dynamic_top() ?>

viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $calendar_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, ($calendar_year + 1))) ->order_by("captured") ->find_all(); } else { $items_for_year = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $calendar_user) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $calendar_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, ($calendar_year + 1))) ->order_by("captured") ->find_all(); } // Set up some initial variables. $counter_months = 1; $counter_days = 0; $counter = 0; // Set up the January Calendar. // Check and see if any photos were taken in January, // If so, make the month title into a clickable link. print "
"; if (date("n", $items_for_year[$counter]->captured) == 1) { $month_url = url::site("calendarview/month/" . $calendar_year . "/" . $calendar_user . "/" . $counter_months . "/"); } else { $month_url = ""; } $calendar = new PHPCalendar($counter_months, $calendar_year, $month_url); // Loop through each photo taken during this year, and see what month and day they were taken on. // Make the corresponding dates on the calendars into clickable links. while ($counter < (count($items_for_year))) { // Check and see if we've switched to a new month. // If so, render the current calendar and set up a new one. while (date("n", $items_for_year[$counter]->captured) > $counter_months) { echo $calendar->render(); print "
"; $counter_months++; $counter_days = 0; print "
"; if (date("n", $items_for_year[$counter]->captured) == $counter_months) { $month_url = url::site("calendarview/month/" . $calendar_year . "/" . $calendar_user . "/" . $counter_months . "/"); } else { $month_url = ""; } $calendar = new PHPCalendar($counter_months, $calendar_year, $month_url); } // If the day of the current photo is different then the day of the previous photo, // then add a link to the calendar for this date and set the current day to this day. if (date("j", $items_for_year[$counter]->captured) > $counter_days) { $counter_days = date("j", $items_for_year[$counter]->captured); $calendar->event($counter_days, url::site("calendarview/day/" . $calendar_year . "/" . $calendar_user . "/" . $counter_months . "/" . $counter_days)); } // Move onto the next photo. $counter++; } // Print out the last calendar to be generated. echo $calendar->render(); print "
"; $counter_months++; // If the calendar that was previously rendered was not December, // then print out a few empty months for the rest of the year. while ($counter_months < 13) { print "
"; $month_url = ""; $calendar = new PHPCalendar($counter_months, $calendar_year, $month_url); echo $calendar->render(); print "
"; $counter_months++; } ?>