"?root=no", "root" => "?root=yes"); protected $last_update = 0; protected $colorpack = "greydragon"; protected $framepack = "greydragon"; protected $themename = ""; protected $themeversion = ""; protected $themecss = array(); protected $is_rtl = FALSE; protected function ensurevalue($value, $default) { if ((!isset($value)) or ($value == "")): return $default; else: return $value; endif; } protected function ensureoptionsvalue($key, $default) { return ($this->ensurevalue(module::get_var("th_greydragon", $key), $default)); } public function read_session_cmdparam($cmd, $cookie, $issession, $default) { try { $_cmd = $_GET[$cmd]; } catch (Exception $e) { }; if (isset($_cmd)): $_var = strtolower($_cmd); $_from_cmd = TRUE; if ($_var == "default"): $_var = $default; endif; else: $_from_cmd = FALSE; if ($cookie): try { $_var = $_COOKIE[$cookie]; } catch (Exception $e) { }; endif; endif; if (!isset($_var)): $_var = $default; endif; if ($issession): if ($_from_cmd): setcookie($cookie, $_var, 0); endif; else: setcookie($cookie, $_var, time() + 31536000); endif; return $_var; } public function load_sessioninfo() { // Sidebar position is kept for 360 days. Can be changed via url $this->sidebarallowed = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_allowed", "any"); $_sb_visible = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_visible", "right"); if ($this->sidebarallowed == "default"): $this->sidebarallowed = $_sb_visible; $this->sidebarvisible = $_sb_visible; else: $this->sidebarvisible = $this->read_session_cmdparam("sb", "gd_sidebar_pos", FALSE, $_sb_visible); endif; $this->colorpack = $this->read_session_cmdparam("colorpack", "gd_colorpack", TRUE, $this->ensureoptionsvalue("color_pack", "greydragon")); $this->framepack = $this->read_session_cmdparam("framepack", "gd_framepack", TRUE, $this->ensureoptionsvalue("frame_pack", "greydragon")); $this->viewmode = $this->read_session_cmdparam("viewmode", "gd_viewmode", TRUE, $this->ensureoptionsvalue("viewmode", "default")); $this->is_rtl = $this->read_session_cmdparam("is_rtl", "gd_rtl", TRUE, "no") == "yes"; $this->thumb_ratio = $this->read_session_cmdparam("ratio", "gd_ratio", TRUE, $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_ratio", "photo")); if ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("allow_root_page", FALSE)): $_root = $this->read_session_cmdparam("root", "gd_rootpage", TRUE, "yes"); $this->show_root_page = ($_root == "yes"); $this->allow_root_page = TRUE; if ($this->show_root_page): $item = $this->item(); if (($item) && ($item->id == item::root()->id)): if (($this->sidebarvisible == "left") or ($this->sidebarvisible == "right")): $this->sidebarvisible = "bottom"; endif; else: $this->show_root_page = FALSE; setcookie("gd_rootpage", "no", 0); endif; if ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_root_sidebar", FALSE)): $this->sidebarallowed = "none"; $this->sidebarvisible = "none"; endif; endif; endif; $this->sidebarvisible = $this->ensurevalue($this->sidebarvisible, "right"); switch ($this->sidebarallowed): case "default": break; case "right": $this->sidebarvisible = "right"; break; case "left": $this->sidebarvisible = "left"; break; case "bottom": $this->sidebarvisible = "bottom"; break; case "top": $this->sidebarvisible = "top"; break; endswitch; if ($this->item()): if ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_albumonly", FALSE)): if (!$this->item()->is_album()): $this->sidebarvisible = "none"; $this->sidebarallowed = "none"; endif; endif; endif; $this->sidebar_hideguest = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_hideguest", FALSE); if ((identity::active_user()->guest) & ($this->sidebar_hideguest)): $this->sidebarvisible = "none"; $this->sidebarallowed = "none"; endif; if (($this->page_subtype == "login") || ($this->page_subtype == "reauthenticate") || ($this->page_subtype == "error")): $this->sidebarvisible = "none"; $this->sidebarallowed = "none"; endif; $this->last_update = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("last_update", time()); $this->toolbar_large = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("toolbar_large", FALSE); $this->row_count = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("row_count", 3); $this->column_count = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("column_count", 3); $this->logopath = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("logo_path", url::file("lib/images/logo.png")); $this->favicon = $this->ensurevalue(module::get_var("gallery", "favicon_url"), url::file("lib/images/favicon.ico")); $this->appletouchicon = module::get_var("gallery", "apple_touch_icon_url"); $this->horizontal_crop = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("horizontal_crop", FALSE); $this->album_descmode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("album_descmode", "hide"); $this->disablephotopage = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("disablephotopage", FALSE); $this->hidecontextmenu = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("hidecontextmenu", FALSE); $this->visible_title_length = module::get_var("gallery", "visible_title_length", 15); $this->title_source = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("title_source", "default"); $this->thumb_descmode_a = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_descmode_a", "overlay"); $this->thumb_descmode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_descmode", "overlay"); $this->photo_descmode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("photo_descmode", "overlay_top"); $this->thumb_random = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_random", FALSE); $this->thumb_imgalign = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_imgalign", "top"); if (module::is_active("info")): $this->thumb_metamode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_metamode", "default"); $this->is_photometa_visible = (!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_photometa", TRUE)); else: $this->thumb_metamode = "hide"; $this->is_photometa_visible = FALSE; endif; $this->disable_seosupport = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("disable_seosupport", FALSE); $this->is_blockheader_visible = (!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_blockheader", FALSE)); $this->mainmenu_position = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("mainmenu_position", "default"); $this->show_guest_menu = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("show_guest_menu", FALSE); $this->breadcrumbs_position = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("breadcrumbs_position", "default"); $this->breadcrumbs_showinroot = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("breadcrumbs_showinroot", FALSE); $this->desc_allowbbcode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("desc_allowbbcode", FALSE); $this->loginmenu_position = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("loginmenu_position", "default"); $this->copyright = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("copyright", null); $this->paginator_album = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("paginator_album", "top"); $this->paginator_photo = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("paginator_photo", "top"); $this->enable_pagecache = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("enable_pagecache", FALSE); $this->flex_rows = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("flex_rows", FALSE); $this->show_root_desc = !$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_root_desc", FALSE); $this->root_feed = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("root_feed", "gallery/latest"); $this->root_cyclemode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("root_cyclemode", "fade"); $this->root_delay = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("root_delay", "15"); $this->root_description = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "root_description"); if ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("use_permalinks", FALSE)): $this->permalinks = array("enter" => "enter", "root" => "root"); endif; if (((module::is_active("shadowbox")) and (module::info("shadowbox"))) or ((module::is_active("fancybox")) and (module::info("fancybox"))) or ((module::is_active("colorbox")) and (module::info("colorbox"))) ): $this->photo_popupbox = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("photo_popupbox", "default"); else: $this->photo_popupbox = "none"; endif; try { $theme_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file(THEMEPATH . "greydragon/theme.info"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $this->themename = $theme_info->name; $this->themeversion = $theme_info->version; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->themename = "Grey Dragon Theme"; $this->themeversion = "2.7.+"; } $this->custom_css_path = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("custom_css_path", ""); switch ($this->thumb_ratio): /* case "square": $this->crop_factor = 1; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-sqr'; break; */ case "digital": $this->crop_factor = 4/3; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-dgt'; break; case "digital_ex": $this->crop_factor = 4/3; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-dgt'; $this->_thumb_size_x = 300; break; case "film": $this->crop_factor = 3/2; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-flm'; break; case "film_ex": $this->crop_factor = 3/2; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-flm'; $this->_thumb_size_x = 300; break; case "wide": $this->crop_factor = 16/9; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-wd'; break; case "wide_ex": $this->crop_factor = 16/9; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-wd'; $this->_thumb_size_x = 300; break; case "photo_ex": $this->crop_factor = 1; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-sqr'; $this->_thumb_size_x = 300; break; case "photo": default: $this->crop_factor = 1; $this->thumb_type = 'g-thumbtype-sqr'; break; endswitch; $this->_thumb_size_y = intval($this->_thumb_size_x / $this->crop_factor); if (($this->sidebarvisible == "none") or ($this->sidebarvisible == "bottom") or ($this->sidebarvisible == "top") ): $this->thumb_inpage = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_inpage", FALSE); endif; } public function is_sidebarallowed($align) { return (($this->sidebarallowed == "any") or ($this->sidebarallowed == $align)); } public function custom_header() { if (Kohana::find_file('views', "header.html", FALSE)): return new View("header.html"); endif; } public function custom_footer() { if (Kohana::find_file('views', "footer.html", FALSE)): return new View("footer.html"); endif; } public function get_item_title($item, $allowbbcode = FALSE, $limit_title_length = 0) { if (!$item) return ""; if ($item->is_album()): $title = $item->title; else: switch ($this->title_source): case "description": $title = $item->description; break; case "no-filename": $title = $item->title; $filename = $item->name; if (strcasecmp($title, $filename) == 0): $title = ""; else: if (defined('PATHINFO_FILENAME')): $filename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME); elseif (strstr($item->filename, '.')): $filename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); endif; if (strcasecmp($title, $filename) == 0): $title = ""; else: $filename = item::convert_filename_to_title($filename); // Normalize filename to title format if (strcasecmp($title, $filename) == 0) $title = ""; endif; endif; break; default: $title = $item->title; break; endswitch; endif; $title = html::purify($title); if ($allowbbcode): $title = $this->bb2html($title, 1); else: $title = $this->bb2html($title, 2); endif; if ($limit_title_length): $title = text::limit_chars($title, $limit_title_length); endif; if ($title === "") $title = t(ucfirst($item->type)) . " " . $item->id; return $title; } public function breadcrumb_menu($theme, $parents) { $content = ""; if ($this->breadcrumbs_position == "hide"): // Begin rWatcher Edit -- Add support for $theme->breadcrumbs. elseif (!empty($theme->breadcrumbs)): $content .= ''; // End rWatcher Edit. elseif ($this->item() and (!empty($parents) or (empty($parents) and $this->breadcrumbs_showinroot))): $content .= ''; endif; return $content; } protected function sidebar_menu_item($type, $url, $caption, $css) { if (!$this->is_sidebarallowed($type)): return ""; endif; $iscurrent = ($this->sidebarvisible == $type); $content_menu = '
  • '; if (!$iscurrent): $content_menu .= ''; endif; $content_menu .= '' . $caption . ''; if (!$iscurrent): $content_menu .= ''; endif; return $content_menu . '
  • '; } public function sidebar_menu($url) { if ($this->sidebarallowed != "any"): return ""; endif; if ($this->page_subtype == "profile"): return ""; endif; $content_menu = $this->sidebar_menu_item("left", $url, t("Sidebar Left"), "left"); $content_menu .= $this->sidebar_menu_item("top", $url, t("Sidebar Top"), "top"); $content_menu .= $this->sidebar_menu_item("none", $url, t("No Sidebar"), "full"); $content_menu .= $this->sidebar_menu_item("bottom", $url, t("Sidebar Bottom"), "bottom"); $content_menu .= $this->sidebar_menu_item("right", $url, t("Sidebar Right"), "right"); return ''; } public function add_paginator($position, $isalbum = TRUE) { if ($isalbum): $check = (($this->paginator_album == "both") or ($this->paginator_album == $position)); else: $check = (($this->paginator_photo == "both") or ($this->paginator_photo == $position)); endif; if ($check): return ($this->paginator()); else: return ""; endif; } public function get_bodyclass() { $body_class = ""; if ($this->is_rtl): $body_class = "rtl"; endif; if ($this->toolbar_large): $body_class .= " g-toolbar-large"; endif; if ($this->viewmode == "mini"): $body_class .= " viewmode-mini"; endif; $body_class .= " g-sidebar-" . $this->sidebarvisible; switch ($this->column_count): case 5: $body_class .= " g-column-5"; break; case 4: $body_class .= " g-column-4"; break; case 2: $body_class .= " g-column-2"; break; case -1: $body_class .= " g-column-flex"; break; case 3: default: $body_class .= " g-column-3"; break; endswitch; switch ($this->thumb_ratio): case "digital_ex": case "film_ex": case "wide_ex": case "photo_ex": $body_class .= ' g-extended'; break; default: break; endswitch; $body_class .= " g-" . $this->framepack; return 'class="' . trim($body_class) . '"'; } public function get_thumb_link($item) { if ($item->is_album()): return ""; endif; if (item::viewable($item)): if (access::can("view_full", $item)): $direct_link = $item->file_url(); else: $direct_link = $item->resize_url(); endif; return ''; else: return ""; endif; } public function get_thumb_element($item, $addcontext = FALSE, $linkonly = FALSE) { $thumb_item = $item; if ($this->thumb_random): if ($item->is_album() && ($rnd = item::random_query()->where("parent_id", "=", $item->id)->find()) && $rnd->loaded()): $thumb_item = $rnd; endif; endif; $item_class = $item->is_album() ? "g-album" : "g-photo"; $content = '
  • has_thumb()): $is_portrait = ($thumb_item->thumb_height > $thumb_item->thumb_width); $_shift = ""; switch ($this->thumb_imgalign): case "center": if (($this->crop_factor == 1) and (!$is_portrait)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: ' . intval(($this->_thumb_size_y - $thumb_item->thumb_height) / 2) . 'px;"'; elseif ($this->crop_factor > 0): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: -' . intval(($thumb_item->thumb_height - $this->_thumb_size_y) / 2) . 'px;"'; endif; break; case "bottom": if (($this->crop_factor == 1) and (!$is_portrait)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: ' . intval($this->_thumb_size_y - $thumb_item->thumb_height) . 'px;"'; elseif ($this->crop_factor > 0): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: -' . intval($thumb_item->thumb_height - $this->_thumb_size_y) . 'px;"'; endif; break; case "fit": break; case "top": default: break; endswitch; else: $is_portrait = FALSE; $_shift = 'style="margin-top: 0px;"'; endif; $content .= ($is_portrait)? " g-portrait" : " g-landscape"; $content .= '">' . $this->thumb_top($item); $content .= '
    '; $thumb_content = '

    '; $use_direct_link = (($this->disablephotopage) && (!$item->is_album())); $class_name = "g-thumblink"; if ($use_direct_link): $class_name .= ' g-sb-preview" rel="g-preview'; if (access::can("view_full", $item)): $direct_link = $item->file_url(); else: $direct_link = $item->resize_url(); endif; else: $direct_link = $item->url(); endif; if ($use_direct_link && module::is_active("exif") && module::info("exif")): $thumb_content .= 'id}") . '" title="' . t("Photo details")->for_html_attr() . '"> '; endif; $thumb_content .= ''; if ($thumb_item->has_thumb()): if (($this->crop_factor > 1) && ($this->thumb_imgalign == "fit")): if ($thumb_item->thumb_height > $this->_thumb_size_y): if ($is_portrait): $_max = $this->_thumb_size_y; else: $_max = intval($this->_thumb_size_x * ($this->_thumb_size_y / $thumb_item->thumb_height)); endif; else: $_max = $this->_thumb_size_x; endif; $_max = min($thumb_item->thumb_width, $_max); $thumb_content .= $thumb_item->thumb_img(array(), $_max); else: $thumb_content .= $thumb_item->thumb_img(); endif; else: $thumb_content .= 'No Image'; endif; $thumb_content .= '

    '; if (($this->thumb_metamode != "hide") and ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_bottom")): $_thumb_metamode = "merged"; else: $_thumb_metamode = $this->thumb_metamode; endif; if (($_thumb_descmode == "overlay") or ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_top") or ($_thumb_descmode == "overlay_bottom")): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; if (($_thumb_metamode == "default") and ($_thumb_descmode != "overlay_bottom")): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; if ($_thumb_descmode == "bottom"): $thumb_content .= ''; endif; if ($addcontext): $_text = $this->context_menu($item, "#g-item-id-{$item->id} .g-thumbnail"); $thumb_content .= (stripos($_text, '
  • '))? $_text : null; endif; try { $view = new View("frame.html"); $view->thumb_content = $thumb_content; $content .= $view; } catch (Exception $e) { $content .= $thumb_content; } $content .= ''; $content .= $this->thumb_bottom($item); $content .= '
  • '; return $content; } public function get_block_html($module) { $active = block_manager::get_active("site_sidebar"); $result = ""; foreach ($active as $id => $desc) { if (($desc[0] == $module) and (method_exists("$desc[0]_block", "get"))) { $block = call_user_func(array("$desc[0]_block", "get"), $desc[1], $this); if (!empty($block)) { $block->id = $id; $block->css_id = $block->css_id . "-inline"; $result .= $block; } } } return $result; } public function css_link($file, $direct = FALSE) { if (!$direct): $file = $this->url("css/" . $file); endif; return "\n\n"; } public function custom_css_inject($direct) { $_css = $this->custom_css_path; if ($_css != ""): $_fileonly = (stripos($_css, '/') === FALSE); if ($_fileonly): if (!$direct): return $this->css($_css); endif; else: if ($direct): return $this->css_link($_css, TRUE); endif; endif; else: return ""; endif; } public function theme_js_inject() { $js = ""; if ($this->show_root_page): $js .= $this->script("jquery.cycle.js"); endif; // $js .= $this->script("jquery.touchslider.js"); $js .= $this->script("ui.support.js"); return $js; } public function theme_css_inject() { $css = $this->css("screen.css"); $css .= $this->css("colors.css"); $css .= $this->css("frame.css"); $css .= $this->custom_css_inject(FALSE); return $css; } public function credits() { if (module::get_var("gallery", "show_credits")): $version_string = SafeString::of_safe_html('Gallery ' . gallery::VERSION); return ''; else: return ''; endif; } // $mode: bit 1 - use mix mode ($mode in [1, 3]), bit 2 - strips bbcode ($mode in [2, 3]) public function bb2html($text, $mode) { // Syntax Sample: // -------------- // [img]http://elouai.com/images/star.gif[/img] // [url="http://elouai.com"]eLouai[/url] // [size="25"]HUGE[/size] // [color="red"]RED[/color] // [b]bold[/b] // [i]italic[/i] // [u]underline[/u] // [list][*]item[*]item[*]item[/list] // [code]value="123";[/code] // [quote]John said yadda yadda yadda[/quote] static $bbcode_mappings = array( "#\\[b\\](.*?)\\[/b\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[i\\](.*?)\\[/i\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[u\\](.*?)\\[/u\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[s\\](.*?)\\[/s\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[o\\](.*?)\\[/o\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[url\\](.*?)\[/url\\]#" => "$1", "#\\[url=(.*?)\\](.*?)\[/url\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[mail=(.*?)\\](.*?)\[/mail\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[img\\](.*?)\\[/img\\]#" => "\"\"", "#\\[img=(.*?)\\](.*?)\[/img\\]#" => "\"$2\"", "#\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[/quote\\]#" => "


    ", "#\\[code\\](.*?)\\[/code\\]#" => "
    ", "#\\[size=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/size\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[color=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/color\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[class=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/class\\]#" => "$2", "#\\[center\\](.*?)\\[/center\\]#" => "
    ", "#\\[list\\](.*?)\\[/list\\]#" => "", "#\\[ul\\](.*?)\\[/ul\\]#" => "", "#\\[li\\](.*?)\\[/li\\]#" => "
  • $1
  • ", ); static $bbcode_strip = '|[[\/\!]*?[^\[\]]*?]|si'; if (($mode == 1) or ($mode == 3)): $newtext = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $newtext = str_replace(">", ">", $newtext); $newtext = str_replace(""", "\"", $newtext); else: // Replace any html brackets with HTML Entities to prevent executing HTML or script $newtext = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $newtext = str_replace(">", ">", $newtext); $newtext = str_replace("&quot;", """, $newtext); endif; // Convert new line chars to html
    tags $newtext = nl2br($newtext); if (strpos($text, "[") !== false): if (($mode == 2) or ($mode == 3)): $newtext = preg_replace($bbcode_strip, '', $newtext); else: $newtext = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode_mappings), array_values($bbcode_mappings), $newtext); endif; endif; return stripslashes($newtext); //stops slashing, useful when pulling from db } function curl_get_file_contents($url) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $contents = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($contents): return $contents; else: return FALSE; endif; } function valid_url($str) { return ( ! preg_match('/^(http|https|ftp):\/\/([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*(?:\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+):?(\d+)?\/?/i', $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE; } function get_slideshow_list($limit = 10) { if( ! function_exists('simplexml_load_string')) throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Feed Error', 'SimpleXML must be installed!'); $items = array(); $host = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/'; $feed_url = $this->root_feed; if (!$this->valid_url($feed_url)): $feed_url = $host . $feed_url; endif; $use_file_load = ($this->valid_url($feed_url)) || is_file($feed_url); $er = error_reporting(0); // Try to get feed directly try { try { if ($use_file_load): $feed = simplexml_load_file($feed_url, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); else: $feed = simplexml_load_string($feed_url, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); endif; } catch (Exception $e) { } } catch (Exception $e) { }; if (isset($feed) && ($feed)): // Direct load worked fine else: // Direct load did not work, let's try CURL (URL file-access is disabled ?) try { $file = $this->curl_get_file_contents($feed_url); if ($file): $feed = simplexml_load_string($file, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA | LIBXML_NOBLANKS); endif; } catch (Exception $e) { }; endif; error_reporting($er); if (isset($feed) && ($feed)): $feed = isset($feed->channel) ? $feed->channel->xpath("//media:content[contains(@url, 'var/resizes')]") : array(); $i = 0; foreach ($feed as $item): if ($limit > 0 AND $i++ === $limit) break; $items[] = (array) $item; endforeach; endif; return $items; } } ?>