This is a theme for gallery3. It uses jquery lightbox slideshow (fancybox) to display images. ********* Demo @ ********* Requirements: - Gallery 3 last experimental version @ - Tag and tagsmap modules activated (optional) ********* Installation: 1. Copy the theme folder (3nids) into gallery3/themes directory. 2. Copy the tagsmap module into the gallery3/modules folder. 3. Activate tagsmap module and 3nids theme. ********* Configuration: Go to admin -> content -> Theme 3nids settings to configure the theme properly. ********* Use: This theme displays full size images. So be carefull to upload not too large images! The theme optionally uses the tagsmap module. For advanced users: If you want to separate geotag from others, name those with the "map." prefix., the "map." prefix will not be displayed on the map. If you want to remove the prefix in the tag cloud sidebar, wou will have to update in gallery3/modules/tag/helpers/tag.php the popular_tags function: static function popular_tags($count) { return ORM::factory("tag") ->orderby("count", "DESC") ->notregex("name","map\.") ->limit($count) ->find_all(); }