Raw photo processing depends on the ' . 'dcraw tool, which must be installed separately. ' . 'It also depends on either the ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick graphics toolkits.', array("raw_url" => "http://www.adamcoupe.com/whitepapers/photography_technique_benefits_of_shooting_in_raw.htm", "dcraw_url" => "http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/")) ?>

installed): ?>

%path.", array("path" => $dcraw->path)) ?>

error ?>

Activate either ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick.', array("activate_url" => url::site("admin/graphics"))) ?>

$toolkit_name)) ?>

ICC profile', array("icc_url" => "http://www.permajet.com/30/Downloads/76/What_are_ICC_Profiles,_and_why_do_I_need_them.html"))) ?> "IccPath", "id" => "IccPath"), $icc_path) ?> An ICC profile is optional. If you don't know what it is, then you don't need it.