escape($q) ."*"; if ($q == "*") { $users = ORM::factory("user"); $count = $users->count_all(); $data = $users->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all($page_size, $offset); return array($count, $data); } else { $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {users}.*, " . " MATCH({users}.`name`) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS `score` " . "FROM {users} " . "WHERE MATCH({users}.`name`) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE) " . "ORDER BY `score` DESC " . "LIMIT $page_size OFFSET $offset"; $data = $db->query($query); $count = $db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as c")->current()->c; return array($count, new ORM_Iterator(ORM::factory("user"), $data)); } } static function get_user_search_form($form_id) { $form = new Forge("photoannotation/showuser/{$item->id}", "", "post", array("id" => $form_id, "class" => "g-short-form")); $label = t("Type user name"); $group = $form->group("showuser")->label("Search for a user"); $group->input("name")->label($label)->id("name"); $group->submit("")->value(t("Search")); return $form; } public static function getuser($user_string) { $user_parts = explode("(", $user_string); $user_part = rtrim(ltrim(end($user_parts)), ")"); $user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", "=", $user_part)->find(); $user_firstpart = trim(implode(array_slice($user_parts, 0, count($user_parts)-1))); if (!$user->loaded() || strcasecmp($user_firstpart, $user->display_name()) <> 0) { $result->found = false; $result->isguest = false; $result->user = ""; return $result; } if (identity::guest()->id == $user->id) { $result->found = true; $result->isguest = true; $result->user = ""; return $result; } $result->found = true; $result->isguest = false; $result->user = $user; return $result; } public static function saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description) { //Since we are associating a user we will remove any old annotation of this user on this photo $item_old_users = ORM::factory("items_user") ->where("user_id", "=", $user_id) ->where("item_id", "=", $item_id) ->find_all(); if (count($item_old_users) > 1) { foreach ($item_old_users as $item_old_user) { $item_old_user->delete(); } $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user"); } elseif (count($item_old_users) == 1) { $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user", $item_old_users[0]->id); } else { $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user"); photoannotation::send_notifications($user_id, $item_id, "newtag"); } $item_user->user_id = $user_id; $item_user->item_id = $item_id; $item_user->x1 = $str_x1; $item_user->y1 = $str_y1; $item_user->x2 = $str_x2; $item_user->y2 = $str_y2; $item_user->description = $description; $item_user->save(); } public static function saveface($tag_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id = "") { if ($annotate_id == "") { $item_face = ORM::factory("items_face"); } else { $item_face = ORM::factory("items_face") ->where("id", "=", $annotate_id) ->find(); } $item_face->tag_id = $tag_id; $item_face->item_id = $item_id; $item_face->x1 = $str_x1; $item_face->y1 = $str_y1; $item_face->x2 = $str_x2; $item_face->y2 = $str_y2; $item_face->description = $description; $item_face->save(); } public static function savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id = "") { if ($annotate_id == "") { $item_note = ORM::factory("items_note"); } else { $item_note = ORM::factory("items_note") ->where("id", "=", $annotate_id) ->find(); } $item_note->item_id = $item_id; $item_note->x1 = $str_x1; $item_note->y1 = $str_y1; $item_note->x2 = $str_x2; $item_note->y2 = $str_y2; $item_note->title = $item_title; $item_note->description = $description; $item_note->save(); } public static function send_notifications($recipient_id, $item_id, $mailtype) { //Load the item $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $item_id)->find(); if (!$item->loaded()) { return false; } //Load the user $recipient = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $recipient_id)->find(); if (!$recipient->loaded()) { return false; } //Only send mail if the notifications are switched on globally if (!module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false)) { //Check if the use has a valid e-mail if (!valid::email($recipient->email)) { return false; } //Get the users settings $notification_settings = self::get_user_notification_settings($recipient); //Check which type of mail to send switch ($mailtype) { case "newtag": //Only send if user has this option enabled if ($notification_settings->newtag) { //Get subject and body and send the mail $subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newtagsubject", "Someone tagged a photo of you"); $body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newtagbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to view the photo."); $body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body); return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body); } break; case "newcomment": //Only send if user has this option enabled if ($notification_settings->comment) { //Get subject and body and send the mail $subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newcommentsubject", "Someone added a comment to photo of you"); $body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "newcommentbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to read the comment."); $body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body); return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body); } break; case "updatecomment": //Only send if user has this option enabled if ($notification_settings->comment) { //Get subject and body and send the mail $subject = module::get_var("photoannotation", "updatedcommentsubject", "Someone updated a comment to photo of you"); $body = module::get_var("photoannotation", "updatedcommentbody", "Hello %name, please visit %url to read the comment."); $body = str_ireplace(array("%url", "%name"), array($item->abs_url(), $recipient->display_name()), $body); return self::_send_mail($recipient->email, $subject, $body); } } } return false; } private static function _send_mail($mailto, $subject, $message) { //Send the notification mail $message = nl2br($message); return Sendmail::factory() ->to($mailto) ->subject($subject) ->header("Mime-Version", "1.0") ->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") ->message($message) ->send(); } public static function get_user_notification_settings($user) { //Try loading the notification settings of user $notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->find(); if (!$notification_settings->loaded()) { //If the user did not save his settings use the website default $notify = module::get_var("photoannotation", "notificationoptout", false); $notification_settings = ORM::factory("photoannotation_notification"); $notification_settings->user_id = $user->id; $notification_settings->newtag = $notify; $notification_settings->comment = $notify; $notification_settings->save(); } return $notification_settings; } public static function get_user_cloud() { $users = ORM::factory("user")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all(); foreach ($users as $user) { $items_users_count = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->count_all(); if ($items_users_count > 0) { $user_array[] = $user->display_name(); } } return $user_array; } static function cloud($count) { $users = ORM::factory("user")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all(); if ($users) { $cloud = new View("photoannotation_cloud.html"); $fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false); foreach ($users as $user) { $annotations = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->count_all(); if ($annotations > 0) { if ($annotations > $maxcount) { $maxcount = $annotations; } if ($fullname) { $user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->display_name(); } else { $user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->name; } $user_array[$user->name]->size = $annotations; $user_array[$user->name]->url = user_profile::url($user->id); } } $cloud->users = array_slice($user_array, 0, $count); $cloud->max_count = $maxcount; if (!$cloud->max_count) { return; } return $cloud; } } static function comment_count($user_id) { if (module::is_active("comment")) { return ORM::factory("comment")->where("author_id", "=", $user_id)->count_all(); } else { return false; } } static function annotation_count($user_id) { return ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user_id)->count_all(); } }