .= '

    '; if (($theme->thumb_metamode != "hide") and ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_bottom")): $_thumb_metamode = "merged"; else: $_thumb_metamode = $theme->thumb_metamode; endif; if (($_thumb_descmode == "overlay") or ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_top") or ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_bottom")): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; if (($_thumb_metamode == "default") and ($_thumb_descmode != "overlay_bottom")): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; if ($_thumb_descmode == "bottom"): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; /* if ($addcontext): $_text = $this->context_menu($item, "#g-item-id-{$item->id} .g-thumbnail"); $thumb_content .= (stripos($_text, '
  • '))? $_text : null; endif; */ try { $view = new View("frame.html"); $view->thumb_content = $thumb_content; $content .= $view; } catch (Exception $e) { $content .= $thumb_content; } $content .= ''; $content .= $theme->thumb_bottom($child); $content .= '
  • '; return $content; //print $content; // End of modified function code. } ?>